Here's a good article to read - 16 pages long:
The characteristics of recent climate change and its cause are
clear. The tropical oceans have warmed, not as a result of addi-
tional atmospheric carbon dioxide but most likely because of a
reduction in the transport of heat, as ocean currents slow. The
warmer tropical oceans have raised the temperature of the tropi-
cal atmosphere in turn, in particular through the medium of deep
equatorial convection clouds. Additional energy flowing from
the warmer tropical oceans has been transported by the winds
to enhance polar warming, especially in the winter months.
Put another way, recent warming is probably simply the re-
sult of a fluctuation in the ever-changing ocean circulation; car-
bon dioxide must be recognised as a very minor contributor to
the observed warming and one that is unlikely to prolong the
warming trend beyond the peak generated by the natural
oceanic oscillations.
There has been much speculation that the recent warm-
ing trend will generate extreme weather events dangerous
to humankind. The evidence is not compelling. The greatest
warming has been over high northern latitudes, when tem-
peratures are well below freezing. It will therefore be unlike-
ly to have any appreciable impact on flora or fauna. Notwith-
standing this, the impacts of both short- and medium-term
shifts in natural oscillations, such as El Niño and the Atlantic
Multidecadal Oscillation, will continue, and adequate pre-
paredness remain essential.
The pattern of recent global warming underscores the
validity of what meteorologists widely recognise: the oceans
are the vital inertial and thermal flywheels of the climate sys-
tem. The corollary is, if one wants to control climate, it will
be necessary to control the oceans. Efforts to decarbonise
in the hope of affecting global temperatures will be in vain.
GWPF invited the Royal Society and the Met Office to review this
paper, and to submit a response to be published as an appen-
dix to it. No reply was received.