Karnal wrote on Apr 4
th, 2019 at 8:13pm:
Frank wrote on Apr 4
th, 2019 at 8:04pm:
Thought experiment.
At a gathering of (your choice of identity group here) 50 of them are killed in cold blood.
Must we then stop being critical of said group? (After observing the decent interval of mourning and rites).
Marvellous analysis there, old boy, but we were just dealing with the question of whether these so-called "victims" are to blame.
What do you think?
Anning didn't blame the victims. Nobody has ever blamed those 50 dead for their fate.
Anning said Muslim immigration into the West has brought this on. He echoed Powell whose prophesy this event - and many others - fulfilled. And both Powell and Anning are right insofar as nothing like this could happen in a Western country with no Muslim immigration.
He opened his statement by unequivocally rejecting the gunman's actions.
Nobody is shooting up liberal democratic gatherings of immigrants or assimilated gatherings of immigrants. Standing aside, standing apart, standing against always DOES attract opprobrium. Not personal but group, tribal opprobrium. Happens everywhere all the time. This is no exception. Muslims attack and murder other Muslims who have a different view about Mo's rightful successor. 1400 years on. They have murdered far, far more people for that little disagreement than Tarrant or anyone of the suburban warriors could dream of.
You Muslims have been murdering each other and the kuffar for much less for 1400 years. Many, many Muslim in the West cultivate their apartness, more, their opposition, very conspicuously and purposefully. They relish sticking out like dogs' balls. Anyone sticking out like that in THEIR countries is dealt with very, very harshly indeed.
This doesn't save the dead. but it does point out the rank hypocrisy of the survivors who mine the tragedy of their dead for base, grubby sectarian, anti-Western points. It shows up just what their interest in the event really is: spreading the lies about the innocent victimhood of the partisans of Submission.
Islam is neither innocent nor a victim. That's all Anning tried to convey, in my reading of it.