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Leave (Boot Test) Better Off Overall Test Alone (Read 452 times)
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Leave (Boot Test) Better Off Overall Test Alone
Aug 11th, 2019 at 7:13am
Federal Government urged to axe 'better off overall' test to streamline EBA process

ABC News
August 10  2019

Enterprise bargaining agreements have become "Downton Abbey-sized laundry lists" and need to be "unscrambled" to lift productivity and wages growth, the Business Council of Australia says.
Key points:   Sad

    The council said the "better off overall test" is a "productivity killer" and unworkable
    They want the test replaced with the "no disadvantage test", which was recommended by the Productivity Commission
    Both Federal Labor and the unions have opposed the proposed changes

The council said new research showed enterprise bargaining agreements have "served Australians well", but contain too many items that risk stalling negotiations.

The organisation's report found that wage growth for those on active EAs was "relatively strong" and slightly higher than the economy-wide average, but that the number of people employed on active EAs dropped sharply between 2014 and 2017.

"[Too many items] bogs down negotiations, and agreements are taking too long to conclude," chief executive Jennifer Westacott said.

"We can't allow the EBA system to die the death of a thousand cuts."

Ms Westacott wants the Morrison Government to remove the Fair Work Act's "better off overall test" (BOOT) which requires all employees covered by the agreement to be better off overall than under the relevant award.

Wage weakness deepens as EBAs slide
The latest batch of enterprise agreements from the first three months of the year point to a further slide in wage growth, entrenching ongoing weakness in workers' pay rises.

She said the test was a "productivity killer" and unworkable.

    "The problem with the way BOOT is operating now is that it prevents trade-offs," she said.

The council wants the test replaced with the "no disadvantage test", which was recommended by the Productivity Commission in 2015.

"It's a tough, competitive world and it's in everyone's interests that workers and their employers can come together to adjust quickly to changing circumstances such as new competition and technological change," Ms Westacott said.

"Employers need the ability to adjust and change their operations quickly and ensure the benefits of improved productivity are passed through to workers with higher wages and better conditions."
'The Government should rule that out straight away'

Acting Shadow Treasurer Katy Gallagher said Labor would oppose the proposed changes given company profits are at record highs and wages are stagnant.

Why is wage growth so low?
Why is Australia experiencing its slowest wages growth since World War Two? There are countless theories, but many come back to a shift in power between workers and employers.

"It's working people who aren't getting their fair share at the moment," she said.

"We would absolutely not support that, and we think the Government should rule that out straight away.

    "It's always working people that are the ones who have to give up something when people start talking about reform and productivity."

ACTU secretary Sally McManus said the council's suggestion would lead Australia down the "wrong path".   Sad

"At a time when working people are suffering from record low wages growth, the big business lobby wants to allow employers to pay people even less," she said.

"This suggestion would let employers pay people lower than the current legal minimum standards, and make good employers who pay fairly compete with those who just want to cut wages."

Industrial Relations Minister Christian Porter launched a review of the workplace relations earlier this year.
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Leave (Boot Test) Better Off Overall Test Alone
Reply #1 - Aug 11th, 2019 at 11:26am
Business Council of Australia (falls on floor laughing) - a pissy little union of 132 companies - the clear tail who wish to wag the dog, and only in any way that suits it.

Why is it, do you think, that a union so small, made up of one highly self-interested group, is never 'thugs' and 'standover merchants' etc - but any union of organised labour with thousands of members is?

Why does a pissy little union hold more power in discussion than a big union, or even equal power?

Why are police, nurses, and doctors and firies and ambos unions never 'thugs' when they demand or strike or even negotiate on fair conditions and pay for work, etc - but the blue collar unions are?

Why does a radiographer get five hours call-out cash, but if that went to a common Blue Collar worker it's 'feather-bedding'?  Why does a doctor get hundreds for a call-out at night, but that's not feather-bedding?

Do we have a class structure of Unions in this country?  All Unions are equal, it's just that some are more equal than others, and as long as you wear a clean shirt and tie or clean dress, you're a top dog and your views are worth more?  The Long Blue Collar Line?
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― John Adams
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Re: Leave (Boot Test) Better Off Overall Test Alone
Reply #2 - Aug 11th, 2019 at 7:59pm
Geez! GetUp! must have put a bomb under the old union propaganda parrot BlackDay cause now he is squawking so hard he fell off his perch.

