Where is, the 'exemplar' moslem majority nation ?
polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 13
th, 2019 at 1:53pm:
1/ Indonesia is a good example of living Islam -
2/ by simple virtue of being the largest muslim country in the world.
Indonesia is 1/ a good example of living Islam - by simple virtue of being 2/ the largest muslim country in the world.
I do not dispute your points, 1/ and 2/ above.
Yes, 2/ Indonesia is the country in the world with the largest moslem population,
and yes, 1/ Indonesia is a good example of [the many] followers of ISLAM in Indonesia, living and promoting ISLAM.
The population of Indonesia is > 200 million, and the vast majority of those 200 million people declare themselves to be followers of ISLAM.
And yes [i do agree with you that], the influence of ISLAMIC culture and ISLAMIC law is very strong, in Indonesia.
But in light of the examples and evidences [provided below], i don't see how, or why, you would choose to 'hold up' Indonesia' as an 'ensign' of ISLAMIC virtue and of ISLAMIC tolerance and of ISLAMIC justice, in law.
I provide these examples and evidences [below] which would contradict any assurtion or argument that a virtuous ISLAMIC based society, exists today, in Indonesia.
These being examples and evidences [imo], which would go a long way to convince [any reasonable person], that a virtuous, ISLAMIC based society, DOES NOT exist today, in Indonesia.
Can you tell us, AND WILL YOU TELL US ???, do you endorse any of these ISLAMIC virtues [listed below], which are commonly on display in Indonesia ?
ISLAM and ISLAMIC law, in Indonesia ------ >
ISLAM and ISLAMIC law, in Indonesia ------ >
ISLAM and ISLAMIC law, in Indonesia ------ >
WWW search.... gandalf, do you approve of this ISLAMIC virtue, in Indonesia ?
Sharia in Indonesia: Women unable to walk after brutal public whippings
Mar 7, 2019 9:10 am By Christine Douglass-Williams
WWW search.... gandalf, do you approve of this ISLAMIC virtue, in Indonesia ?
Indonesia: Teen girl and her boyfriend are caned for hugging in public
Feb 3, 2019 5:08 pm By Robert Spencer
WWW search.... gandalf, do you approve of this ISLAMIC virtue, in Indonesia ?
Indonesia: Muslim lawmakers reject anti-rape bill over concerns that it’s “pro-adultery” and “pro-LGBT”
Feb 3, 2019 4:36 pm By Robert Spencer
["Muslim lawmakers reject anti-rape bill" ??? on the face of it, is this a virtuous position, for the followers of ISLAM to support ? ]
WWW search.... gandalf, do you approve of this ISLAMIC virtue, in Indonesia ?
Indonesia: Muslim cleric linked to Bali jihad massacre to be released despite not renouncing “radicalism”
Jan 23, 2019 12:00 pm By Robert Spencer
WWW search.... gandalf, do you approve of this ISLAMIC virtue, in Indonesia ?
Indonesia: President whom foes say is insufficiently Islamic to release Muslim cleric behind Bali jihad massacre
Jan 20, 2019 8:00 am By Robert Spencer
[the influence of ISLAMIC religious law, overlaps into Indonesian politics ? ]
WWW search.... gandalf, do you approve of this ISLAMIC virtue, in Indonesia ?
Indonesia: Muslims plot jihad massacres during Christmas and New Year celebrations
Dec 15, 2018 1:41 pm By Robert Spencer
"Targeting people who are in the midst of joyful celebrations"
[such aggression is 100% lawful, in ISLAMIC law. Koran 9.123, Koran 9.111 ]
WWW search.... gandalf, do you approve of this ISLAMIC virtue, in Indonesia ?
Indonesia: Tens of thousands of Muslims rally to celebrate ousting of Christian governor who was accused of blasphemy
Dec 5, 2018 12:21 pm By Robert Spencer
[Q. gandalf, was it and act of blasphemy, for Christian politician
Ahok, to publicly quote a Koranic verse, verbatim ?
Q. gandalf, in an ISLAMIC law jurisdiction, should a non-moslem be permitted to publicly quote Koranic verses, in support of his own legal position ?
Q. what is the proper and appropriate ISLAMIC law 'remedy', if this is not permissible ? ]
WWW search.... gandalf, do you approve of this ISLAMIC virtue, in Indonesia ?
Indonesia: Christian politician faces blasphemy charge for saying she won’t support laws based on “Bible or Sharia”
Dec 2, 2018 7:55 am By Robert Spencer
[Q. are publicly expressing secular opinions and views unlawful, in Indonesian ? in Indonesian law ? ]
MORE.... [examples]