greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 20
th, 2019 at 11:26am:
SerialBrain9 wrote on Mar 20
th, 2019 at 11:18am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 20
th, 2019 at 11:08am:
SerialBrain9 wrote on Mar 20
th, 2019 at 11:02am:
Gordon wrote on Mar 20
th, 2019 at 8:30am:
Perhaps non-compulsory for 16-18.
I would raise it to 21 these days with kids in a never ending bubble of schools until that age.
Why would you exclude adult students from voting?
Because most of them haven’t lived in the Real World, Worked or Paid Taxes or even thought for themselves.
If you were in the Military by that age that would be a different story.
University is a very large part of the "real world".Most university students, and a large proportion of high school students, have jobs and pay taxes. McDonald's, Coles, etc.
I'm not sure if you've ever been to university, but you certainly need to think for yourself during assessments.
The military, however, teaches you to
not think for yourself.
Super High School or as you call it University is far from the "real world", it is the last refuge to be a child. If you have no adult responsibility you tend to vote for free stuff from those with responsibility. Rights and responsibilities are two sides of the same coin, if you have no responsibilities you have no right to impose your will on those who do.
Economics should teach people that if you spend the extra four or more years in class and create $100,000 or more in student debt you can not default on your lifetime income better make it worth it! Having a trade school certification learning to do something of real value in the "real world" has much more value to employers then your Arts Degree. If you can make responsible choices in life you are more likely to make responsible choices in the voting booth.
Beatoff seems to be competing with Chiquita Khrushchev for the dumbest A-hole in politics and has the support of people like you.
We definitely need to raise the voting age to at least 25 since current theory is that the brain hasn't fully developed before then!
A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.
What do the Democrats promise? Something for nothing, a free lunch, a chicken in every pot, vote democrat because work sucks. Let others do it and share with us! Fifty percent of Americans pay no federal income tax and about eighty percent of those are on some form of government assistance and they vote! I'm sure you think that is fair.
Democrat platform proposals:
-Abolish the Electoral College
-Expand SCOTUS
-Make the Senate representative of population
-Let 16 year olds vote
-Have a policy suggestion box
-Massive wealth redistribution through tax and envt'l policy
-Permit killing viable babies