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A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE " (Read 21342 times)
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #270 - Dec 9th, 2019 at 8:42pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Dec 9th, 2019 at 12:12pm:

Dear one?

What dost thou sayest is COMING?
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #271 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 7:34am


Bill Barr And John Durham Criticize Conclusions Of IG FISA Investigation

DECEMBER 9, 2019 By Chrissy Clark
Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham expressed their concern over the conclusion of the newly released FISA report, which concludes the FBI launched a surveillance investigation into former Trump aide Carter Page based on uncorroborated evidence funded by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

The FISA report concludes, while the FBI investigation was rife with errors, there is no evidence of political bias or improper motivation that influenced the FBI’s decision to spy on Page.

In remarks revealing Barr’s attitude toward the FISA report’s findings, Barr claims the IG report made clear the FBI launched an out-of-line investigation.

“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Barr said.


Barr blasted the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team for misleading the FISA court and noted that the Department of Justice will “follow all appropriate processes and procedures, including as to any potential disciplinary action” with personnel involved in misleading the secret court.

“FISA is an essential tool for the protection of the safety of the American people. The Department of Justice and the FBI are committed to taking whatever steps are necessary to rectify the abuses that occurred and to ensure the integrity of the FISA process going forward,” he said.

According to Fox News’s Brooke Singman, Durhman made a similar statement saying he did not agree with the report’s conclusions.

“Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the IG that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened.”

Barr and Durham may be angered by the fact that the FISA report shows evidence of wrongdoing, yet, the IG does not recommend anyone to be held accountable in a court of law.

Republicans Senators asked Inspector General Michael Horowitz for this this report on February 28, 2018. Now, almost two years later, the IG report is finally released only to reveal there was indeed abuse at the highest levels of the U.S. intelligence community, and yet no criminal referrals.

“We found that members of the [counterintelligence] team failed to meet the basic obligation to ensure that the Carter Page FISA applications were ‘scrupulously accurate,'” the report reads. “We identified significant inaccuracies and omissions in each of the four applications – 7 in the first FISA application and a total of 17 by the final renewal application.”

Yet, the IG concluded that this improper behavior deserves no discipline or accountability.

While the IG may be the watchdog and “auditor” of the Department of Justice, it is inevitably up to the Attorney General to decide if anyone will face charges for wrongdoings.

The power truly belongs in the hands of Barr and Durhman, not Horowitz.
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #272 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 7:42am

AG Barr & Durham Make Shocking IG Report Announcement As It's Published! SCANDAL Rocks Obama & Dems
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #273 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 8:53am

Durham Disagrees With Some Conclusions in Inspector General’s Report
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #274 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 9:51am


IG Report: FBI Doctored Evidence To Falsely Paint Carter Page As Russian Spy

The Department of Justice's inspector general found that a top FBI lawyer blatantly doctored evidence to falsely smear Carter Page as a Russian spy.

DECEMBER 9, 2019 By Sean Davis and Mollie Hemingway
A wide-ranging investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general (IG) found that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) deliberately doctored evidence it presented to the nation’s top spy court in order to gain authority to spy on a key Trump affiliate.

The 476-page report from Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that the FBI falsely claimed to the FISA Court not only that Carter Page was a Russian agent, but also falsely claimed that an unnamed intelligence agency had told the FBI that Page was “not a source” in their efforts to surveil and curtail Russian intelligence efforts.

Page, who had previously been an informant and witness for the United States in a federal espionage case against a Russian intelligence official, was targeted by the Obama FBI as a Russian spy helping Putin to steal the election from Hillary Clinton in 2016. According to the IG report, before the FBI and DOJ went to the FISA Court to apply for a warrant to spy on Page, an unnamed U.S. intelligence agency had told the FBI that Carter Page had previously assisted that agency’s efforts against Russian spies. Although exculpatory information about potential spy targets is required in spy warrant applications, Obama’s FBI and DOJ deliberately withheld that information from the spy court in order to paint Page in the worst possible light.

The FBI’s malfeasance in the matter did not stop there. Ahead of an application to renew the spy warrant in 2017, a top FBI lawyer doctored evidence from the unnamed agency which confirmed that contrary to FBI claims that he was a Russian spy, Page had in fact assisted the United States in its efforts to counter Russian operations. An e-mail from the agency that clearly stated Page was “a source” for them was doctored by Kevin Clinesmith, a top FBI national security lawyer, to give the opposite impression to the federal spy court.

“The [Office of General Counsel] Attorney altered and sent the e-mail to a [supervisory special agent], who thereafter relied on it to swear out the third FISA application,” the IG report notes. Upon learning that a top FBI lawyer doctored evidence against a former Trump campaign affiliate to justify spying on him, the IG referred the attorney to DOJ for criminal prosecution.

Text messages from that same lawyer after the 2016 election revealed that he was an anti-Trump activist. “Viva la Resistance!” he texted on November 22, 2016, while in the midst of investigating Trump. He would later be terminated from the Mueller probe for conduct which a previous IG report said “brought discredit” to the FBI. Of FBI documents he approved authorizing spying on Trump campaign, Clinesmith wrote “[M]y god damned name is all over the legal documents investigating his staff.”

