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Australia bans Anning in Parliment (Read 9200 times)
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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #75 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 11:45am
Jasin wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 11:36am:
Well, we know that you don't have to be the sharpest tool in the shed to work out that the Media is doing to the New Worlds, what Religion did to the Old Worlds... screw em over!  Roll Eyes

Exactly. The tabloid media indoctrinates white supremacism and the broadsheets and state broadcasters spread Western global influence.

The tabloid Fox, for example, appeals to a reactionary white audience. Hence, they've put their support behind Trump, a white nationalist.

The BBC goes for the economic rationalists and globalists. It's a modern version of Rule Britainia, only not through naval strength, but through business. CNN preaches from the same hymn sheet.

These world views are indeed the new religions. Just take a look at the debate here.

Today, we call it ideology, not religion. But we still have our gods.
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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #76 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:02pm
Dnarever wrote on Apr 3rd, 2019 at 6:21pm:
It takes someone really special to blame the victims of such an atrocity.

Its a little more complicated than that ,, In regards the countries and cultures that these people come from and the religion they have chosen to follow
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #77 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:34pm
Well - it was inevitable that one day someone like Anning would make a comment about a massacre of innocent Muslims, given the never-ending world events ....

The Truthsayer is always never a prophet in his own feminist village...

I mean - a preacher can say that cat meat makes it inevitable that women will be sexually assaulted, or that clean shaven men run the risk of being sexual objects for raging hormones etc.... and that's perfectly all right - silence is not golden but deafening..  though it certainly speaks as much as gold does in reality....

When a Wharte Man says a backlash to endless incidents is inevitable - he is attacked without mercy by the tribe....

Wharte Lives Don't Matter... they're riding on privilege so why should they even be considered?  It's a White primarily Male Privilege to be a victim of the downtrodden and persecuted....   Cool
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #78 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:49pm
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:34pm:
Well - it was inevitable that one day someone like Anning would make a comment about a massacre of innocent Muslims, given the never-ending world events ....

The Truthsayer is always never a prophet in his own feminist village...

I mean - a preacher can say that cat meat makes it inevitable that women will be sexually assaulted, or that clean shaven men run the risk of being sexual objects for raging hormones etc.... and that's perfectly all right - silence is not golden but deafening..  though it certainly speaks as much as gold does in reality....

When a Wharte Man says a backlash to endless incidents is inevitable - he is attacked without mercy by the tribe....

Wharte Lives Don't Matter... they're riding on privilege so why should they even be considered?  It's a White primarily Male Privilege to be a victim of the downtrodden and persecuted....   Cool

Brenton Tarrant didn't take any white lives, dear. Everyone he shot was tinted.

Whitey lives to fight another day, no?
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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #79 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:59pm
Karnal wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 11:28am:
Aussie wrote on Apr 3rd, 2019 at 6:56pm:
[quote author=Gnads link=1554279378/3#3 date=1554280350]Anning is not banned as yet

and I don't believe any petition should be used to make that sort of decision.

He cannot be 'banned' or removed except via an election, the one in May.  That 'censure' thing was just political posturing.....appropriate I hasten to say....but otherwise of zero impact.

Actually, I think he can, Aussie. The senate isn't representative. It's a House of Lords, presided over by the parties, not the Queen. Senators serve at the whim of the parties (or independents) with the most votes.

Hence, the ALP was able to sack Sam Dastyari for not towing the party line.

They threw him out of the ALP.  They did not throw him out of the Senate.

Fair enough too.

Your old party, the Palmer United Party, would have been perfectly within their rights to sack Jaqui Lambie when she quit the party. The reason they didn't, I believe, is Palmer didn't have the votes in his party, which by their own rules, required a vote by the majority of parliamentarians.

In PUP, Palmer was God, and did what he liked.  There was no structure of any substance.  It was all smoke and mirrors.

