Bobby. wrote on Jun 28
th, 2019 at 6:16pm:
Aussie wrote on Jun 28
th, 2019 at 6:15pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jun 28
th, 2019 at 5:53pm:
Aussie wrote on Jun 28
th, 2019 at 5:47pm:
Jayzuz......just misleading verbosity which makes no sense. Dumb that down for the minion peasants like me. I bet you can't as you always hide behind voodoo words.
Read it again.
Alternatively, many people offer a technical, contractual justification. Ignoring that the contractual justification rests on an inclusiveness policy, this also fails the reciprocity test. If the situation were reversed and the majority of the population were reactionary, conservative and religious, would those who now support Folau losing his job on technical grounds also support someone losing their job for raising the ire of the majority
by saying that gays don't go to hell? Probably not.
So what is all
this dribble
about Bobby?
If Folau said gays don't go to Hell...then I doubt RU would have acted against him. After all....they did not care less that he was flogging a poofter magazine some time ago, or was promoting prawns. If Folau posted that gays were part of an inclusive and welcoming society
I doubt that RU would act against him.
Best thing he could have done is said nothing.
Who gives a flying fuq what that wanker reckons anyway. He is a moron.......can play football......./end.
He got sacked because he used the platform he was given by RU to rabbit on with crap.
Why should the RU care what he wrote?
They started it.
omg you are so childish are so hooked on him calling out homosexuals you have lost it..
do you not have any idea what happens in cyberspace stays in cyberspace for ever more.....
are you that blinded you cannot see that should folau win this case.. and walk away with millions..
guess who will be next in space...telling us who they would like to see in HELL....maybe even headless..
when the High Court makes a decision
you see it is set in stone....
we are stuck with it because it applies to everyone....
and every tom dick and harry can post their vilification to their hearts content...
all they have to do is claim its what my religion teaches.
why do you think the govts are trying to bring in laws
to make all these websites accountable...????????