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A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE " (Read 21374 times)
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Christ Light

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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #195 - Nov 20th, 2019 at 4:40pm

IG report will be an indictment of Adam Schiff: Rep. Ratcliffe
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Christ Light

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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #196 - Nov 22nd, 2019 at 4:39pm

Durham Probe Expands to Pentagon Office That Contracted FBI Spy Stephan Halper

By Sara Carter -November 21, 2019


Justice Department prosecutor U.S. Attorney John Durham is questioning personnel connected to the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment, which awarded multiple contracts to FBI informant Stephan Halper. Halper, who was informing the bureau on Trump campaign advisors, is a central figure in the FBI’s original investigation into President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, has learned.

These latest developments reveal the expansive nature of what is now a Justice Department criminal probe into the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign. The revelation also comes on the heels of DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report regarding the bureau’s investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC, announced to Fox News’ Sean Hannity Wednesday night the lengthy investigative report will be released to the public on Dec., 9.

DOJ Attorney General William Barr, who appointed Durham, is conducting a separate investigation alongside Horowitz’s probe. Both investigations are examining how U.S. intelligence agencies began investigating now debunked ties between Russia and Trump campaign personnel in the 2016 presidential election.

Multiple sources confirmed to this news site that Durham has spoken extensively with sources working in the Office of Net Assessment, as well as outside contractors, that were paid through Pentagon office.

Department of Justice officials declined to comment on Durham’s probe.

In 2016, Halper was an integral part of the FBI’s investigation into short-term Trump campaign volunteer, Carter Page and George Papadopolous. Halper first made contact with Page at his seminar in July 2016. Page, who was already on the FBI’s radar, was accused at the time of being sympathetic to Russia. Halper stayed in contact with Page until September 2017.

During that time, the FBI sought and obtained a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to spy on Page and used Halper to collect information on him, according to sources. It is further alleged that Halper may have secretly recorded his conversations with Page and Papadopolous. Some congressional officials believe that if recordings exist they were kept from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, and would be exculpatory evidence that would’ve exonerated Page from the FISA warrant and allegations that Papadopolous was attempting to seek any help from the Russians with regard to Hillary Clinton’s emails.

In an interview with Papadopolous earlier this year, he told this reporter that he was shocked when Halper insinuated to him that Russia was helping the Trump campaign. Papadopolous said that he told him, “he didn’t have any idea what the hell he was talking about…that would be treason and I have nothing to do with that.”

Grassley’s Office Gets Pentagon Docs

Moreover, this news site has learned that the Pentagon has finally sent Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley’s committee the information it requested in July, regarding Halper’s contracts and the Office of Net Assessment. Grassley sent the request in a letter to Department of Defense Acting Secretary Mark Esper, after a Pentagon Inspector General investigation discovered that the office failed to conduct appropriate oversight of the contracts. Grassley urged Esper for the information.

According to the DoD Inspector General’s report the Office of Net Assessment (ONA) Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs) “did not maintain documentation of the work performed by Professor Halper or any communication that ONA personnel had with Professor Halper; therefore, ONA CORs could not provide sufficient documentation that Professor Halper conducted all of his work in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We determined that while the ONA CORs established a file to maintain documents, they did not maintain sufficient documentation to comply with all the FAR requirements related to having a complete COR.”

Although, Grassley stated that he wanted the information no later than July 25, the Pentagon delivered the information only last week.

Grassley’s office didn’t elaborate on what information was given to the committee but confirmed that it was in the process of reviewing hundreds of pages of documents.

“The committee is currently reviewing information received recently from the Pentagon, in response to Grassley’s request,” said Taylor Foy, a spokesman for the committee. Foy confirmed Grassley is continuing to investigate the matter.

Pentagon officials did not immediately respond to calls and emails. ( will update this story if they so chose to respond.)
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Christ Light

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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #197 - Nov 22nd, 2019 at 4:39pm
The Pentagon Audit

Grassley’s July letter stated that “shockingly, the audit found that these types of discrepancies were not unique to contracts with Professor Halper, which indicates ONA must take immediate steps to shore up its management and oversight of the contracting process.”

“Accordingly, no later than July 25, 2019, please explain to the Committee the steps DoD has taken to address the recommendations that DoD IG made with respect to ONA’s contracting procedures and produce to the Committee all records related to Professor Halper’s contracts with DoD,” Grassley’s letter stated. “In addition, I request that ONA provide a briefing to my Committee staff regarding the Halper contracts.”

