cods wrote on Apr 18
th, 2019 at 2:47pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 18
th, 2019 at 2:44pm:
cods wrote on Apr 18
th, 2019 at 2:25pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 18
th, 2019 at 2:21pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 18
th, 2019 at 2:13pm:
The proposed stunts, designed to attract global attention and help Senator Anning get re-elected, include performing in "blackface and other taboos" and "burning the Koran".
Another stated goal is "obtaining and accessing a giant email and SMS database" in order to send messages that are "extremely right-wing".
are you in favor of that???
I dont see you condemning GETUP or PALMER for doing much the same thing.
Can you give me an example of GetUp! doing much the same thing?
spending money and sending out so called volunteers on doorknocking to spruik the word of a faceless goon....its the affect that matters... and of course where the money comes from??..
but that doesnt interest you either does it?..
you are not curious about any of that I wonder why!
am curious.
So, I looked.
I found out where the money comes from by simply going to GetUp!'s website.
Amanda Lopez 2018/2019 $13,020
Ian Landon-Smith 2018/2019 $10,000
Anne Coombs and Susan Varga 2018/2019 $16,832
Anne Borgert 2018/2019 $10,040
Daniel and Lyndell Droga 2018/2019 $20,000
Peter Brown 2018/2019 $10,000
Tony and Maureen Wheeler (contribution to administration) 2018/2019 $10,000
Johanna Featherstone 2018/2019 $30,000
Factory X 2018/2019 $20,000
Janet Cameron 2018/2019 $200,000
JE and SJ McKinnon 2018/2019 $80,000
European Climate Foundation 2018/2019 $92,997.96
The Sunrise Project (contribution to climate justice to protect the natural environment from carbon pollution and over exploitation) 2018/2019 $495,000
The Russell Mills Foundation 2018/2019 $40,000
James Christie and Sally Paton 2018/2019 $50,500
Clive Blazey 2018/2019 $10,000
Karen Loblay 2018/2019 $17,400
Estate of the late Dr Jan Barendregt 2018/2019 $18,951.31
Minax Uriel Pty Ltd for the late Norman Rothfield Peace and Justice Fund 2018/2019 $142,230
Sue Holmes 2018/2019 $33,750
Bill Bush 2018/2019 $11,170
Norman James 2017/2018 $11,783
Heather Barrett 2017/2018 $10,340
Tony and Maureen Wheeler (contribution to improve policy and practice towards refugees and asylum seekers in Australia) 2017/2018 $86,000
Estate of the late Dr Jan Barendregt 2017/2018 $100,000
Estate of the late Paul Hogan 2017/2018 $29,205.32
Karin Andersson 2017/2018 $10,805
Sue Holmes 2017/2018 $13,500
Joan Croll AO 2017/2018 $11,740
Estate of the late Claire Eliza Brunner 2017/2018 $100,000
Ann Jacobs 2017/2018 $10,000
Karen Loblay AM 2017/2018 $40,700
Minax Uriel Pty Ltd for the late Norman Rothfield Peace and Justice Fund 2017/2018 $42,360
Estate of the late Linda Jean McDonald 2017/2018 $10,000
Lush Australia 2017/2018 $80,000
Avaaz Foundation 2017/2018 $72,630.42
JE and SJ McKinnon 2017/2018 $40,000
Brian Snape AM 2016/2017 $11,140
Tony and Maureen Wheeler (contribution to increase capacity to coordinate crucial advocacy to improve outcomes for asylum seekers and refugees) 2016/2017 $240,000
Lush Australia 2016/2017 $37,404
Jean LeQuesne 2016/2017 $10,000
Helen Semler 2016/2017 $11,100
Sue Holmes 2016/2017 $12,650
Karen Loblay AM 2016/2017 $53,000
Minax Uriel Pty Ltd for the late Norman Rothfield Peace and Justice Fund 2016/2017 $20,360
Sally Perini 2016/2017 $10,000
Oak Foundation 2016/2017 $63,693
Sally Perini 2015/2016 $15,200
Sean Triner and Christiana Stergiou 2015/2016 $25,000
Chris Allen 2015/2016 $28,600
Campact 2015/2016 $42,960.81
Minax Uriel Pty Ltd for the late Norman Rothfield Peace and Justice Fund 2015/2016 $152,435
Amanda Lopez 2015/2016 $66,270
Karen Loblay AM 2015/2016 $43,960
Shanna Langdon 2015/2016 $10,000
Brian Snape AM 2015/2016 $14,375
Amanda Lopez 2014/2015 $103,125
Avaaz Foundation 2014/2015 $99,985
Karen Loblay AM 2014/2015 $50,100
Minax Uriel Pty Ltd for the late Norman Rothfield Peace and Justice Fund 2014/2015 $53,975
Avaaz Foundation 2013/2014 $95,633
John and Sue McKinnon 2013/2014 $10,000
Dr Christopher Allen 2013/2014 $20,000
Karen Loblay AM 2013/2014 $11,160
SM Varga and A D Coombs 2012/2013 $40,000
Roger Allen 2012/2013 $60,000
Tarkine Wilderness Pty Ltd 2011/2012 $10,000
Linda Kepitis 2011/2012 $10,000
Chris Morris 2011/2012 $10,000
Australian Education Union 2011/2012 $10,000