Bias_2012 wrote on Apr 18
th, 2019 at 2:49pm:
The Aboriginals had an "economy" that didn't require immigration, they were hunters and gatherers and as long as they didn't obliterate the bush and fauna, they had all the necessities they needed. The size of their population depended on the abundance or scarcity of fresh water and nutritious plants and animals that were safe for human consumption, on their stretch of tribal land
This basic "economy" and way of life was sustainable for many thousands of years and would have been sustainable for the Aboriginal people for thousands of years into the future had "Whitie" stayed out and not interfered
Our present day economy relies heavily on mining minerals, agriculture (and clearing land to do so), polluting the atmosphere, immigration (to do extra mining, extra agriculture and extra polluting) mostly at the behest of foreign entities, institutions and corporations, mostly for political ends or for profit making
This economy is ruinous to the land and environment and relies on something called money, which for some reason always seems to be in short supply. Not to mention the constant bickering as to how things should be done
Take your pick which way you think would be the most sustainable for Australia for the next let's say, three thousand years.
All well and good as it was - with increasing population - given that Aboriginal population was regulated severely by infant mortality in the double figures and early death and relative lack of competition between small nomadic groups for resources..... it was sustainable ONLY with all of those conditions remaining intact.
Should we now withdraw access to health, freedom from preventable illness, nutrition, social mobility and opportunity to prosper way beyond their nomadic tribal group,and all the other benefits of modern society so as to cement in place Aboriginal culture and economic system?
Same applies to Muslims from the ME, Indians and the like, BTW... breed like flies over there because many children die for many reasons as do many adults... bring them here and they breed like flies.......without any natural regulators on breeding like flies....
Soon the world including Lifeboat Australia is overcome by sheer numbers of fly breeders.... better to leave them in their hovels and allow nature to take its course.... none of them has found the cure for cancer yet.... only the road to gold in the West while the West declines......
Lock the Gates NOW!