The 74-year old professor, has rarely spoken out publicly since being outed by The Washington Post, and other news organizations, as one of the informants for the bureau who spied on the Trump campaign. He spent a career developing top-level government connections–not just through academia, as he did in Great Britain through the Cambridge Security Initiative, but through his connections in both the CIA and British MI-6. He is expected to be speaking this month at the seminar, he helped found, according to The Daily Caller.

“The results of this audit are disappointing and illustrate a systemic failure to manage and oversee the contracting process,” stated the Senator in the letter sent July, 12 to the DOD. “Time and again, DoD’s challenges with contract management and oversight are put on display. It is far past time the largest, most critical agency in this country steps up and takes immediate action to increase its efforts to stop waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer dollars.”

The Office of Net Assessment came under fire in 2016, when Bill Gertz, a columnist for The Washington Times, revealed that it failed to produce the top-secret net assessments the office was established to do for more than a decade, despite its then nearly $20 million annual budget.

In August, a Pentagon Inspector General report revealed that the office failed to document the research Halper had conducted for the Pentagon in four separate studies worth roughly $1 million. The inspector general’s report revealed that loose contracting practices at the office and failed oversight was to blame.
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #198 - Nov 22nd, 2019 at 5:29pm

Here is a List of FBI, DOJ Officials Who Signed Off on Carter Page FISA Documents

by Cristina Laila November 21, 2019 189 Comments


Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham announced this week that he will hold a public hearing on Dec. 11 featuring Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

And the Deep State-media complex is already spinning ahead of the IG report on FISA abuses which is expected out before the hearing on Wednesday December 11th.

CNN reported Thursday that one FBI official is under criminal investigation for altering surveillance documents on Carter Page.

According to CNN, one FBI official, who was not named, has already admitted to making the drastic changes to the documents, which Horowitz turned over to US Attorney from Connecticut John Durham.

The alterations were significant enough to have shifted the document’s meaning and came up during a part of Horowitz’s FISA review where details were classified, according to the sources, reported CNN.

In February of 2018, then-Chairman of the House Intel Committee Devin Nunes (R-CA) released a 2-page FISA memo revealing who signed off on the FISA application and three subsequent renewals on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

The FBI and DOJ obtained one FISA warrant in October of 2016 and three subsequent renewals on Carter Page, and the fourth and final FISA renewal was signed in June of 2017.

As required by law, a FISA order must be renewed by the FISC [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] every 90 days and each renewal requires a separate finding of probable cause.

Despite being spied on for nearly one year, Carter Page was never charged with a crime, so what did the FBI present to the FISA judges on Carter Page that was so damning that it prompted the judges to grant a total of FOUR FISA warrants?

According to Nunes’ FISA memo, then-FBI Director James Comey signed the first three FISA applications on behalf of the FBI and then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed the fourth one.
Then-DAG Sally Yates, then Acting DAG Dana Boente, and DAG Rod Rosenstein signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of the DOJ, according to the FISA memo. (Rosenstein signed the fourth one along with McCabe in June of 2017).

The 2-page FISA memo also revealed that Hillary’s phony Russia dossier that was compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele played an essential part of the Carter Page FISA applications.

McCabe also testified that if not for the phony, Hillary-funded Russia dossier, the FBI would never have sought the FISA warrants on Carter Page.

According to reports, Christopher Steele was paid by the FBI as a CHS [Confidential Human Source] but was terminated in November of 2016 for lying about his contact with the media.

The unnamed FBI official under criminal investigation may be one of the bureau employees who signed off on the Carter Page FISA applications or it could be another official who was involved in the Russian collusion canard such as Peter Strzok, James Baker, Sally Moyer or Lisa Page — we will find out soon!

FULL TEXT ADDED — MEMO RELEASED=> House Intelligence Committee Releases Classified FISA Memo
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #199 - Nov 22nd, 2019 at 6:32pm
Yet still, it's only been the Trump criminals indicted, arrested and convicted.
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Christ Light

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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #200 - Nov 23rd, 2019 at 8:48am

FBI Lawyer Under Investigation for Alleged Tampering with Russia Probe Document


Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, speaks with reporters following a day of questions from the House Intelligence Committee, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (J. Scott Applewhite / AP)

By AP Reports
Published November 22, 2019 at 6:04am
An FBI lawyer is suspected of altering a document related to surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser, a person familiar with the situation said Friday.

President Donald Trump touted news reports about the allegations to assert that the FBI had tried to “overthrow the presidency.”

The allegation is part of a Justice Department inspector general investigation into the early days of the FBI’s Russia probe.

