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Has there been a more outrageous porky here? (Read 56488 times)
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #315 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:25pm
Frank wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:04pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 9:05am:
Frank wrote on Sep 10th, 2019 at 6:51pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 10th, 2019 at 9:19am:
FD I think Abu might be on to something.

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and edit that wiki article to put plainly and clearly what you are so sure is the truth: that the taliban regime had a widespread and actively enforced policy of shooting little girls in the back of the head for going to school?

Then next time you're accuse of lying about it, you can simply quote your own line and gleefully declare "see - its in wikipedia!"

After all, I'm sure the spineless apologist wording of the article in its current state must bother you: ie using the weasel words "girls risked execution" for going to school, when what it really should say is 'girls were routinely lined up and shot in the back of the head in a widespread and actively enforced policy'

As every Islamist knows, whether jihadist with warfare or jihadist with law-fare or jihadist on social media, you don't have to 'shoot all of them in the head' to to teach all of them a lesson.

Are girls fearful of going to school where the Taliban operates? yes.
Islamist policy objective greatly advanced.

Are people afraid to satirise Mohammed and Islam? Yes.

Constant threats of lawsuits for 'Islamophobia' resulting in self-censorship? Yes.

Is this you somehow justifying posting a picture of a murderer being executed and then lying through your teeth by claiming it was a school girl being shot for going to school?

I'm not sure what is more gobsmacking - the brazenness of your lie, or the way you gleefully continue completely unperturbed, acting as if you hold the moral high ground.

I was not lying and claimed what you are now trying to twist, knowingly.  My post had pictures from the Wikipedia article on women's treatment by the Taliban in Afghanistan. I also posted an article from Time.

Malala Yousufzai WAS shot in the head by the Taliban FOR going to school. We have pictures only of the result, not the act. But I did ask, re 'you idiotic ddissembling about policy, whether the shooter was ever repri,anded by the Taliban by going rougue, as you idiotically try to insinuate. The answer is no. he was carrying out Talioban policy. See also

The Taliban DO mistreat women, they DO attack schools, the DO kill schoolgirls. And not only in Afghanistan but in Paki's homeland (Peshawar massacre) as well. And the Talibs are not alone. Chechen jihadis have proven themselves to be as bloodthirsty and evil in Veslan and elsewhere.

And you have the hide and the cheek (hide 'n cheek  Shocked) to act miffed, as if the gruesome jihadis have been miswepwesented and their good name besmirched.

A New York Times article claiming schoolgirls were mistreated?

Oh, what slimy, squishy, yeah-but-no-but mendacity. And you have the hide to act morally superior.

How do the Saudis mistreat women, old boy?

Oh, that's right. You won't say. How morally superior of you.
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #316 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:26pm
Karnal wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:17pm:
Bias_2012 wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 5:41pm:
Here's proof that the Taliban are not troubled killing 8 year old girls ... and 8 year old boys

By starting this thread against FD, you are inadvertently associating yourself with these killers Gandalf. If you go any further with it, you'll be considered as a fully conscious supporter of the cowardly Taliban and what they stand for, murdering young girls and boys

Taliban use girl, 8, as bomb mule in attack on Afghanistan police post

Afghanistan's interior ministry says girl died in blast after insurgents gave her a bag containing explosives

Taliban Hangs 8-Year-Old Afghan Boy

Father refused to give militants a police vehicle

Why are you trying to prove FD's porkie, Bias?

No porkie, Paki. The talibs are murderous.

Do you deny it?

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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #317 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:34pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 30th, 2019 at 1:01pm:
I'm bored, there's no discussions worth pursuing here any more.

So I resort to reading old threads.

This has to be porky of the year. It is on a par with Frank/Soren's memorable effort with the Portugese 'jihadi' shot by police in Sweden:

in reference to the taliban rule of (most of) Afghanistan - 1996-2001:

freediver wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 6:50pm:
Would you deny that shooting 8 year old girls in the back of the head for the crime of learning to read might cause them to self censor?

freediver wrote on Mar 3rd, 2019 at 9:28am:

The Taliban presented every girl over 8 in the regions they controlled with the death penalty for learning to read, and girls under 8 with the death penalty for learning to read anything other than the Quran. It was not an isolated incident, it was an actively enforced policy.

