Brian Ross
Frank wrote on May 11 th, 2019 at 6:00pm: Brian Ross wrote on May 11 th, 2019 at 5:39pm: Frank wrote on May 11 th, 2019 at 4:24pm: Brian Ross wrote on May 11 th, 2019 at 2:51pm: Frank wrote on May 11 th, 2019 at 9:28am: Brian Ross wrote on May 10 th, 2019 at 12:50pm: Frank wrote on May 9 th, 2019 at 8:59pm: Brian Ross wrote on May 9 th, 2019 at 8:26pm: Wouldn't if happen if they were not the party of the jihadists. Oh, dearie, dearie, me. As usual, Soren, you lump all Muslims together in your Islamophobia. You ignore that the most frequent victims of Islamist Terrorism are Muslims, not Westerners as you appear to believe in your fantasies... What, if not Islamic terrorism, makes them targets of 'disturbing experiences'? Why else are people critical, disdainful and apprehensive of Muslims? Tell us, Bwian, what else singles them out? They are singled out because they are willing to accommodate views and beliefs, Soren. I'd have thought it was bloody obvious, even to you as an Islamophobe that the Islamists feel threatened by the easy-going ways of the West with it's pluralist views on how people behave and believe. Islamists only accept one way - their way, rather as you only accept one way - your way, Soren. You'd make an excellent Islamist, you realise? Your narrow-mindedness and your hatred of anybody who dares to be different to how you believe they should act, dress, behave, worship, etc. You are the exact mirror image of what you claim you hate. Oh? So the article you linked to about muslims suffering was about Islamists?!? No, the article was about the efforts of Islamophobes like you, Soren. Tsk, tsk, are you really this slow? Really? I suppose Islamophobia dulls the brains, doesn't it? So you are saying that Muslims suffer 'disturbing experiences in public' because they are going against the jihadists by being willing to accommodate Western ways. Yes. Quote:And for this Australians are giving them a hard time. Yes. Why? 'cause many of them are intolerant little runs who suffer from Islamophobia, Soren, just like you. Quote: You are completely out of your mind. No wonder, you have been twisting that little worm in your skull you call your mind to death. "Muslims are attacked because they resist Islamists and want to be like the rest of Australia". No idiocy is too far for you, Bwian.
I don't think it's a tactic of yours - that would require you to be far smarter than you are - but what you do, always, is this: Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Soren once more resorts to argument ad hominem. I always know when you've lost a debate, Soren, you reach for the bucket of mud which you carry with you everywhere it seems. Quote:When Islam is criticised, you switch to Muslims. Suddenly, any critical approach to Islam is an attack on the particular Muslims you may or may not know, or whose pictures you can find on the internetz. But whatever happens, NO CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF ISLAM is allowed on your watch because not every single Muslims believes the exact same thing about Islam. Do they? Why is there so many schisms within Islamic belief, Soren? Could it be that they don't agree about their religious beliefs/views? Of course, you refuse to recognise that 'cause you just lump them all in together, right? You're an Islamophobe. You are sick. Seek help, please. Reading your tripe is disgusting. Your continued and ongoing persecution of innocent people simply because they worship a different god is revolting. You'd have been happy shoving them into cattle trucks during World War Two, simply to create a "final solution". Quote:This is so idiotic that it can only come from a nobsocket like you. I say nobsocket because any ideology you would like to critically appraise is not subject to the same 'not allowed!!!!!!!' clause by you. You criticise various ideologies and points of view with gay abandon - there is something very camp and mincing about you, Bwian - without ever applying the same constraints to your own utterances An idiot and a hypocrite - these are the two legs on which you are getting about, Bwian. Boring and foolish. Run along, back to your little kiddies' playground where you can play with your childish friends all day long. The Adults want an Adult conversion.