John Smith wrote on Jul 7
th, 2019 at 8:46pm:
Gordon wrote on Jul 7
th, 2019 at 8:01pm:
Oh yeah, I wonder what mosque they all went to?
how do you know the sixteen they refer to all refer to Islamic terrorism and not right wing terrorists?
Just a wild guess ?
Abdul Nacer Ben Brika telling it, like it is.
....back in 2005,
in Australia.
Abdul Nacer Ben Brika
"I am telling you that my religion doesn't tolerate other religion.
It doesn't tolerate," he said. was
ISLAM in Australia, in 2005.
Today it is 2019, and nothing in ISLAM in Australia, has changed.
We need to convince our governments that we have to stop more moslems from coming to Australia.
Why ?
Because the followers of ISLAM, are deceitful and merciless 'predators'.
Whose 'religious' philosophy, teaches them that it is 'holy' to murder those who do not believe as they [moslems] believe, and who have rejected ISLAM.
The followers of ISLAM, in Australia, are a 'community' of latent, wanna-be homicidal maniacs!
For the security and the peace of our nation, and for the safety of our own community;
We must isolate all members of the moslem community from other Australians.
How and why ?Go to the links below, and
read through the arguments....
------ >
The argument for administrative detention, for all 'Aussie' followers of ISLAM also.....
Nicolai Sennels: Psychology: Why Islam creates monsters
updated image link
These are a people, WHO DID NOT BUILD OUR NATIONS,
...but it is their intention to destroy everything, within our nations, which is non-ISLAM.
These are the people, whom our governments are,
allowing to live among us, and to walk past us, on our streets.
ARGUMENT;Those people [in the images above]
are human sewage,
Examine the signs and the placards which they are holding.
"[our] Jihad will continue..."
"[our] ISLAM will dominate the world..."
Yadda paraphrases;
'We will continue to slaughter and to murder you, ....until we prevail against you!'
Read the Koran, read the Hadith,
and listen to what moslems living within Western nations are saying, to each other, behind closed doors.
I recommend the "UNDERCOVER MOSQUE" video to you.
WWW search....
dispatches undercover mosque, channel 4, -Return