He is chundering GetUp! propaganda out post after silly post.
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Re: Leave (Boot Test) Better Off Overall Test Alone
Reply #3 - Aug 13th, 2019 at 5:24pm
Big business calls for workers to be worse off   Sad
12 August 2019

     Big business calls for workers to be worse off

The Business Council of Australia has added its voice to the business lobbies responding to the Morrison Government’s open invitation for anti-worker legislation by suggesting that the basic fairness test for enterprise agreements be scrapped.

The Better Off Overall Test (BOOT Test) ensures that every worker is better off under a new workplace agreement. The guarantee that a new agreement will not leave a worker worse off is the most basic safeguard possible, but the BCA wants it gone.

This would mean a return to the disastrous ‘WorkChoices’ era where thousands of workers were pushed onto substandard agreements because there was no genuine legal safeguard to prevent the abuse of the bargaining process.

The BCA’s proposal would leave the most vulnerable workers even more exposed to the excessive power of corporations. Young workers, casuals and part time workers could be targeted by businesses using the BCA proposal

The BCA’s proposed changes would be catastrophic at a time when wage growth has been at historic lows for almost seven years.

Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary Sally McManus:

“Big business wants laws to allow them to make workers worse off. They are proposing changes that would allow employers to pay people less than current legal minimums.

“At a time when working people are suffering from record low wages growth, the big business lobby wants to allow employers to pay people even less. This is not only unfair but it will exacerbate the problems currently facing our economy as working people have less and less to spend.

“Enterprise bargaining is supposed to lift wages and share the benefits of improved productivity and profitability, not leave vulnerable workers going backwards. 

“Enterprise bargaining is failing, not because of the few protections it provides, but because the current rules are stacked in favour of employers. Far too many working people do not have access to collective bargaining at all because of our out of date laws and those who can access the system know that bargaining rules mean it is far too easy for employers just to say no to pay increases.

“These are deep systemic problems that need serious attention. They are not being addressed by employer lobby groups because they want to find even more ways to keep wages low.

“Prime Minister Morrison must immediately rule out this harsh proposal from big business.
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Re: Leave (Boot Test) Better Off Overall Test Alone
Reply #4 - Aug 13th, 2019 at 5:58pm
The Libs must have a death wish. Does anyone really believe that they would win an election if they tried Workchoices 2? That's how Labor would brand it - and it will stick, HARD.
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Re: Leave (Boot Test) Better Off Overall Test Alone
Reply #5 - Aug 13th, 2019 at 6:47pm
Quoting the raving extremist Socialist ACTU immediately loses ALL credibility.

Madly pushing wages up simply increases the cost of living and the workers are back where they started.

In addition with competition from overseas that Whitlam started the local business has no choice but to put workers off.

Brilliant GetUp! thinking.

On the other hand the ScoMo Messiah seeks to INCREASE the value of wages by REDUCING the cost of living by reducing power costs etc and creating new jobs with massive infrastructure spending which is of lasting benefit to Australia.
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Re: Leave (Boot Test) Better Off Overall Test Alone
Reply #6 - Aug 13th, 2019 at 7:38pm
The Better Off Overall Test (BOOT Test) ensures that every worker is better off under a new workplace agreement.

The Boot test is about the weakest part of the fair work legislation and does need to be replaced with something that works, I suspect that what the Business groups want is no such thing.

The above statement is a lie, there is no intent that every worker will be better off and in fact in many cases it isn't even the majority of workers.

To explain how it works: the Boot test is measured against the modern award (safety net) which is the lowest standard.

i.e. if you are currently on an agreement which is paying 8% above the modern award and the offer is a new agreement which is 2% above the modern award it will pass the boot test even though everyone is 5% worse off.

The boot test is absolute rubbish it is successfully used to keep wages low and to remove working conditions and there is no defence against it.

The boot test forces wage outcomes to line up with the modern award numbers and the modern award numbers are the lowest for the industry and considered as the safety net position.

The boot test is likely the main reason that fair work has been an utter failure, it is faulty at the root of its design.
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« Last Edit: Aug 13th, 2019 at 7:44pm by Dnarever »  
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