Bobby, can you explain the many faces of Tarrant, to begin with?
Can you explain who were the bodies already piled in corners before Tarrant had made it half way down the hall? And can you explain who stacked those bodies in piles like that? Can you explain why people in a side room (off the hall) were already lying around with blood on them before Tarrant had even swung right, let alone look in the room or fire a shot into it?
Can you explain why there are different photos of 'Tarrant'? And why don't they match?
Why was the clip lying in the hallway before Tarrant had made it that far along?
All unanswered questions while the focus is placed on manly Adern and her Islamic garb, hugging, kissing, blah blah
New Zealanders are extremely sceptical of the entire BS story, and those sceptical kiwis include muslims, lots of them
Then we come to Sri Lanka. The alleged 'terrorists' were members of a wealthy, respected extended family. They were top of the tree in those regions. They were educated, had many children. They'd passed without incident or objection through Australia's doors
they owned several successful businesses
In other words, the patriarch, father of about ten now adult kids, had worked assiduously to create a family empire. His adult children were likewise industrious. The family was noted for its generosity to the poor. They were respected and trusted in the local and business communities
the latest 'explanation' is that a local 'radical islamist preacher' got into that family's ear and was somehow the planner of the 'terrorist attacks'
Think about it. Regardless of one's religion, do you really believe that after a lifetime of industriously building a family business empire and with children and grandchildren at stake, your local cleric could persuade not just you as patriarch, but also your sons, daughters and sons and daughters in law, to throw it all away -- everything you've all worked for -- and murder and main hundreds of people including international tourists?
You'd have to be a raving madman if you could be persuaded to do that. And people who over decades build successful businesses and extended families and homes etc. are rarely madmen. They are most often calm, deliberate, focused, intelligent and courageous, because successful businesses and successful extended families do not grow on trees. They require thought, work, tolerance, etc.
so I don't buy it, not any of it
instead, I suspect -- lacking any genuine and factual information -- that if -- massive IF -- that Sri Lankan family had anything at all to do with the atrocities of which they're now being accused, it could only be because they'd been blackmailed. For example, if the patriarch or his adult sons had had a gun held to their heads with the deadly assurance that if they did NOT carry those explosive devices into the designated areas, then their extended family members would die
and for some reason, the whore media provided video of one of the supposed maniacal terrorists pat a random little kid on the head as he passed. You believe that's the sort of thing you'd do when on the way to murder and maim hundreds in addition to walking towards your own explosive death?
it's BS