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⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜ (Read 2266 times)
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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #30 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 1:29pm

Could this then be a possible reason President Trump doesn't mind the Report becoming Public?

Because of what it doesn't say - no Russian 'collusion'?

Or because the FISA warrants used to spy on the Trump Campaign were based on the now, through recently declassified documents,  the FISA warrants were based on an unverified & veritably fake 'Steele Dossier', & therefore were illegally ordered by the Courts because those requesting the warrants knew the Steele Dossier was bogus.

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« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2019 at 1:45pm by Panther »  

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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #31 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 1:33pm
Panther wrote on Mar 19th, 2019 at 1:29pm:


Hahaha I don't know whats funnier, that same look of complete confusion Tucker always pulls, or the fact you are taking him seriously.
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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⮞ Dossier Completely Debunked...All Lies!!!! ⮜
Reply #32 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 1:53pm
Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 19th, 2019 at 1:33pm:
Panther wrote on Mar 19th, 2019 at 1:29pm:

Could this then be a possible reason President Trump doesn't mind the Report becoming Public?

Because of what it doesn't say - no Russian 'collusion'?

Or because the FISA warrants used to spy on the Trump Campaign were based on the now, through recently declassified documents,  the FISA warrants were based on an unverified & veritably fake 'Steele Dossier', & therefore were illegally ordered by the Courts because those requesting the warrants knew the Steele Dossier was bogus.

Hahaha I don't know whats funnier, that same look of complete confusion Tucker always pulls, or the fact you are taking him seriously.

No, donkeyboy, aka LimpWeenie58 boy slave, because what he is saying has been sourced, & verified as factual because of the newly unclassified documents recently debunking the once praised President killer, the now proven bogus Steele Dossier. 

Federalist Papers
Former British spy Christopher Steele confessed that he used an unverified report submitted to a CNN website, where “random individuals” can post information, for his salacious anti-Trump dossier.

Steele made the awkward revelation during a deposition last year in a case involving Russian entrepreneur Aleksej Gubarev, who claims his companies Webzilla and XBT Holdings were defamed by Steele after the dossier was published by BuzzFeed.

Steele was asked during the deposition how he verified allegations about Gubarev’s companies and whether he found “anything of relevance concerning Webzilla,” according to the newly released transcripts of the deposition.

“We did. It was an article I have got here which was posted on July 28, 2009, on something called CNN iReport,” Steele said................

But CNN iReport, which appears to be no longer active — though archives remain accessible online — states that
it’s a “user-generated site” and warns that “the stories submitted by users are not edited, fact-checked or screened before they post.”

When asked whether the former British spy understood how the website actually worked, he confessed that “I do not have any particular knowledge of that” and noted he didn’t understand at the time that the site has “no connection to any CNN reporters.”

“Do you understand that CNN iReports are or were nothing more than any random individuals’ assertions on the Internet?” an examiner asked Steele.

He replied: “No, I obviously presume that if it is on a CNN site that it may has [sic] some kind of CNN status. Albeit that it may be an independent person posting on the site.”

On Friday it was revealed that the late Sen. John McCain gave the dossier to the FBI and to media sources including Buzzfeed.

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« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2019 at 3:43pm by Panther »  

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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #33 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 1:56pm
You're using Fox News. Not sure you can be banging on about factual/
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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⮞ Dossier Completely Debunked...All Lies!!!! ⮜
Reply #34 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 2:46pm

Christopher Steele Admitted Using Posts by
'Random Individuals' on 'CNN' Website to
Back Up Trump Dossier


Washington Examiner
Former British spy Christopher Steele admitted that he relied on an unverified report on a CNN website for part of the "Trump dossier," which was used as a basis for the FBI's investigation into Trump.

According to deposition transcripts released this week, Steele said last year he used a 2009 report he found on CNN's iReport website and said he wasn't aware that submissions to that site are posted by members of the public and are not checked for accuracy.

A web archive from July 29, 2009 shows that CNN described the site in this manner: “ is a user-generated site. That means the stories submitted by users are not edited, fact-checked, or screened before they post.”

In the dossier, Steele, a Cambridge-educated former MI6 officer, wrote about extensive allegations against Donald Trump, associates of his campaign, various Russians and other foreign nationals, and a variety of companies — including one called Webzilla. Those allegations would become part of an FBI investigation and would be used to apply for warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

During his deposition, Steele was pressed on the methods he used to verify allegations made about Webzilla, which was thought to be used by Russia to hack into Democratic emails.

When asked if he discovered “anything of relevance concerning Webzilla” during the verification process, Steele replied: “We did. It was an article I have got here which was posted on July 28, 2009, on something called CNN iReport.”

"I do not have any particular knowledge of that," Steele said when asked what was his understanding of how the iReport website worked.