The Russia probe was ultimately taken over by special counsel Robert Mueller and resulted in charges against six Trump associates and more than two dozen Russians accused of interfering in the election.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to release his report on Dec. 9. Witnesses in the last two weeks have been invited in to see draft sections of that document.

The release of the inspector general report is likely to revive debate about the investigation that has shadowed Trump’s presidency since the beginning.

It is centered in part on the FBI’s use of a secret surveillance warrant to monitor the communications of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

“This was spying on my campaign — something that has never been done in the history of our country,” Trump told “Fox & Friends” on Friday. “They tried to overthrow the presidency.”

The allegation against the lawyer was first reported by CNN.

The Washington Post subsequently reported that the conduct of the FBI employee didn’t alter Horowitz’s finding that the surveillance application of Page had a proper legal and factual basis, an official told the Post, which said the lawyer was forced out.

A person familiar with the case who was not authorized to discuss the matter by name and spoke to AP only on the condition of anonymity confirmed the allegation.

Spokespeople for the FBI and the inspector general declined to comment Friday.

The FBI obtained a secret surveillance warrant in 2016 to monitor the communications of Page, who was never charged in the Russia investigation or accused of wrongdoing.

The warrant, which was renewed several times and approved by different judges in 2016 and early 2017, has been one of the most contentious elements of the Russia probe and was the subject of dueling memos last year issued by Democrats and Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee.

Republicans have long questioned the credibility of the warrant application since it cited information derived from a dossier of opposition research compiled by Christopher Steele, a former British spy whose work was financed by Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

“They got my warrant — a fraudulent warrant, I believe — to spy on myself as a way of getting into the Trump campaign,” Page said in an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox’s “Mornings with Maria.” “There has been a continued cover-up to this day. We still don’t have the truth, but hopefully, we’ll get that soon.”

FBI Director Chris Wray has told Congress that he did not consider the FBI surveillance to be “spying” and that he has no evidence the FBI illegally monitored Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election.

Wray said he would not describe the FBI’s surveillance as “spying” if it’s following “investigative policies and procedures.”

Attorney General William Barr has said he believed “spying” did occur, but he also made clear at a Senate hearing earlier this year that he had no specific evidence that any surveillance was illegal or improper.

Barr has appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate how intelligence was collected, and that probe has since become criminal in nature, a person familiar with the matter has said.
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Christ Light

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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #201 - Nov 23rd, 2019 at 12:52pm

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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #202 - Nov 23rd, 2019 at 2:39pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 22nd, 2019 at 5:29pm:

Here is a List of FBI, DOJ Officials Who Signed Off on Carter Page FISA Documents

by Cristina Laila November 21, 2019 189 Comments

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham announced this week that he will hold a public hearing on Dec. 11 featuring Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

And the Deep State-media complex is already spinning ahead of the IG report on FISA abuses which is expected out before the hearing on Wednesday December 11th.

CNN reported Thursday that one FBI official is under criminal investigation for altering surveillance documents on Carter Page.

According to CNN, one FBI official, who was not named, has already admitted to making the drastic changes to the documents, which Horowitz turned over to US Attorney from Connecticut John Durham.

The alterations were significant enough to have shifted the document’s meaning and came up during a part of Horowitz’s FISA review where details were classified, according to the sources, reported CNN.

In February of 2018, then-Chairman of the House Intel Committee Devin Nunes (R-CA) released a 2-page FISA memo revealing who signed off on the FISA application and three subsequent renewals on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

The FBI and DOJ obtained one FISA warrant in October of 2016 and three subsequent renewals on Carter Page, and the fourth and final FISA renewal was signed in June of 2017.

As required by law, a FISA order must be renewed by the FISC [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] every 90 days and each renewal requires a separate finding of probable cause.

Despite being spied on for nearly one year, Carter Page was never charged with a crime, so what did the FBI present to the FISA judges on Carter Page that was so damning that it prompted the judges to grant a total of FOUR FISA warrants?

According to Nunes’ FISA memo, then-FBI Director James Comey signed the first three FISA applications on behalf of the FBI and then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed the fourth one.
Then-DAG Sally Yates, then Acting DAG Dana Boente, and DAG Rod Rosenstein signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of the DOJ, according to the FISA memo. (Rosenstein signed the fourth one along with McCabe in June of 2017).

The 2-page FISA memo also revealed that Hillary’s phony Russia dossier that was compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele played an essential part of the Carter Page FISA applications.

McCabe also testified that if not for the phony, Hillary-funded Russia dossier, the FBI would never have sought the FISA warrants on Carter Page.

