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Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims. (Read 27542 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #150 - Apr 28th, 2019 at 11:18am
PZ547 wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 11:04am:
If there were no threats to security

government would invent some

and they do

WHY?... which ones have they invented. Roll Eyes
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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #151 - Apr 28th, 2019 at 12:32pm
cods wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 11:18am:
PZ547 wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 11:04am:
If there were no threats to security

government would invent some

and they do

WHY?... which ones have they invented. Roll Eyes

Do you remember Children Overboard, dear?

A rollicking erection if there was ever one. Mr Howard was on the back foot. Up in the badlands, some darkies try to take on Whitey.

Imagine, their boat breaks down, the Australian navy comes to cheer them up and send them home, and they all start throwing their children into the water like grenades. Hopefully, they can make it to Australia and become terrorists. Either that, or outbreed us. Or simply drown. It's all good.

All this, of course, was the theme on talkback radio and agreed to by Mr Howard. Oh, I know. Terrible people! WE DON'T WANT THEM HERE.

And lo! Mr Howard won that erection. Whitey: 1, tinted races: 0.

I blame the parents. You?
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Mr Hammer
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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #152 - Apr 28th, 2019 at 12:42pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 12:32pm:
cods wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 11:18am:
PZ547 wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 11:04am:
If there were no threats to security

government would invent some

and they do

WHY?... which ones have they invented. Roll Eyes

Do you remember Children Overboard, dear?

A rollicking erection if there was ever one. Mr Howard was on the back foot. Up in the badlands, some darkies try to take on Whitey.

Imagine, their boat breaks down, the Australian navy comes to cheer them up and send them home, and they all start throwing their children into the water like grenades. Hopefully, they can make it to Australia and become terrorists. Either that, or outbreed us. Or simply drown. It's all good.

All this, of course, was the theme on talkback radio and agreed to by Mr Howard. Oh, I know. Terrible people! WE DON'T WANT THEM HERE.

And lo! Mr Howard won that erection. Whitey: 1, tinted races: 0.

I blame the parents. You?

You should write a children's book on history Karnal.
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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #153 - Apr 28th, 2019 at 1:25pm
People are incredibly dumb

it's as if they believe in Noddy Land are are oblivious, for some reason, to the stark reality

some believe they're voting in a particular party

it's as if they're unaware of the immense influence exerted by the media

people believe they have information about a particular party.  Yet they don't question teh source of that information.  They would most likely deny they've been influenced by the media. They might claim they made up their own mind.  Based on what?  That's right --  based on information from the media

So we're led like sheep to vote this way and that.  The media is the dog which herds them

Then it must be appreciated that we will never get a truly independent politician or national leader.  Or aren't people aware of the constant flights by politicians to of all places ... izrail

they all go to izrail regularly, often entire plane loads of them

and people don't ask WHY?  Why are Australian politicians constantly going to or returning from izrail ?  No one curious? 

So the elections in Oz (and elsewhere) are merely a vent, a release of steam, just like the pressure cooker at the back of the kitchen bench.  A release of angst.  The hope for a new beginning, for a different direction, something to get our country back on track

Anning is a tool.  A divisive tool.  He's a pressure release for all those who don't like the way things are going -- don't like house prices and seeing foreign faces in every street, every workplace.  Anning has found a niche which sets him apart.  He deliberately appeals to those who're cheesed off about this or that.  All politicians aim to find a niche market -- their material comfort and retirement relies on hitting just that right nerve, the one which translates to votes thus money and power for that politician

Rest assured however, that whomever grabs the most votes, they will not open their mouths or do a thing until they've attended the mandatory de-brief and programming sessions in izrail

and if you don't believe this, get stuck into the archives, although for some reason the all powerful media is shy about reporting the massive and unexplained influence held by izrail in this and so many other countries

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All my comments, posts & opinions are to be regarded as satire & humour
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Australian Politics

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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #154 - Apr 28th, 2019 at 2:28pm
PZ wrote: Reply #114 - Yesterday at 4:15pm

Maybe Aussies shouldn't have become involved in the conflict?  At all?  Why DID Australians become involved in the conflict?  Because USrael insisted Aussie become involved in the conflict?

and why did USrael become involved in the mid east?

for the benefit of izrail --- ongoing agenda for Greater izrail ?

US has said publicly that it cannot and will not defend Australia

and izrail certainly would not

so why are Aussies involved in the agenda for a Greater izrail ?

pretty stupid of Aussies to have become involved

maybe Australia will learn one day to keep its nose out

how do the families of the dead Aussie troops feel about visiting a cemetery containing the remains of their dead kids -- do they really believe their kids died for 'our freedums' ?

if they do, they produced kids as stupid as themselves

if Australia had been starved via sanctions and bombed to smithereens, there may well be Aussies overseas who'd be so furious, they'd retaliate by joining a 'terrorist' clique to bomb and kill those who'd killed their fellow Aussies

Fraser Anning is jumping on muslim-fear-porn to gratify his own ego and put dollars and power in his own pockets

Why are you so intent on excusing the muslim terrorist PZ?

Your conspiracy theories on Jews ruling the world are just that, conspiracy theories with no basis in fact.

I know the qur'an is a muslim supremacist handbook for terror, it preaches that all religion should be for allah, that muslims have the right to rape torture and kill (the highest grade of muslims are those who slay and are slain).

