Quote:You can't limit the doxxing. You are helpless, you rely on others that you belittle. The way you can stop it is to bugger off. No-one is going to dox someone not here. Then when the baddies come after you at Monk's, you can do as you please. Do the right thing by your family and piss off. I'm done with you. Seek solace elsewhere. I'm not putting up with the shyte you and your kin put on me and defend you as well. You need to either piss off or take your woes to another gmod. I'm done with you and nothing will change my mind. Grow a set of nuts, if you want to look after your family, leave. I'm not looking after them or you. You've done your best to put shyte on me and it's payed off for you. Nothing more needs to be said.
Have a look at my recent PMs which were alerts to you about what eventually actually happened. Be honest with yourself. Go and read them. You will see that I warned several times, and you ignored the alerts.
You did the same when Neferti first lead this doxxing attack on the integrity of this Forum. Even then I sent you the heads up in advance.....you ignored them, and here we are.
You say
nothing will change your mind. That is not correct.
All any and every Member expects of you is that you do the job
you volunteered to do. That you are the only bloke doing the job, while being an undoubted singular pressure on you, does not relieve you of that burden.
Get more GMods.