So yes, I believe One Nation could indeed sack Fraser Anning and appoint one of their own. I'm not sure why they haven't, but it probably has something to do with the rules of the current senate and members being sworn in for a particular term.

They have booted him out or caused his being no longer a Member of PHON.  He then became a Member of KAP.  They booted him out...of the Party...but he remains a Senator notwithstanding all of that.
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #80 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 1:35pm
Karnal wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:49pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:34pm:
Well - it was inevitable that one day someone like Anning would make a comment about a massacre of innocent Muslims, given the never-ending world events ....

The Truthsayer is always never a prophet in his own feminist village...

I mean - a preacher can say that cat meat makes it inevitable that women will be sexually assaulted, or that clean shaven men run the risk of being sexual objects for raging hormones etc.... and that's perfectly all right - silence is not golden but deafening..  though it certainly speaks as much as gold does in reality....

When a Wharte Man says a backlash to endless incidents is inevitable - he is attacked without mercy by the tribe....

Wharte Lives Don't Matter... they're riding on privilege so why should they even be considered?  It's a White primarily Male Privilege to be a victim of the downtrodden and persecuted....   Cool

Brenton Tarrant didn't take any white lives, dear. Everyone he shot was tinted.

Whitey lives to fight another day, no?

For a change ....... the point is that MohamedMosque was a change from the general run of events... the one exception that proves the rule .. but that in discussion of terrorist events, it is more often the case that White Lives Don't Matter...
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #81 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 1:36pm
Aussie wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:59pm:
They threw him out of the ALP.  They did not throw him out of the Senate.

I'm not aware of Dastiyari being expelled from the labor party.

He voluntarily resigned from the senate, presumably after he was heavily leaned upon by Shorten.

I've never heard of the senate actually booting someone out of the senate, or if they even have that power.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #82 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 4:02pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 1:36pm:
Aussie wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:59pm:
They threw him out of the ALP.  They did not throw him out of the Senate.

I'm not aware of Dastiyari being expelled from the labor party.

He voluntarily resigned from the senate, presumably after he was heavily leaned upon by Shorten.

I've never heard of the senate actually booting someone out of the senate, or if they even have that power.

Correct.  I stuffed that up.
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

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West Auckland
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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #83 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 4:06pm
Aussie wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 4:02pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 1:36pm:
Aussie wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:59pm:
They threw him out of the ALP.  They did not throw him out of the Senate.

I'm not aware of Dastiyari being expelled from the labor party.

He voluntarily resigned from the senate, presumably after he was heavily leaned upon by Shorten.

I've never heard of the senate actually booting someone out of the senate, or if they even have that power.

Correct.  I stuffed that up.

I respect a person that can admit they made a mistake  Cool
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 88048
Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #84 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 5:35pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 10:21am:
cods wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 9:59am:
I am not sure where I stand on whats happening in Australia today... I am pretty sure I dont like what I see or read.. Sad Sad

Like Anning or not.....

we do or did live in a that held FREE SPEECH  for everyone...

even those you dont agree with....

sadly for us Anning is in the Senate   he is there by default  of an archaic system...

not because he was VOTED IN......please people remember that bit..he got 19 primary votes...

he does not speak for all Australians...

had his stupid comments been ignored they would have been forgotten  instead we have now turned them into something... even MORE DEMEANING..

censuring   OMG...

I was horrified of the attack on Anning by other senators....I admire Hanson for having the balls to refuse to join in that.............bullying stance...

sorry if that upset anyone   but thats what it was....he sat there while they poured their vitriol  over him... Angry... and all it did was make him stronger in his I expected it would... Angry Angry

they didnt change his mind one iota....

they tried to shame him into backing down....all it did was show them up as nasty gang like bullies...

now hes being banned by Qantas SNOB ROOM.......   who gave them the right to pick and choose???????>....

sanctimonious ....much!

Cods you seem to be suggesting that a senate censure motion is tantamount to attacking free speech.

It is not. Anning was free to say his racist bile, and he continues to be free to say more racist bile. However much he likes.