When asked if he understood that content on the site was not generated by CNN reporters, he said, "I do not." He was then asked: “Do you understand that they have no connection to any CNN reporters?” Steele replied, “I do not.”

He was pressed on this further: “Do you understand that CNN iReports are or were nothing more than any random individuals’ assertions on the Internet?” Steele replied: “No, I obviously presume that if it is on a CNN site that it may has some kind of CNN status. Albeit that it may be an independent person posting on the site."

When asked about his methodology for searching for this information, Steele described it as “what we could call an open source search,” which he defined as “where you go into the Internet and you access material that is available on the Internet that is of relevance or reference to the issue at hand or the person under consideration.”

Steele said his dossier contained "raw intelligence" that he admitted could contain untrue or even "deliberately false information."

Steele was hired by the opposition research firm Fusion GPS to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016. Fusion GPS was receiving funding at the time from the Clinton campaign and the DNC through the Perkins Coie law firm.

The series of memos that Steele would eventually compile became known as the “Trump Dossier.”
The dossier was used in FISA applications to surveil Trump campaign associate Carter Page.

When asked whether he warned Fusion GPS that the information in the dossier might be “Russian disinformation,” Steele admitted that “a general understanding existed between us and Fusion … that all material contained this risk.”

Steele also described his interactions with Sen. John McCain's aide, David Kramer, whose own deposition showed that he provided BuzzFeed with a copy of the dossier and had spoken with more than a dozen journalists about it.

“I provided copies of the December memo to Fusion GPS for onward passage to David Kramer at the request of Sen. John McCain," Steele said. "Sen. McCain nominated him as the intermediary. I did not choose him as the intermediary.”

When asked if he told Kramer that he couldn't "vouch for everything that was produced in the memos," Steele replied, "Yes, with an emphasis on 'everything.'"

When asked why he believed it was so important to provide the dossier to Sen. McCain, Steele said: “Because I judged it had national security implications for the United States and the West as a whole.”

How the worm turns!

The Ozpolictic LeftTards, led by LimpWeenie58 & his lot, from what he repeatedly said, & I paraphrase here: "...the Steele/Trump Dossier has been verified as completely true & accurate.."  "...the accusations in the Dossier have been found to be absolutely true..." or words to that basic effect... what the Ozpolictic LeftTards considered as gospel, has now been debunked as total bullsh!t!

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« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2019 at 2:56pm by Panther »  

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⮞ Dossier Completely Debunked...All Lies!!!! ⮜
Reply #35 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 3:06pm
Now it makes sense why President Trump would most probably like to see Mueller's Report made Public.....why not......the Entire Russian Collusion Witch Hunt was based on the now 'Debunked Dossier', financed by SHillary Clinton & the DNC Mob to discredit the legally elected President of the United States of America.

I can see a chuckling President Trump finally being able to take great joy & satisfaction striking out the entire Mueller Report as a total waste of time & taxpayer money, & The AG, William Barr giving the frothing Congress democ-RATS a ream of blank pieces of paper!  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin


......    .........    ......

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« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2019 at 3:36pm by Panther »  

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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #36 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 4:16pm
Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 19th, 2019 at 1:56pm:
You're using Fox News. Not sure you can be banging on about factual/

Anyone that quotes Tucker Carlson - the only fax-moron less reliable than Sean Hannity - is a moron.

And pitiful-panther IS a moron.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #37 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 4:17pm
the problem for the anti-dossier crowd is that EVERY SINGLE POINT that has been investigated by the FBI has been confirmed.

NOT A SINGLE POINT has been debunked.

Trump is a russian asset.
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AUSSIE: "Speaking for myself, I could not care less about 298 human beings having their life snuffed out in a nano-second, or what impact that loss has on Members of their family, their parents..."
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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #38 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 5:09pm

Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Lyin' LimpWeenie58 appears to be Lyin' again....... Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

'Dossier' Author Admits Using Online Gossip
As His Source


The author of the “dossier” of unverified claims about President Trump that was used by the Obama administration as evidence before a secret Washington court to obtain permission to spy on the Trump 2016 campaign was based largely on … gossip.

That’s according to its author.

The Washington Examiner reported Christopher Steele, an ex-British spy who was hired to write the unverified claims, admitted using what amounted to gossip on a CNN website as a source.

Steele revealed, in a deposition only now being reported, that he used material from CNN’s iReport website for his allegations, which later were adopted by the Obama administration.

The document is said to have played a major role in triggering the special counsel investigation by Robert Mueller of alleged collusion with Russia.

The Examiner noted, “According to deposition transcripts released this week, Steele said last year he used a 2009 report he found on CNN’s iReport website and said he wasn’t aware that submissions to that site are posted by members of the public and are not checked for accuracy.”

