I am not sure where I stand on whats happening in Australia today... I am pretty sure I dont like what I see or read..

Like Anning or not.....
we do or did live in a Democracy...one that held FREE SPEECH for everyone...
even those you dont agree with....
sadly for us Anning is in the Senate he is there by default of an archaic system...
not because he was VOTED IN......please people remember that bit..he got 19 primary votes...
he does not speak for all Australians...
had his stupid comments been ignored they would have been forgotten instead we have now turned them into something... even MORE DEMEANING..
censuring OMG...
I was horrified of the attack on Anning by other senators....I admire Hanson for having the balls to refuse to join in that.............bullying stance...
sorry if that upset anyone but thats what it was....he sat there while they poured their vitriol over him...

... and all it did was make him stronger in his beliefs....as I expected it would...

they didnt change his mind one iota....
they tried to shame him into backing down....all it did was show them up as nasty gang like bullies...
now hes being banned by Qantas SNOB ROOM....... who gave them the right to pick and choose???????>....
sanctimonious ....much!