I've been over this before, but its worth repeating I think. The sheer gumption of it.

If anyone recalls, when asked for evidence of this "actively enforced policy" - FD refered me to an article about the taliban bombing schools. After the 1996-2001 rule.

Funny, I never managed to get a single anecdote of an 8 year old being shot in the back of the head by the taliban regime for the crime of reading non-Quranic material. Despite it being a widespread "actively enforced policy" of the taliban.

Where did FD get this from? Bizarre!

You and your Paki offsider are very het up about the number 8.

So what is the age appropriate time to have jihadis generally and Talibs in particular, to shoot people generally and children in particular and then girl children even more particularly?
What is the Mohammed's guidance on this?  Every aspect of Mohammedan life is circumscribed, there must be guidance notes on this as well.

Please share.

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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #318 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:35pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 10th, 2019 at 9:11am:
freediver wrote on Sep 9th, 2019 at 6:41pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 9th, 2019 at 2:40pm:
freediver wrote on Sep 6th, 2019 at 3:13pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 6th, 2019 at 10:58am:
freediver wrote on Sep 6th, 2019 at 10:39am:
What didn't happen at all?

girls getting shot for attending school

Do you think Wikipedia is being misleading by saying they risked execution if it never happened at all?

Thats one of the more stupid comments in this discussion FD - and thats really saying something.

Wikipedia: vague statement about how girls "risked execution" if they attended school - without giving a single example of any such execution actually happening.

FD: therefore the taliban definitely had a 'widespread' and 'widely enforced policy' of lining up little girls and shooting them in the back of the head for attending school

Do you think Wikipedia is being misleading by saying they risked execution if it never happened at all?

not really. Though what I think I can say for certain is that the person who made that claim didn't have a "widespread" and "actively enforced policy" of executing little girls in mind. The point was a general one about the taliban's hostility to girl's schooling, as well as there propensity to violence - and the obvious risk this posed to girls who. No one is disputing that, and no one is apologising for that.

What abolutely *IS* misleading though is to somehow use that general point as proof that they had a "widespread" and "actively enforced policy" of shooting little girls in the head for going to school or reading.

What you would expect if such a policy existed was for your "evidence" to actually say so. Accounts of it happening, anecdote of even a single execution... alas nothing. Literally the only account of anything happening to anyone in either of your articles was the statement that teachers (not even students) were known to be gaoled and/or tortured for teaching girls.

So the "risk" that the wikipedia article is referring to is a general one about the risk of the Taliban using deadly violence in this context and does not imply that it ever actually happened?
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #319 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:57pm
Multiculturalism is the biggest porky around.

The death of a 21-year-old aspiring makeup artist has activists from around the world calling for justice.

Isra’a Ghrayeb, a Palestinian woman from Bethlehem, was reportedly killed this past Thursday after being allegedly tortured and beaten to death by her brother in a family honour killing.

According to The New Arab, Ghraybeb was killed after posting a video on social media depicting her and her fiance.

Her brother, Ihab — a Canadian citizen,  INSH'ALLAH — was reportedly angered by the video, believing it was a family dishonour to show herself with her betrothed together before a formal wedding ceremony takes place.
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #320 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 7:20pm
freediver wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:35pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 10th, 2019 at 9:11am:
freediver wrote on Sep 9th, 2019 at 6:41pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 9th, 2019 at 2:40pm:
freediver wrote on Sep 6th, 2019 at 3:13pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Sep 6th, 2019 at 10:58am:
freediver wrote on Sep 6th, 2019 at 10:39am:
What didn't happen at all?

girls getting shot for attending school

Do you think Wikipedia is being misleading by saying they risked execution if it never happened at all?

Thats one of the more stupid comments in this discussion FD - and thats really saying something.

Wikipedia: vague statement about how girls "risked execution" if they attended school - without giving a single example of any such execution actually happening.

