WWW search.... A Month of Multiculturalism in Britain: February 2019 https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/13862/multiculturalism-britain-february by Soeren Kern March 11, 2019
[CONSIDER; although female genital mutilation [FGM], has been a criminal offense in Britain since 1985, "the illegal practice, ....may affect up to 60,000 girls in the UK". !!!!
Q. why so ?
we know that the practice of FGM is not native to the people of the U.K. and, if persons from immigrant communities [in the U.K.] have been well integrated into U.K. society [as i am sure those who support mass immigration into the U.K. will claim], why are so many persons from immigrant communities willing [and being permitted] to so blatantly flout U.K. laws, in this area related to the health of many young girls ? ]
WWW search.... North Dakota: Muslima arrested for threatening people with knife says “I’m being attacked because I am a Muslim” By Robert Spencer on Mar 13, 2019 04:00 pm
[while others are considered wrongdoers, for their wrongdoing, accused moslems, always claim to be the innocent victim.
this is coz, moslems are innocent people and, are the virtuous people. and when a moslem comes into any form of conflict with a disbeliever, then it is not possible for the moslem to be the wrongdoer [hey, 'i'm the innocent person' !]. DON'T BELIEVE ME ? Q. have you EVER, EVER, EVER, known a moslem, who has been charged with any criminal offence, within any Western nation, admit criminal guilt and wrongdoing ? ever ? ]
WWW search.... Georgia: Muslima assembles “kill lists” of servicemembers for group linked to the Islamic State By Robert Spencer on Mar 13, 2019
[nothing amiss here. those infidel service members, being in the service of the government of an infidel nation, are all confirmed, 100%, to be Allah's enemies. this is a completely kosher kill list. Q. did you ever wonder what our 'Aussie' muslima's kill lists look like ? i'm sure that ASIO is on it. ]
WWW search.... Islamic Republic of Iran sentences lawyer who defends women who don’t wear hijab to 38 years prison, 148 lashes By Robert Spencer on Mar 13, 2019 "Iranian human rights lawyer Sotoudeh sentenced to 38 years in prison, 148 lashes..."
[defending accused women in ISLAMIC courts, is not halal. and, "ISLAM is the most feminist religion" - Yassmin Abdel-Magied
ISLAM is peace, and ISLAMIC law is just and fair. "....and if you contradict us, we will, KILL YOU!, for insulting Allah's religion!" n.b. < ---- this is what the followers of ISLAM are defending. ]
WWW search.... Islamic State jihadi: “What is our guilt? What is our crime? We just wanted to apply the sharia of Allah.” By Robert Spencer on Mar 13, 2019 "ISIS is routinely dismissed [in the West] as un-Islamic, but...." [we must and should, examine how Jihadis always insist that their 'legitimate' authority, is wholly derived from the authority of ISLAMIC law, Allah's law !]
[IN AUSTRALIA; local moslems by their actions [over time], will often reveal, that they have little, or no respect, for Australian laws and Australian cultural norms. in every mosque in Australia, the imam will teach that ISLAMIC law is superior to 'man made' laws [i.e. local laws]. [and even though, moslems may publicly deny that, that is taught, here in Australia. this is what many imams teach to their congregants ---- > ]
WWW search.... the muslim must obey the law of the land - as long as local law does not violate Allah's law the muslim must obey the law of the land - except where local law is in conflict with Allah's law http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1491782088/4#4
WWW search.... “Islamophobia expert” who became an Islamic State jihadist is arrested in Syria By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 13, 2019
[coz, 'ISLAM-O-PHOBIA' is a crime against Allah. anyone who 'scrutinises' or criticises ISLAMIC teaching and the religion of ISLAM, can be said to be 'waging war against Allah'. [see below] ]
"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement, " Koran 5.33
WWW search.... Germany: Researcher blames multiculturalism for rise of Arab gangs and no-go zones in Berlin By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 13, 2019
[that is total B.S. everyone knows that ISLAM is peace, and the followers of ISLAM are the virtuous people. PERIOD. if there is wrongdoing, it is non-moslems who are the cause of it. PERIOD. ISLAM is peace. honest! ]