According to reports, Christopher Steele was paid by the FBI as a CHS [Confidential Human Source] but was terminated in November of 2016 for lying about his contact with the media.

The unnamed FBI official under criminal investigation may be one of the bureau employees who signed off on the Carter Page FISA applications or it could be another official who was involved in the Russian collusion canard such as Peter Strzok, James Baker, Sally Moyer or Lisa Page — we will find out soon!

FULL TEXT ADDED — MEMO RELEASED=> House Intelligence Committee Releases Classified FISA Memo

Gateway Pundit again, eh?

There's a place for you too, dear one.

Back to whence thy came from!
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #203 - Nov 23rd, 2019 at 5:20pm

President Trump: Durham Investigation Will Expose “Biggest Scandal in History” and Implicate Obama!

by Jim Hoft November 22, 2019 190 Comments


President Donald Trump joined FOX and Friends this morning by phone for a nearly hour-long interview.

During his conversation Trump discussed the upcoming Inspector General report that will be released in December.

During their discussion President Trump touched on “nutjob” Adam Schiff, incompetent Pelosi and the insane impeachment show trials they held in the US House for the past two weeks over nothing.

President Trump warned Democrats that HE WANTS A SENATE TRIAL if they decide to impeach him over their nonsense. A Senate trial WILL DESTROY DEMOCRATS and ought to scare the hell out of them.

President Trump also warned Democrats about the upcoming FISA report showing Democrat Party spying on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

President Trump: What you’re going to see, I predict, will be perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country, political scandal. Political scanda, but that’s the biggest… I think you’re going to see things that are going to be incredible if it’s done right. And I purposely stay out until Bill Barr to handle everything. I wouldn’t have to. I could get very much involved. But I purposely don’t.

President Trump also told the FOX morning crew that the Durham investigation will implicate former President Barack Obama.

Tyler O’Neil at PJ Media reported:

Now, what you’re going to see, I predict, will be perhaps the biggest scandal in the history of our country, political scandal,” Trump said. “You have a FISA report coming out which the word is, it’s historic, that is what the word is. That’s what I hear. And if it’s historic, you will see something. And then perhaps even more importantly you have Durham coming out shortly thereafter. He is the U.S. Attorney and he is already announced it’s criminal.”…

…Steve Doocy asked the president if spygate “could actually go up into the West Wing of the Obama administration.”

Trump said it traces back to “the highest levels of government. They were spying on my campaign. That is my opinion.”

“How high did it go, Mr. President? How high did it go?” Doocy pressed.

“I think personally, I think it goes all the way,” Trump responded.

“I hate to say it. I think it’s a disgrace. They thought I was going to win and they said, ‘How can we stop him?’ They wrote up the phony, fake dossier, the disgusting fake dossier, and they tried to have it put out prior to the election just to show you how incompetent they were,” he said.
“They spent millions and millions of dollars, Hillary Clinton paid for it, and the Democrats.”
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #204 - Nov 24th, 2019 at 10:13am

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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #205 - Nov 24th, 2019 at 1:42pm



'FBI was taking the lead': John Brennan distances CIA from FISA report

by Daniel Chaitin
| November 22, 2019 11:45 PM
| Updated Nov 23, 2019, 01:41 AM
Former CIA Director John Brennan dissociated himself on Friday from the forthcoming Justice Department watchdog report on alleged government surveillance abuses.

During an appearance on MSNBC, Brennan emphasized "the FBI was taking the lead" on securing Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants to wiretap onetime Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, a process that was scrutinized in Inspector General Michael Horowitz's recently completed investigation into possible surveillance abuses.

He acknowledged the CIA may have known something about Page if his name "came up in some type of Intelligence Community report," adding, "That would have been immediately shared with the FBI." Page was an American citizen suspected of being a Russian asset as part of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, called Crossfire Hurricane, but he was never charged with any wrongdoing.

Brennan, who was CIA director during the Obama administration, was interviewed after it was revealed an FBI lawyer is under criminal investigation for allegedly altering a document related to the wiretapping of Page. This lawyer was later identified as Kevin Clinesmith, who left the bureau two months ago after being interviewed by Horowitz.

Earlier in the day, Fox News aired an interview in which President Trump claimed that high-level officials were "spying" on his campaign and invoked Brennan's name, among others. Former Rep. Trey Gowdy has suggested Brennan's emails with then-FBI Director James Comey regarding the use of British ex-spy Christopher Steele's unverified dossier could be a focus of Horowitz's inquiry.