FD: therefore the taliban definitely had a 'widespread' and 'widely enforced policy' of lining up little girls and shooting them in the back of the head for attending school

Do you think Wikipedia is being misleading by saying they risked execution if it never happened at all?

not really. Though what I think I can say for certain is that the person who made that claim didn't have a "widespread" and "actively enforced policy" of executing little girls in mind. The point was a general one about the taliban's hostility to girl's schooling, as well as there propensity to violence - and the obvious risk this posed to girls who. No one is disputing that, and no one is apologising for that.

What abolutely *IS* misleading though is to somehow use that general point as proof that they had a "widespread" and "actively enforced policy" of shooting little girls in the head for going to school or reading.

What you would expect if such a policy existed was for your "evidence" to actually say so. Accounts of it happening, anecdote of even a single execution... alas nothing. Literally the only account of anything happening to anyone in either of your articles was the statement that teachers (not even students) were known to be gaoled and/or tortured for teaching girls.

So the "risk" that the wikipedia article is referring to is a general one about the risk of the Taliban using deadly violence in this context and does not imply that it ever actually happened?

Risk that the Taliban would implement a policy of shooting 8 year old girls in the back of the head for being in a classroom?

Hard to say, FD.

You're trying really hard to say it though. Have you thought of providing an answer instead of a question? You could fix this up for us once and for all. Where did you read about this policy?

No, not Bias' example of the Taliban using kids as suicide bombers. No, not the old boy's example of Muselmen behaving badly in Pakistan. No, not Moses' rant about Muslims raping, torturing, murdering, etc, etc, etc.

No, just name your source of the Taliban having an actively enforced policy of shooting 8 year old girls in the back of the head for going to school. Easy.

You see? You don't have to try so hard after all.
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #321 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 7:24pm
Frank wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:57pm:
Multiculturalism is the biggest porky around.
The death of a 21-year-old aspiring makeup artist has activists from around the world calling for justice.

Isra’a Ghrayeb, a Palestinian woman from Bethlehem, was reportedly killed this past Thursday after being allegedly tortured and beaten to death by her brother in a family honour killing.

According to The New Arab, Ghraybeb was killed after posting a video on social media depicting her and her fiance.

Her brother, Ihab — a Canadian citizen,  INSH'ALLAH — was reportedly angered by the video, believing it was a family dishonour to show herself with her betrothed together before a formal wedding ceremony takes place.

Changing the subject, eh?

Shifty. University of Balogney, is it?

We can tell, old boy. Intelligence and integrity, that's the spirit.
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #322 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 7:27pm
Frank wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:34pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 30th, 2019 at 1:01pm:
I'm bored, there's no discussions worth pursuing here any more.

So I resort to reading old threads.

This has to be porky of the year. It is on a par with Frank/Soren's memorable effort with the Portugese 'jihadi' shot by police in Sweden:

in reference to the taliban rule of (most of) Afghanistan - 1996-2001:

freediver wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 6:50pm:
Would you deny that shooting 8 year old girls in the back of the head for the crime of learning to read might cause them to self censor?

freediver wrote on Mar 3rd, 2019 at 9:28am:

The Taliban presented every girl over 8 in the regions they controlled with the death penalty for learning to read, and girls under 8 with the death penalty for learning to read anything other than the Quran. It was not an isolated incident, it was an actively enforced policy.

I've been over this before, but its worth repeating I think. The sheer gumption of it.

If anyone recalls, when asked for evidence of this "actively enforced policy" - FD refered me to an article about the taliban bombing schools. After the 1996-2001 rule.

Funny, I never managed to get a single anecdote of an 8 year old being shot in the back of the head by the taliban regime for the crime of reading non-Quranic material. Despite it being a widespread "actively enforced policy" of the taliban.

Where did FD get this from? Bizarre!

You and your Paki offsider are very het up about the number 8.

So what is the age appropriate time to have jihadis generally and Talibs in particular, to shoot people generally and children in particular and then girl children even more particularly?
What is the Mohammed's guidance on this?  Every aspect of Mohammedan life is circumscribed, there must be guidance notes on this as well.