All the senate did was to say that the senate officially condemns what Anning said, and to make clear that his racist bile should not be seen as reflective of the senate.

Again, that is *NOT* attacking free speech.

so you agree with the "stoning"  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

why am I surprised...

no it wasnt all the senate did..

they took it in turns   to look point and say some very vile things.....they did not a thing to change his mind   

gandy he claimed those Muslims in NZ are FANATICS....who was he referring too  those dead or the murderer??..

he should have been challenged over that comment alone....but he wasnt he was "stoned"   and insulted two wrongs make a right???

not as far as I can make out..

as you say he can dig his heels in  and more people will feel sorry for him and probably even re elect him...

we dont know......

I expect more from our senate.. I expect them to rise above ... not go lower......

Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry

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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #85 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 5:36pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 1:36pm:
Aussie wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:59pm:
They threw him out of the ALP.  They did not throw him out of the Senate.

I'm not aware of Dastiyari being expelled from the labor party.
He voluntarily resigned from the senate, presumably after he was heavily leaned upon by Shorten.

I've never heard of the senate actually booting someone out of the senate, or if they even have that power.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #86 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 6:10pm
Penny Wong's performance was outstanding, nothing short of an apologist extraordinaire for which this Asian lesbian is well known for, did I hear her say she was speaking for all Australians in the senate the other day, she bullshits a lot.

Penny is still rootable though, just.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #87 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 6:18pm
BigP wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:02pm:
Dnarever wrote on Apr 3rd, 2019 at 6:21pm:
It takes someone really special to blame the victims of such an atrocity.

Its a little more complicated than that ,, In regards the countries and cultures that these people come from and the religion they have chosen to follow

No it really isn't.
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Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #88 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 6:31pm

as you say he can dig his heels in  and more people will feel sorry for him and probably even re elect him...

I will bet you $1000.00.  You can bet $10.00.  If he is re-elected, I will pay you immediately on his re-election (in May, 2019) $1000.00.  If he is not, you pay me...with the same immediacy....$10.00.  Okay?
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

Posts: 96880
Re: Australia bans Anning in Parliment
Reply #89 - Apr 4th, 2019 at 6:36pm
Aussie wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 12:59pm:
Karnal wrote on Apr 4th, 2019 at 11:28am:
Aussie wrote on Apr 3rd, 2019 at 6:56pm:
[quote author=Gnads link=1554279378/3#3 date=1554280350]Anning is not banned as yet

and I don't believe any petition should be used to make that sort of decision.

He cannot be 'banned' or removed except via an election, the one in May.  That 'censure' thing was just political posturing.....appropriate I hasten to say....but otherwise of zero impact.

Actually, I think he can, Aussie. The senate isn't representative. It's a House of Lords, presided over by the parties, not the Queen. Senators serve at the whim of the parties (or independents) with the most votes.

Hence, the ALP was able to sack Sam Dastyari for not towing the party line.

They threw him out of the ALP.  They did not throw him out of the Senate.

Fair enough too.

Your old party, the Palmer United Party, would have been perfectly within their rights to sack Jaqui Lambie when she quit the party. The reason they didn't, I believe, is Palmer didn't have the votes in his party, which by their own rules, required a vote by the majority of parliamentarians.

In PUP, Palmer was God, and did what he liked.  There was no structure of any substance.  It was all smoke and mirrors.

So yes, I believe One Nation could indeed sack Fraser Anning and appoint one of their own. I'm not sure why they haven't, but it probably has something to do with the rules of the current senate and members being sworn in for a particular term.

They have booted him out or caused his being no longer a Member of PHON.  He then became a Member of KAP.  They booted him out...of the Party...but he remains a Senator notwithstanding all of that.

Actually, Sam Dastyari quit.

But I'm curious. How do parties replace senators when they quit or die, but not replace them when they leave the party they were elected to serve?

I.e, Fraser Anning?
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