As far as I can see the Jews have no interest in dominating the globe or converting everybody to Judaism, just the opposite in fact, all they want is to be left alone in the land that was promised to them.

I 100% support ours and other governments who are fighting the war on islamic terror.

I do not believe that muslim terorists only exist because of some great past injustices done to muslims.

I absolutely believe that the state of the muslims today is the result of 1400 years of a primitive degenerate ideology, implemented by muhammad when he changed the attributes of his pagan moon god allah into a monotheistic god of hate rape torture and mass murder against hypocrites corrupters blasphemers apostates and all non believers.

islam rules by fear of death, questioning the insane rantings of muhammad is forbidden.

Do you really believe that outside forces have made islam what it is today?

How did your outside forces get the mussies to practice inbreeding on the scale they do, suppression of women, forced childhood marriage, honour killings, to hate each other and non muslims with the passion they do, kept them in abject poverty and illiteracy, become the worlds greatest terrorist threat etc. etc.?

It's got nothing at all to do with anyone else, islam is the root cause of all their problems, they will never be any different until they have the courage to thoroughly question and purge the evil malevolence in their qur'an.

Stop making excuses and call for them to honestly take responsibility for their insane beliefs which have 100% put them at the bottom of the global societal scale.
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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #155 - Apr 28th, 2019 at 6:05pm
Frank wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 10:44am:
A hijab - any funny costume - does not in itself attract hostility.

Yeah it does - just read my sig.

Frank wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 10:40am:
The sri Lankan jihadist was radicalised by muslims already in Australia.

evidence? This was an IS attack, and I'm pretty sure all Aussie born IS recruits were radicalised online by people outside Australia.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #156 - Apr 28th, 2019 at 7:36pm
cods wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 11:18am:
PZ547 wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 11:04am:
If there were no threats to security

government would invent some

and they do

WHY?... which ones have they invented. Roll Eyes

Remember that the Howard government had Dr Haneef prosecuted just to test out their new terrorism legislation.
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At my desk.
Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #157 - Apr 28th, 2019 at 8:52pm
There you go with Islam = nazism again.

I can bump the thread if you'd like.

Its getting old FD

Like a 1400 year Reich?

and I have explained at length why the two are not comparable

I must have missed that. So you cannot even compare them?

There are no "nice" nazis, as you have lamely tried to claim before.

Why are you so bigoted against Nazis? How can you say such mean things about people without them indicating individually that they are not nice?

If you are a nazi, you are necessarily a racist and a promoter violence.

So this differs from Islam because Muslims do it without being racist?

But I prefer to look at it this way: ban anyone who promotes hate, racism and violent discrimination

So, people who say things like tough titties, off with their heads?

It no doubt would catch a lot of muslims

Can you suggest any it would not catch?

See the problem is FD, when you talk about "freedom and democracy" you are only thinking about decent white non-muslims.

It is the opposite Gandalf. The strongest evidence for Islam being the greatest modern threat to freedom and demcoracy is what it has done to people in Muslim majority nations. As you like to point out, most of Islams victims are Muslims.

You are singularly incapable of understanding that muslims in Australia already see their freedom being threatened.

Was it you who suggested we start closing their mosques?

Didn't you notice we are not banning muslims yet?

Yes I noticed.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #158 - Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:32pm
Oh look FD with his trademark sentence by sentence reply.

Why bother with an actual considered, thought out response when you can just resort to mindless one liner zingers?

Very constructive... not.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #159 - Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:49pm
cods wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 11:18am:
PZ547 wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 11:04am:
If there were no threats to security

government would invent some

and they do

WHY?... which ones have they invented. Roll Eyes


Fear and social control, dear.

Did you miss that unit at university?

And, which ones have they invented?

Well, Howard's "Children Overboard" and Trump's "Mexican Border Crisis" are two perfect examples.

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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #160 - Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:49pm
freediver wrote on Apr 28th, 2019 at 8:52pm:
It is the opposite Gandalf. The strongest evidence for Islam being the greatest modern threat to freedom and demcoracy is what it has done to people in Muslim majority nations. As you like to point out, most of Islams victims are Muslims.

I feel I need to point that out FD, because you continue to dehumanize all muslims, and lump them all in the same basket. You need reminding that many muslims are actually fighting for freedom and democracy in the name of Islam - and many of them die for their beliefs. Who knew - an Islam that stands up for freedom and democracy? Yet rather than support them (as you did pre 2007), you mock and ridicule them, and dismiss them as no different to the people that are attacking and killing them.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #161 - Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:56pm
I think we can all agree that Fraser Anning is right.
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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #162 - Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:57pm
Bobby. wrote on Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:56pm:
I think we can all agree that Fraser Anning is right.

A far right neo-Nazi, yes.

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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #163 - Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:59pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:57pm:
Bobby. wrote on Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:56pm:
I think we can all agree that Fraser Anning is right.

A far right neo-Nazi, yes.

No - he's not a Nazi  - he even said so.
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Re: Fraser Anning speaks out against Muslims.
Reply #164 - Apr 29th, 2019 at 3:03pm
Bobby. wrote on Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:59pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:57pm:
Bobby. wrote on Apr 29th, 2019 at 2:56pm:
I think we can all agree that Fraser Anning is right.

A far right neo-Nazi, yes.

No - he's not a Nazi  - he even said so.

Why do believe terrorists and neo-Nazis?

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