Please share.

Now he's asking you, G. Curious, eh?

No worries. G, please post the Wikipedia article again and clear this up once and for all.

The old boy's waiting.
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Brian Ross
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #323 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 7:38pm
Karnal wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 7:24pm:
Frank wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:57pm:
Multiculturalism is the biggest porky around.
The death of a 21-year-old aspiring makeup artist has activists from around the world calling for justice.

Isra’a Ghrayeb, a Palestinian woman from Bethlehem, was reportedly killed this past Thursday after being allegedly tortured and beaten to death by her brother in a family honour killing.

According to The New Arab, Ghraybeb was killed after posting a video on social media depicting her and her fiance.

Her brother, Ihab — a Canadian citizen,  INSH'ALLAH — was reportedly angered by the video, believing it was a family dishonour to show herself with her betrothed together before a formal wedding ceremony takes place.

Changing the subject, eh?

Shifty. University of Balogney, is it?

We can tell, old boy. Intelligence and integrity, that's the spirit.

Du taler om Soren, er du klar over? Han er en meget urolig mand. Så fuld af had, så fuld af bigotry, så fuld af islamofobi. Virkelig, Herr doktor, du har brug for kvoter for denne sag ...   Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #324 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 9:43pm
Let the Mohammedan guy get a word in edgeways,  Paki bum bandit. Dont always rush in with speech as if you were the mufti's frikken medium.

Bwian - we know you are pathetic, we know you speak no other languages, we know you like to show off your idiocy.

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Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Brian Ross
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #325 - Sep 11th, 2019 at 11:30pm
Frank wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 9:43pm:
Let the Mohammedan guy get a word in edgeways,  Paki bum bandit. Dont always rush in with speech as if you were the mufti's frikken medium.

Bwian - we know you are pathetic, we know you speak no other languages, we know you like to show off your idiocy.


Anything of value to add to the thread, other than your usual visit to your favourite mud pit?  No, it doesn't seem so.  Oh, well, enjoy your mud bath.


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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #326 - Sep 12th, 2019 at 12:28am
Brian Ross wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 11:30pm:
Frank wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 9:43pm:
Let the Mohammedan guy get a word in edgeways,  Paki bum bandit. Dont always rush in with speech as if you were the mufti's frikken medium.

Bwian - we know you are pathetic, we know you speak no other languages, we know you like to show off your idiocy.

Anything of value to add to the thread, other than your usual visit to your favourite mud pit?  No, it doesn't seem so.  Oh, well, enjoy your mud bath.

Now now, Brian. The old boy added a picture of a poor soul in a letterbox outfit being shot in tbe back of the head.

You couldn't tell whether she was an 8 year old being killed for going to school or a little old lady being executed for murder.

FD and the old boy claimed the former, so we'll have to trust them on this, okay?

It hardly matters, but if you're pedantic enough to say she was being executed for murdering her husband, you're a devious apologist for the Taliban.

Just don't get them mixed up with the Saudis. That's squishy, evasive yeah-but-no-but propaganda.
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #327 - Sep 12th, 2019 at 8:45am

1,000px × 750px


Frank wrote on Sep 11th, 2019 at 6:57pm:

Multiculturalism is the biggest porky around.
The death of a 21-year-old aspiring makeup artist has activists from around the world calling for justice.

Isra’a Ghrayeb, a Palestinian woman from Bethlehem,.....

was reportedly killed this past Thursday after being allegedly tortured and beaten to death by her brother in a family honour killing.

According to The New Arab, Ghraybeb was killed after posting a video on social media depicting her and her fiance.

Her brother, Ihab — a Canadian citizen,  INSH'ALLAH — was reportedly angered by the video, believing.......

it was a family dishonour to show herself with her betrothed together before a formal wedding ceremony takes place.


"Nothing to see here.      Just another mentally ill person, who killed someone."

"Move along, move along !"


Her brother was simply demonstrating what a devout and real moslem HE was.