That means the statements he used as evidence easily could fall into the same category as online claims that Elvis still is alive, that the government carried out the 9/11 attacks and the world is ending in 12 years.

CNN explained is a user-generated site, meaning “the stories submitted by users are not edited, fact-checked, or screened before they post.”

But Steele jumped on the claims and regurgitated them as “facts.”

“In the dossier, Steele, a Cambridge-educated former MI6 officer, wrote about extensive allegations against Donald Trump, associates of his campaign, various Russians and other foreign nationals, and a variety of companies — including one called Webzilla. Those allegations would become part of an FBI investigation and would be used to apply for warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,” the report said.

Steele said during his deposition he didn’t know how iReport worked.

He admitted he didn’t know the statements on the site were not generated by CNN reporters.

“Do you understand that CNN iReports are or were nothing more than any random individuals’ assertions on the internet?” he was asked.

He said that for his research he used “open source” material.

Steele’ was overseen by Fusion GPS, which was funded by the Clinton campaign and the DNC to compile claims about then-candidate Trump.

The Department of Justice under Obama then submitted the material to a court as if it were fact.

Radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh said: “It confirms everything we thought about this bogus thing from the beginning. … This stupid investigation is still ongoing. … If I were Trump, I would have lost my mind by now.”

The London Daily Mail said Steele’s admission was “embarrassing.”

His statement came in a court case brought by Russian entrepreneur Aleksei Gubarev. The case took place last year but papers have just been unsealed from it.

GPS Fusion chief Glenn Simpson at one point invoked his Fifth Amendment right  not to testify to the House Judiciary Committee on the subject.

WND also reported leftist billionaire George Soros indirectly funded the opposition research firm behind the infamous Steele dossier.

The funding of Fusion GPS for the Russia project was provided partly through a grant by Soros to the nonprofit Democracy Integrity Project, Soros aide Michael Vachon told Washington Post columnist David Ignatius.

The nonprofit organization paid Fusion GPS as a contractor to continue a probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, the Daily Caller News Foundation reported.

Don't believe a single word of what Lyin' LimpWeenie58 says about this issue......Whatever credibility he ever had, & any he might have thought he had left has been totally shot to shyddt!!!

The Steele/Trump Dossier has been Completely Debunked, not by Trump.......not by the FBI......not by Congress..........No, it was Completely Debunked by the #1 man behind the Dossier.......THE AUTHOR OF THE DOSSIER HIMSELF, under oath in court via direct testimony.....Ex-British Spy, Christopher Steele, yes the same Ex-British Spy who was summarily fired by the FBI for lying to them, & leaking false information......that Christopher Steele.

That's who Lyin' LimpWeenie58 is putting all his chips on........Lyin' Christopher Steele, the fired & disgraced ex-FBI employee, & ex-British Spy who was paid & worked in behalf of SHillary Clinton & the DNC Mob to discredit the then Candidate Trump, & now President Trump, with false, made-up allegations & lies!

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« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2019 at 5:18pm by Panther »  

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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #39 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 6:02pm
longweekend58 wrote on Mar 19th, 2019 at 4:17pm:
the problem for the anti-dossier crowd is that EVERY SINGLE POINT that has been investigated by the FBI has been confirmed.

NOT A SINGLE POINT has been debunked.

Trump is a russian asset.

any proof ?

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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #40 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 11:54pm
Marla wrote on Mar 19th, 2019 at 9:30am:
Mortdooley wrote on Mar 18th, 2019 at 8:04pm:
Marla wrote on Mar 18th, 2019 at 11:49am:
I want to see his tax returns first

I want to see yours, with the personal information redacted. You get a tax credit for being morally handicapped don't you? Or do you even need to file do to government dependent status?

I had to pay over $17,000 on a taxable income of $155,000 for 2018! How did you do? You can round off to the nearest ten dollars.

You do know your Monopoly money doesn't count. But let's say you did work and pay it's only going to get worse thank to your F A T Orange butt-buddy.

Stay stupid, morty torty

We all deal in monopoly money, our government script is only worth what the government says it is! Without last years tax cuts I would have payed at least three thousand more.

When you stop drinking the liberal cool-aid you see how different your life can be. Someone here said they minored in economics but seems to have no clue how to manage money. There must be a conflict between their training and their financial success. The Debtor is the slave of the Lender.
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The only difference between a Communist and a Democrat is the spelling.
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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #41 - Mar 20th, 2019 at 7:51am
SerialBrain9 wrote on Mar 17th, 2019 at 7:26pm:
The investigation started without any evidence of a crime which makes it illegal.

