Frank wrote on Sep 18 th, 2019 at 6:22pm: Brian Ross wrote on Sep 18 th, 2019 at 4:31pm: Bias_2012 wrote on Sep 17 th, 2019 at 11:45pm: Brian Ross wrote on Sep 17 th, 2019 at 5:51pm: Bias_2012 wrote on Sep 16 th, 2019 at 11:46pm: Brian Ross wrote on Sep 16 th, 2019 at 10:19pm: the majority of Australia's population. 85% of whom support Multiculturalism 70% of that 85% would be ethnics and recent arrivals Really? And your evidence for that is, exactly what, Bias? Appears you're just being a Xenophobe, old chap. Tsk, tsk. Nothing new, hey? It's not 85% anyway, it's about 65%, and 60% of that 65% would be ethnics and new arrivals anxious to get their hands on money the govt hands out for multicultural activities and all that bullsh!t. It's a well known fact that 98% of the population engage in Western lifestyle and couldn't give a bugger about multiculturalism. No one in their right mind would eat food from a Vietnamese or Indian takeaway shop, not even ethnics buy the rubbish. The only multiculturalism a muslim knows is terrorism in the streets and fraudulent Centerlink claims http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/128170/2467911-yawn_20smiley.jpgStill no evidence, I see. Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Time you went back to the little kiddies' playground where you belong, Bias. They tolerate childish antics like yours. Tsk, tsk. Half of Australia's population was born overseas or has at least one overseas born parent. https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/Lookup/by%20Subject/2071.0~2016~Main%20.... Multiculturalism means different things to people. Switzerland has four official languages and they are culturally compatible cultural and linguistic groups. Movement of people in Western Europe across countries is largely uncontroversial for the same reason. They are culturally compatible. But the further away you move culturally the less support there is because there is less compatibility. Multiculturalism in the Bwianesque sense means everyone can get along with everyone else in Australia in particular and in Western countries in general - an obvious nonsense since there are lots of cultural aspects that are not compatible with other cultures - a commonsense point hardly needing to be made was it not for the Bwians of the world and the militant multiculturalists like him - and the cultural underminers whose fellow-travellers he and his ilk are. The second part is the selective celebration of all-inclusive 'multiculturalism'. It's to be celebrated only in Western countries (which are naturally tolerant and outward-looking), even to the extent of adjusting their own cultures to those of incompatible immigrants. The only culture that must not be celebrated in Western multicultural countries, on pain of being labelled a bigot, privileged, hegemonic, white, colonialist, etc - is Western civilisation itself. Only the host civilisation, the one that alone makes multiculturalism possible, Western civilisation, is stamped as always already incompatible with the wonderful 'multicultural' utopia. And which Western civilisation would that be, old boy? The one initiated by those dirty Greeks, or the one harnessed by that tinted Middle Eastern prophet, Yeheshua? Now be honest, dear. You're not talking about multi-cultures, now we you? You're talking about multi- races. Not racist, dear boy. Correlation not causation, innit.