Her brother was simply obeying the instruction, and the teaching, of ISLAM's first, PRIME, and the most fundamentally correct moslem,
....Mohammed, the Messenger of Allah.

Her brother rightly killed a person who was not moslem enough, who was not ISLAMIC enough, ....KILL HER!!

These occurrences incidents happen,  ....everywhere where there are moslem communities.

These incidents have certainly happened in Australia, and have certainly happened in the UK.

And everyone who criticises the moslem, when such incidents occur, is simply, and wrongly [i.e. it is a social crime],      ....rejecting Multiculturalism and rejecting the enrichment of true Diversity, among us.


/sarc off



"...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him."
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260

WWW search....
uk muslim daughter Banaz, found buried backyard suitcase

WWW search....
uk muslim honour killings

WWW search....
no-go areas, for non-muslims in Europe

WWW search....
rape jihad, in Europe


In this UK case, the moslem father and the moslem uncle, both raped the victim, Banaz Mahmod, before she was 'righteously' garrotted by her father - in accordance with ISLAMIC values......


Banaz Mahmod endured a two-hour rape and torture by her FATHER and UNCLE.
Before she was honour killed/murdered by them.
n.b. In the UK.

Cultural enrichment, innit.

And, all 100% lawful - in ISLAMIC law.


....ISLAMIC law specifically gives moslem men, the right to kill their children [and grandchildren]. [An ISLAMIC source is cited below], at the jihadwatch item.

ISLAMIC sources declare that the killing of moslem children, by a parent, is 'lawful', within ISLAM...
"British girl kidnapped by Saudi father: "I told [the police] he was keeping me there against my will and all they said was, 'He's your father, if he wants he can kill you'."
Indeed, traditional Islamic law does not prescribe retaliation against a parent for killing his or her child. For example: "not subject to retaliation" is "a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring." ('Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2)." "

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Brian Ross
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #328 - Sep 12th, 2019 at 12:18pm
What is interesting is how Soren and Yadda use a small minority of cases (two) to prove that Multiculturalism doesn't work.

I wonder how many so-called "honour killings" have been committed over the years by Eastern Europeans, South Europeans?  "Honour" was once a big concept for those societies.  Sicilians, Greeks, Serbs, Romanians, Poles, etc.  Today?  Not so much.   Some Muslims, from the more tribal societies still hold it high.  The overwhelming majority of Muslims don't.

So, we have a One Nation candidate who is a Muslim woman, who dresses thusly:


Hardly what you lot would call a "typical Muslim woman," yet that is how she dresses and acts - supporting the pointedly anti-Muslims political party.  That is the type of Muslim woman we see more and more on Australian streets - self-confidant, assimilated.

What we do know is that Multiculturalism is supported by 85% of Australians.  Look at my signature and weep gentlemen.  Your screams and tears fuel me and all other Multiculturalists.

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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Mr Hammer
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Re: Has there been a more outrageous porky here?
Reply #329 - Sep 12th, 2019 at 12:21pm
Brian Ross wrote on Sep 12th, 2019 at 12:18pm:
What is interesting is how Soren and Yadda use a small minority of cases (two) to prove that Multiculturalism doesn't work.

I wonder how many so-called "honour killings" have been committed over the years by Eastern Europeans, South Europeans?  "Honour" was once a big concept for those societies.  Sicilians, Greeks, Serbs, Romanians, Poles, etc.  Today?  Not so much.   Some Muslims, from the more tribal societies still hold it high.  The overwhelming majority of Muslims don't.

So, we have a One Nation candidate who is a Muslim woman, who dresses thusly:

Hardly what you lot would call a "typical Muslim woman," yet that is how she dresses and acts - supporting the pointedly anti-Muslims political party.  That is the type of Muslim woman we see more and more on Australian streets - self-confidant, assimilated.

What we do know is that Multiculturalism is supported by 85% of Australians.  Look at my signature and weep gentlemen.  Your screams and tears fuel me and all other Multiculturalists.

How does filling up a country with people who don't have much in common going to strengthen society?
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