Dnarever wrote on Apr 4
th, 2019 at 9:47pm:
Gnads wrote on Apr 4
th, 2019 at 8:55pm:
Dnarever wrote on Apr 4
th, 2019 at 6:51pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 3
rd, 2019 at 7:50pm:
So saying that you abhorred the actual event, but said that in view of world events it was inevitable - is now Hate Speech?
What a bunch of namby-pambies this nation has become under feminist tutelage...
Well - I'm sorry to say that such an event was inevitable - but that still doesn't make it right, and I long ago said that it appeared the NaZiland Muslim population were a pretty peaceful lot.
So, BTW, were the majority of people killed in terrorist attacks worldwide....
abhorred the actual event
Whan did he supposidly say this, it was not in any of the original quotes ?
Seems to be an attempt to produce a retrospective get out of jail card. Where did you see the quotes?
Found it - it was at the beginning of his press release, rather pathetic excuse for what he said following it.
The statement was as hollow as it could be. i) Told yez....
ii) Only in the eyes of those who choose to see it that way. As issuevoter said - it is a simple statement of fact.
I think some of the hysteria could slow down a bit, and take stock of what is actually being said.
You're all doing what Tarrant wanted and wants - you're turning on one another and signaling to the radical Muslims that we are weak and divided, instead of standing together and saying - as Anning did - that all reasonable people reject the actions of this zealot, but that it was inevitable at some time.
Would you all have the same hostility going if it happened in the US or Britain?
Before any of you start on me again - I said from the start that the NZ Muslim society seemed a peaceful lot, and I constantly refer to the victims as 'innocent Muslims', and I've called for fifty consecutive sentences of life for fifty murders ...... but I still agree that such a vile act was inevitable given world events for many years now.
Sad that the planet has come to this.... but that's life's way of telling you that you are still alive ...