aquascoot wrote on Oct 24
th, 2019 at 8:31am:
Think of trump more from a marketing perspective then from a political perspective
Because that's how trump thinks of himself
He is just brand trump
And the best thing for brand trump is to constantly be the centre of attention
It doesn't matter whether trump is racist or not
It's not even the question
The question that clunks in trump's brain
Is what can I say to maximise my attention
Because what gets repeated gets remembered
And what gets remembered is assumed by the unthinking masses to be important
The unthinking masses just assume that what the mainstream media talk about
Must be the most important thing
The most high status thing
It's still amazing that you don't see how devastatingly effective trump strategy is
Say something outrageous
It matters not what
And that all the chattering classes
just go trump trump trump Donald Donald trump Donald trump trump Donald trump trump Donald Donald trump Donald trump trump from the Donald trump trump Donald trump trump trump Donald trump
If you came down from outer space and landed in America
They would just think the Donald trump is the most important phenomena and that everybody is cast in his shadow
That's exactly how trump likes it
Should have sure that he gets another 4 years
But you need to think about it for a bit longer
Maybe you need to think about it for 5 years
It's now 10, dear. And we've already spent 3 years studying. And I agree.
Playing the victim helps the Trump brand no end. Look what it did to that other "noble capitalist", Richard Nixon.
He was forced to resign yes, but the Nixon brand went down in history. What a great man, people say. What an example for our children.
No, the more Mr Trump Tweets his victimhood - LYNCHING! WITCH HUNT! WIRETAPPED! BAD (OR SICK) GUY! - the more customers he attracts for the Trump brand. Gold toilets, faux-Louis XIV furniture, fake Renoirs, we now see this extended to a new political dynasty.
Next in line will be the great Donald Trump Junior, self-made property developer currently in charge of the Trump organisation. After that, who knows? Eric? Ivanka? Jared Kushner?
I think the Trump brand could become the American version of that noble North Korean family, the Kims.