See 4th Amendment:

Even if there was Russian Collusion you would not take it to a court of law because, by law, it can’t be submitted as evidence.

(Although you can try to smear people with it)

But there is no evidence as already stated by both Democrats and GOP Houses.


And that’s why the House has opened another 81 investigations into Russian collusion and Trump - they are trying to keep the Narritave going at all cost.

Only a complete lying smacking fork wit would actually believe in the Russian Collusion.

In fact - all investigations led to collusion to the DNC and the Clintons colluding with the Russians - See Uranium One and Steel Dozier.

But shhh - we shall not talk about that.  Undecided

Manafort's already been convicted and sentenced, Mechanic. Your belief has no basis in law, dear.

The investigation was called by the Justice Department, with a brief to investigate any crimes it comes across in the course of its investigation.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?
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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #42 - Mar 20th, 2019 at 7:58am
Mortdooley wrote on Mar 19th, 2019 at 11:54pm:
Marla wrote on Mar 19th, 2019 at 9:30am:
Mortdooley wrote on Mar 18th, 2019 at 8:04pm:
Marla wrote on Mar 18th, 2019 at 11:49am:
I want to see his tax returns first

I want to see yours, with the personal information redacted. You get a tax credit for being morally handicapped don't you? Or do you even need to file do to government dependent status?

I had to pay over $17,000 on a taxable income of $155,000 for 2018! How did you do? You can round off to the nearest ten dollars.

You do know your Monopoly money doesn't count. But let's say you did work and pay it's only going to get worse thank to your F A T Orange butt-buddy.

Stay stupid, morty torty

We all deal in monopoly money, our government script is only worth what the government says it is! Without last years tax cuts I would have payed at least three thousand more.

When you stop drinking the liberal cool-aid you see how different your life can be. Someone here said they minored in economics but seems to have no clue how to manage money. There must be a conflict between their training and their financial success. The Debtor is the slave of the Lender.

The Federal Reserves are independent from government, dear. Mr Trump often suggested to his ex-advisor Cohn that he should just print more money - I.e, sell more US bonds.

Sorry, Mr President, it doesn't work that way. You don't set the interest rate, you don't run the treasury.

Lucky, no?
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Re: ⮞ President says Make Mueller Report Public ⮜
Reply #43 - Mar 20th, 2019 at 10:35am
Karnal wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 7:58am:
Sorry, Mr President, it doesn't work that way. You don't set the interest rate, you don't run the treasury.

The Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, is head of the Department of the Treasury, a department within the President's Cabinet.

The Secretary of the Treasury answers to, & reports directly to, the President of the United States.

The Department of the Treasury has many responsibilities, & oversees many functions such as the printing of all US currency & the minting of all US coins.

The Secretary of the Treasury is 5th in the United States Presidential line of succession.

The President doesn't run the Treasury himself, but the man who answers directly to the President does. Wink
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« Last Edit: Mar 20th, 2019 at 10:41am by Panther »  

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Re: ⮞ Dossier Completely Debunked...All Lies!!!! ⮜
Reply #44 - Mar 20th, 2019 at 10:44am
Panther wrote on Mar 19th, 2019 at 3:06pm:
Now it makes sense why President Trump would most probably like to see Mueller's Report made Public.....why not......the Entire Russian Collusion Witch Hunt was based on the now 'Debunked Dossier', financed by SHillary Clinton & the DNC Mob to discredit the legally elected President of the United States of America.

Even if that were true, which it isn't, not entirely anyway, how does that negate the evidence that has since been uncovered?

It doesn't.

You're using it as a tool to cast doubt on the truth that will be revealed.

You wouldn't need to engage in such spin if Trump, the Trump Organisation, his family and more importantly his behaviour wasn't so linked to Russia or straight up Pro-Russia.

You might want to blame it all on a big conspiracy but have you bothered to stop and think, what if it were true?

We know Trump would not be President if it wasn't for the Russians.  Trump himself was never expecting to win.

The question is, and it's a valid and immensely important one, how much of the Russian interference was just sheer dumb luck for Trump or how involved was he/his team in it?

If you're willing to use the fake evidence of Pizzagate to get all in on Clinton being a child rapist and sex trafficker, there is far more legitimate links and evidence of Trump and Russia to at least warrant asking the question.

I think the ferocity in which you attack those who do ask the question only shows that you agree and are worried about what happens next.

Excuses and conspiracy will go only so far.

That said, there are a lot of gullible, lazy and dumb Americans who are more interested in having their opinions and political leanings reinforces rather than getting to the truth, so maybe you'll fool enough people, even if only with the confines of this forum, to make it all worthwhile.

But given some of the terrible things said and certain things supported in the shadows of the NZ Massacre here, the majority of those here are already singing from the same songbook as you anyway.
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