Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jun 26
th, 2019 at 10:04am:
drunk for example, might choose to decide that his drinking to excess 'isn't hurting anyone'
oh no? And when he drives into that happy family returning from a family party and kills them all --- what then for his interpretation of what the Bible says God means?
You do realise that means he is hurting someone. If he drinks at home, never leaves home, never drink drives, never bashes anyone, is he hurting anyone?
Who are we talking about --- the responsible drinker who knows when he's had enough? Or the habitual drunk who drinks to excess at every opportunity, drinks on the job, does a bad job, blames someone else, skates by until finally he's sacked and then the house is in arrears and his family have to leave and live a life of uncertainty and poverty, shame etc. while the drunk somehow manages to steal or withhold some welfare money in order to slurp some more on his alcohol-god/
If you object to drinking as an example, we could instead discuss the habitual, compulsive gambler who keeps his family/himself in poverty because he can't cast off his gambling-god no matter how low that gambling-god drags him down the sewer via theft, embezzlement, etc
The shoplifting-god, the gluttony-god, the spite-god, the god-of-lies, the god-of-boasting, the god-of-maliciousness, etc.
false gods there to destroy not only the life of the fallen but also those with whom they're associated
the false-gods are there to destroy and keep the fallen away from God and eternal salvation
false-gods are everywhere
mobile phones are false gods
porn is a false god
Self-love is a false god
false gods everywhere, to distract until it's too late
pride -- a big false god. And it's pride which caused the demonisation of Folau --- all those who believe they or their family member is too important to repent to save themselves
Why should we repent, they ask. We make up our own minds about what is right and wrong. No one tells us what to do
ok. let them have it their way. Only God actually cares what happens to them -- and of course, so does Folau in this instance