cods wrote on Oct 25
th, 2019 at 5:40am:
oh I see so why do they have all these politicians whos only job appears to be
to divide the nation?
I think that is the whole point of trump's message
America was going downhill thanks to the establishment political parties the republicans and the democrats
They didn't manufacture anything anymore
Patriotism was seen as a dirty word
Trump's message and the message that I believe is that America is the land of opportunity a land built on incredible enthusiasm and entrepreneurship
A land where anyone can make it
A land where courage and risk taking are rewarded
A land where little crybabies are ignored and victims are ignored and people are expected to take personal responsibility and pull themselves up by their bootstraps to achieve glorious victory
but what was the message of both the democrats and the republicans
It was that America have much to be ashamed of
It was that America had exploited native Americans
It was that America had plundered the environment
It was that America had been built on exploiting slaves
It was going to America deserved 911
The message coming from the establishment to Americans prior to trump what's that they should be ashamed
That they were the beneficiaries of white privilege
They should cower in the corner and cover themselves with a sheet
Trump said enough of that
It is time for Americans to become strong powerful resourceful influential and crush it in life as they always had
No more apologizing
No more back pedalling
No more pandering to victim groups
No more pandering to identity politics
Stand up straight with your shoulders back
Develop a winning smile and a firm handshake
Go out into the world and crush it
That's trump's message
he knows that only individuals can do this and that has absolutely nothing to do with Washington
So he has castrated most of the establishment
They didn't like having their power taken away much
The mainstream media and the public intellectuals the chattering classes the socialist university professors
They are all bent out of shape
The Donald simply ignored them and powers on like the true American hero he is
God bless America and God bless the president of the United States