Gordon wrote on Aug 31
st, 2019 at 5:53pm:
Hey Gandalf, lets say for arguments sake there is some embellishment or poetic license taken in the post you've mentioned. Why bother arguing on behalf of the Taliban at all?
Their beliefs and regime is the most backwards life sucking force of evil on the planet.
You arguing on their behalf is about as ridiculous as someone defending Hitlers testicle count against the Colonel Bogey March song.
This is the exact sort of "porkies don't matter" defence I was warning against.
Lies matter, and I have given a fairly lengthy response already on why that is.
Saddam was bad, yet for some reason we had to make him even worse with porkies - the incubator babies from Gulf War 1 and Howard's human shredder. Then there's the whole WMD thing.
No one can deny these porkies mattered in terms of what happened next.
We started wars justified at least in part on lies. Pure and simple.
The 8 year old and under executions lie is FD's equivalent. Afghanistan was a clusterfvuk and shouldn't have happened. It needn't have happened. Yet FD needs to maintain the idea that there was literally no other choice. To do this he has to paint the taliban as beyond he pale. Apparently the truth (which I thought was bad enough), isn't sufficient. So he makes up porkies.
Do you see a pattern here? Lies to make already bad people appear even worse, justify war and undoubtedly assist with making them happen.