I'm bored, there's no discussions worth pursuing here any more.
So I resort to reading old threads.
This has to be porky of the year. It is on a par with Frank/Soren's memorable effort with the Portugese 'jihadi' shot by police in Sweden:
in reference to the taliban rule of (most of) Afghanistan - 1996-2001:
freediver wrote on Feb 27
th, 2019 at 6:50pm:
Would you deny that shooting 8 year old girls in the back of the head for the crime of learning to read might cause them to self censor?
freediver wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2019 at 9:28am:
The Taliban presented every girl over 8 in the regions they controlled with the death penalty for learning to read, and girls under 8 with the death penalty for learning to read anything other than the Quran. It was not an isolated incident, it was an actively enforced policy.
I've been over this before, but its worth repeating I think. The sheer gumption of it.
If anyone recalls, when asked for evidence of this "actively enforced policy" - FD refered me to an article about the taliban bombing schools. After the 1996-2001 rule.
Funny, I never managed to get a single anecdote of an 8 year old being shot in the back of the head by the taliban regime for the crime of reading non-Quranic material. Despite it being a widespread "actively enforced policy" of the taliban.
Where did FD get this from? Bizarre!
Yours is the "But Aisha wasn't 6 when Mohammed defiled her, she was 9!! Six - bah! such blatant lies and fabrications!" argument, Gandalf.