“[W]ho knows if that breaks to him what he is going to do,” Clinesmith continued, apparently worried about the ramifications of his illicit behavior against the Trump campaign. It is unclear whether he doctored evidence against Trump to protect his own career and reputation or simply because of anti-Trump animus. At the time, Clinesmith worked under James Baker, the FBI General Counsel who was a close confidant of fired former director James Comey. Baker was one of a slew of former deputies who resigned or were fired as the Russia collusion hoax imploded.

In his report, the Horowitz referred Clinesmith to DOJ authorities for criminal prosecution. Spanning more than 476 pages, the report cited countless examples of corruption and deceit committed by employees throughout the FBI and Department of Justice related to the Trump-Russia probe, confirming that the investigation against Trump was unusually aggressive, politically tainted, and bore no fruit. Despite its claims about Page being a traitorous Russian spy, the former Trump foreign policy affiliate was never charged with any wrongdoing since there was no evidence that he was working for the Russians.

A subsequent investigation by Robert Mueller similarly found zero evidence of treasonous collusion with Russia by Trump or his campaign to steal the 2016 election.
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #275 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 9:54am


FBI’s ‘resistance’ lawyer under fire in upcoming watchdog report

The former FBI lawyer accused of altering crucial documents in the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign is the same official who praised “the Resistance” in an anti-Trump text message in 2016, according to reports.

Kevin Clinesmith, who worked for ousted FBI agent Peter Strzok in the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the Russia probe, made significant additions to an email that was included in an application to renew a surveillance order against Trump aide Carter Page, The New York Times reported.

Clinesmith, identified as “FBI Attorney 2,” also appeared in a 2018 Inspector General’s report as the author of a string of texts lamenting Trump’s election, according to the Daily Caller.

“I am so stressed about what I could have done differently,” he wrote Nov. 9, hours after Trump’s victory. “Viva la Resistance!” he texted on Nov. 22.
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #276 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 11:14am

BREAKING: US Attorney John Durham Releases Statement Disputing IG Report Conclusions

by Cristina Laila December 9, 2019


The DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz finally released his report on FISA abuses on Monday.

The report revealed what we knew to be true all along — the FBI defrauded the FISA court and purposely omitted exculpatory information from the FISA judges in order to obtain FOUR FISA warrants on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

Horowitz, however concluded that the FBI investigation into Trump was not politically motivated — and John Durham hit back.

US Attorney from Connecticut John Durham immediately released a statement following the release of the FISA report and disputed Horowitz’s findings and conclusions.

“I have the utmost respect for the mission of the Office of Inspector General and the comprehensive work that went into the report prepared by Mr. Horowitz and his staff. However, our investigation is not limited to developing information from within component parts of the Justice Department. Our investigation has included developing information from other persons and entities, both in the U.S. and outside of the U.S. Based on the evidence collected to date, and while our investigation is ongoing, last month we advised the Inspector General that we do not agree with some of the report’s conclusions as to predication and how the FBI case was opened,” John Durham said in a rare statement.

John Durham was tapped by Bill Barr earlier this year to conduct an investigation into the origins of Spygate.

Mr. Durham has already traveled to Italy and other countries as part of his sprawling investigation into how Obama’s corrupt FBI and intel agencies launched and carried out the largest spy operation of a presidential candidate in US history.

Unlike Horowitz, Durham has real power to bring the coup plotters to justice, such as the power to indict and impanel a grand jury.

US Attorney General Bill Barr also blasted the FBI on Monday in a statement

“The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,” Barr said, adding, “It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatory.”
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« Last Edit: Dec 10th, 2019 at 11:22am by it_is_the_light »  

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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #277 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 11:16am

AG Bill Barr’s Statement Is Damning – “the Inspector General’s Report Reflects a CLEAR ABUSE of the FISA process”


by Joe Hoft December 9, 2019

AG Bill Barr wrote a scathing memo on the IG’s report on FISA abuse stating that the there was horrible abuse of the FISA process by the Obama Administration.  The memo is totally damning.
AG Bill Barr released a memo stating unequivocally that there was rampant abuse of the FISA process during the Obama Administration which carried forward into 2017.

The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken.  It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatory.  Nevertheless, the investigation and surveillance was pushed forward for the duration of the campaign and deep into President Trump’s administration.  In the rush to obtain and maintain FISA surveillance of Trump campaign associates, FBI officials misled the FISA court, omitted critical exculpatory facts from their filings, and suppressed or ignored information negating the reliability of their principal source.  The Inspector General found the explanations given for these actions unsatisfactory.  While most of the misconduct identified by the Inspector General was committed in 2016 and 2017 by a small group of now-former FBI officials, the malfeasance and misfeasance detailed in the Inspector General’s report reflects a clear abuse of the FISA process.

When has the US Attorney General ever done this before?  This statement is damning, “the malfeasance and misfeasance detailed in the Inspector General’s report reflects a clear abuse of the FISA process.”
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #278 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 1:28pm

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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #279 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 6:17pm
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #280 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 6:18pm
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #281 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 6:19pm
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #282 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 6:19pm
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #283 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 6:19pm
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Re: A.G.Barr and Durham, " THE STORM IS HERE "
Reply #284 - Dec 10th, 2019 at 7:39pm

Hannity: Deep state in deep legal jeaopardy
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