The leaks about the FISA report that have come out so far, which claim Horowitz found no abuse of power by top officials out of bias against Trump, are based on sources familiar with a draft of the inspector general's findings. Urging caution at jumping to conclusions before the final report is publicly released, tentatively on Dec. 9, Brennan said he would reserve judgment on any specific official's behavior.

"This report, supposedly, that Horowitz is going to come forward with, if there was some type of modification, the question is when was it done, why was it done," Brennan said, referring to the situation with Clinesmith.

"And so the IG reports usually will take a very close look and use a microscope to look at these things, but I think we just have to wait for it to come out to determine exactly whether or not there was any wrongdoing whatsoever or whether or not there were just some things that happened that, you know, might not have been exactly the way they should have taken place," he added.

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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #206 - Nov 24th, 2019 at 7:06pm


Cari Kelemen

Follow Follow @KelemenCari
Whatever Barr said to Trump, Giuliani must know too. Rudy’s tweets today are so in-your-face confident- this sounds like someone who is about to win, and win BIG.

“I caught them. I caught them ALL. Let’s see what happens.”

1:52 PM - 23 Nov 2019
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #207 - Nov 24th, 2019 at 8:25pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 23rd, 2019 at 8:48am:
It is centered in part on the FBI’s use of a secret surveillance warrant to monitor the communications of
Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

“This was spying on my campaign — something that has never been done in the history of our country,” Trump told “Fox & Friends” on Friday. “They tried to overthrow the presidency.”

The allegation against the lawyer was first reported by CNN.

The Washington Post subsequently reported that the conduct of the FBI employee didn’t alter Horowitz’s finding that the surveillance application of Page had a proper legal and factual basis, an official told the Post, which said the lawyer was forced out.

A person familiar with the case who was not authorized to discuss the matter by name and spoke to AP only on the condition of anonymity confirmed the allegation.

Spokespeople for the FBI and the inspector general declined to comment Friday.

The FBI obtained a secret surveillance warrant in 2016 to monitor the communications of Page, who was never charged in the Russia investigation or accused of wrongdoing.

The warrant, which was renewed several times and approved by different judges in 2016 and early 2017, has been one of the most contentious elements of the Russia probe and was the subject of dueling memos last year issued by Democrats and Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee.

Republicans have long questioned the credibility of the warrant application since it cited information derived from a dossier of opposition research compiled by Christopher Steele, a former British spy whose work was financed by Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

“They got my warrant — a fraudulent warrant, I believe — to spy on myself as a way of getting into the Trump campaign,” Page said in an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox’s “Mornings with Maria.” “There has been a continued cover-up to this day. We still don’t have the truth, but hopefully, we’ll get that soon.”

FBI Director Chris Wray has told Congress that he did not consider the FBI surveillance to be “spying” and that he has no evidence the FBI illegally monitored Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election.

Wray said he would not describe the FBI’s surveillance as “spying” if it’s following “investigative policies and procedures.”

Attorney General William Barr has said he believed “spying” did occur, but he also made clear at a Senate hearing earlier this year that he had no specific evidence that any surveillance was illegal or improper.

Barr has appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham to investigate how intelligence was collected, and that probe has since become criminal in nature, a person familiar with the matter has said.

“They got my warrant — a fraudulent warrant, I believe — to spy on myself as a way of getting into the Trump campaign,” Page said in an interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox’s “Mornings with Maria.”

It is centered in part on the FBI’s use of a secret surveillance warrant to monitor the communications of
Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Lets see the warrant for surveillance started several months after Page had left the Trump team. Just how does monitoring someone who once in the past worked for Trump constitute spying on the Trump campaign ?

To go a bit further Page was first under investigation including a monitoring warrant in 2013 - before the steele report, before he worked for Trump and before Trump had any intention of running for election. Was this preemptive election spying ? (Idiots)

To me the real question here is why did Trump want a guy on his team who's only known skill was in negotiation shonky deals with some very shonky Russians ?

Attorney General William Barr has said he believed “spying” did occur, but he also made clear at a Senate hearing earlier this year that he had no specific evidence that any surveillance was illegal or improper.

If Donalds Butt boy didn't come out swinging there must be nothing there.
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #208 - Nov 29th, 2019 at 10:17am

John Durham to Eventually Indict Former FBI Agent Clinesmith for Falsifying Documents
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #209 - Nov 29th, 2019 at 10:17am


Cari Kelemen

Follow Follow @KelemenCari
Whatever Barr said to Trump, Giuliani must know too. Rudy’s tweets today are so in-your-face confident- this sounds like someone who is about to win, and win BIG.

“I caught them. I caught them ALL. Let’s see what happens.”

1:52 PM - 23 Nov 2019
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