freediver wrote on Jun 21
st, 2019 at 6:52pm:
Here you go, oh slippery, evasive Muslim:
A "feature-length film", or "feature film", is of a conventional full length, usually 60 minutes or more, and can commercially stand by itself without other films in a ticketed screening.[11] A "short" is a film that is not as long as a feature-length film, often screened with other shorts, or preceding a feature-length film.
Thanks FD.
Oh, speaking of slippery, why didn't your original question to either Annie or me ask "Are you free to star in a feature-length film only made by Hollywood" instead of the rather more open-ended "Are you free to star in a movie that makes fun of Muhammad?"
Have you grasped the concept of goal-post shifting yet?
freediver wrote on Jun 21
st, 2019 at 6:52pm:
You are lying again. I meant what I said.
Sorry FD, you'll have to be more specific - did you "mean what you said" before or after you shifted the goalposts?
Or are you really saying that asking if someone had a reason to fear assassination for making a film is the same as asking for a guarantee that no one in the entire western muslim population would act violently to you starring in a film?
Because if you are, that would be class A fibbing.
freediver wrote on Jun 21
st, 2019 at 6:52pm:
I am happy to give you a list of flights that did not crash. Can you give me a similar list of movies that mock Muhammad that did not result in anyone being killed or having reason to fear for their life? Or were you using airplanes to misrepresent the threat posed by Islam to freedom?
I could certainly give you a long list of amateur videos "starring" all manner of Islamophobes mocking anything and everything Islam related. You should know, heaps of them are posted here.
And thats the problem you have isn't it? When you rhetorically ask if you could safely "star" in a "Muhammad mocking" movie, there is no reason why it couldn't mean one of these. Its then you have to make the criteria absurdly narrow - Hollywood features that literally don't do *ANY* non-christian religion mocking, and so their reluctance is easilly explained by non-jihadi-intimidation reasons. And so by this stage the point you are trying to make is already lost - the argument that pretty much any artistic criticism of Islam is off limits - and its off limits because of the intimidation from the jihadists. But rather than just concede the point, you engage in the most absurd goal-post shifting exercise, and pretend - apparently with a straight face - that when you originally asked completely open-endedly about "a movie" - you really meant something absurdly specific.