I don't really want to get into this with you because you're another of those feelings over facts people who either can't comprehend their own hypocrisy, or don't care so long as their side is painted in a positive light over their opponents, but...
Richdude wrote on Jun 12
th, 2019 at 12:53am:
You do realize that Hillary ran the largest racketeering operation ever seen in Washington? Just because that is not mentioned in the press - does not make it false. And now this criminal may indeed be the next President.
Without going that much into your claims about Clinton and their likely inaccuracy or "lack of evidence being the evidence of a coverup", Trump has his own issues with RICO, yet you call out racketeering as bad?
Quote:You don't think that someone "with this temperament" could have her hands on the nuclear button would be a concern?
We've seen how quickly Trump is to go full 2-year-old tantrum at even the mention of his temperament, and in the face of Trump, we've seen Clinton keep her cool and not revert to lying as he does. Are you sure you want to bring up temperament?
Quote:"We came, we saw - he died.... haw haw haw haw"! She is a psychopath!
Shall we go on a quote war and talk about all the things Trump has said that points to his psychopathy?
This is in no way a defence of Clinton. I can't even be bothered to fact check your claims because it's always such a waste of time, so I'm throwing you a bone here and assuming what will likely be lies, exaggerations or baseless conspiracy theories are true about her.
Neither of them, Trump or Clinton, are right for the Oval Office.
Like literally day 1 of the 2016 campaign, the moment Trump started talking about "Lying Hillary" and "Crooked Hillary" he set the bar of what was acceptable and what wasn't for the person occupying the office.
Since then, he's never lived up to it either.
Since being President, he's just shown over and over again then when we finally think he's hit rock bottom, it couldn't get any worse, he tells another lie, makes another false claim and just keeps digging.
If you're going to set a standard as evidence of how bad Clinton would be as President, will you apply the same standards to Trump?