Wow. Pretty bad down there in Geelong.
I remember watching a fellow school (drop-out) student during the evening up in Western Sydney back in 1989, attack and belt an old fella around and down. There were a few others with the fellow student. I was on a bus and a bit stunned by what I saw, it was the bus driver that finally got out and yelled the situation down cooly. Maybe I feared the little fellow student? I stayed down at the bus door. Wasn't good to see. But what did the old fella sat to cop a belting?
I lived in a boarding house, again western Sydney. Came home to find a brawl in the dining area. The old fella was a drunk (his son died earlier from drug overdose) and called a new tenant's wife a slut. The White boy and another tenant were getting stuck into him. Another tenant was trying to break them up - but being a Bonger, didn't achieve much. I think there was another tenant also, in there. I didn't care - as the resident 'medical industry' and allround very responsible person (in with the natives) - I bellowed like a bear and basically threw the entire game of twister brawl in one go into all corners of the room. The old fella nearly needed me to do CPR.
Anyway, it wasn't good to see in Geelong.
I moved to Melbourne when the Conductors had their final year of existence on the Trams. They were replaced by Machines the following.
I wonder - by taking out that responsible human element, of what the Conductors were and their 'role' in society among many other professions... are we shirking social responsibility by 'de-humanising' our society?
Is this why we are seeing an increase in violence in Australia, violence with no moral consequence?
Because there is no more 'people skill' being shown 'publically'?
The Politicians, especially this election - do not set a good example for our Youth of today. They in fact set a 'negative' impact on our Youth and our youth are reacting in such a way. See how, like a Politician, that girl claimed she was having a fit and lashed out in self-defense. Detached herself immediately from any guilt or wrong doing.
...especially if it was 'two wrongs not making a right'.
That old woman was in the wrong to do such. But as someone who has copped over 100 punches from an old man and never punched back (because he was dementia, got out of Hospital and was racing to the major road with heavy traffic) as I walked him assertively back to Hospital. That or I was just buggered from running the 800 metres to catch him?

Either way, that young female should not have 'reacted' so weakly and physically aggressive.
Mohommed speaketh to that girl.
"The most aggressive Youth, that do not serve their Elders, for they make the Elders serve them, will inherit the earth under Allah and out-breed the enemy!"