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Trump derangement syndrome (Read 3579 times)
Brian Ross
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #45 - Nov 9th, 2024 at 1:15pm
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #46 - Nov 9th, 2024 at 2:12pm
philperth2010 wrote on Nov 8th, 2024 at 10:32am:
KangAnon wrote on Nov 8th, 2024 at 10:26am:
I find it quite revealing that those fixated on Trump feel compelled to rely on AI-generated images to sustain their loyalty, yet they accuse anyone who accurately critiques his words or actions of having 'Trump Derangement Syndrome.'

It seems the irony is entirely lost on them.

Trump will take America back to the isolationist policies of the United States before the advent of Pearl Harbour....America were quite happy to sit out WW2 whilst supplying arms and staying safe whilst the rest of the world dealt with the NAZI threat....The Japanese forced America to join the fight despite it's sympathies for the NAZIS and hatred of the Russians....Trump will suck up to Russia and desert America's allies....Heil Trump and the Fourth Reich!!!

To be fair, the US has been decommitting foreign military support and globalisation since Obama.

What drove post-WW2 US commitment to patrolling sea lanes and protecting its allies with boots on the ground was its need to contain Soviet communism - perceiving it as in the interests of national security.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, successive US administrations maintained their direct involvement in world security until the fiasco of the Iraq War after 9/11 and the catastrophe of Afghanistan - which the Obama Administration tried to extricate the US from but backed off as it risked an ignominious withdrawal. The Trump Administration was hobbled by COVID, but Trump let the cat out of the bag to the Taliban that he would withdraw from Afghanistan in his expected successive second term, thereby forcing the Biden Administration to follow through as the Taliban were now aware that the US did not have the will to continue and had become emboldened by that.

Since Obama through Trump then Biden the US has been decommitting from its world security guarantee.

The second Trump Administration will continue this decommitment with only a handful of countries on the exception list - Australia being one... for now - the reason being that the US wants to ensure access to as much of the world's minerals required for new energy production.

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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #47 - Nov 9th, 2024 at 2:18pm
philperth2010 wrote on Nov 8th, 2024 at 11:27am:
Trump already pulled America out of International treaties in his last term and has already signaled his support for Putin and Russia..

The Paris Agreement was never a Treaty. It was never signed. It was done by executive order. Just sayin'. Wink
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #48 - Nov 9th, 2024 at 4:36pm
MeisterEckhart wrote on Nov 9th, 2024 at 2:12pm:
philperth2010 wrote on Nov 8th, 2024 at 10:32am:
KangAnon wrote on Nov 8th, 2024 at 10:26am:
I find it quite revealing that those fixated on Trump feel compelled to rely on AI-generated images to sustain their loyalty, yet they accuse anyone who accurately critiques his words or actions of having 'Trump Derangement Syndrome.'

It seems the irony is entirely lost on them.

Trump will take America back to the isolationist policies of the United States before the advent of Pearl Harbour....America were quite happy to sit out WW2 whilst supplying arms and staying safe whilst the rest of the world dealt with the NAZI threat....The Japanese forced America to join the fight despite it's sympathies for the NAZIS and hatred of the Russians....Trump will suck up to Russia and desert America's allies....Heil Trump and the Fourth Reich!!!

To be fair, the US has been decommitting foreign military support and globalisation since Obama.

What drove post-WW2 US commitment to patrolling sea lanes and protecting its allies with boots on the ground was its need to contain Soviet communism - perceiving it as in the interests of national security.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, successive US administrations maintained their direct involvement in world security until the fiasco of the Iraq War after 9/11 and the catastrophe of Afghanistan - which the Obama Administration tried to extricate the US from but backed off as it risked an ignominious withdrawal. The Trump Administration was hobbled by COVID, but Trump let the cat out of the bag to the Taliban that he would withdraw from Afghanistan in his expected successive second term, thereby forcing the Biden Administration to follow through as the Taliban were now aware that the US did not have the will to continue and had become emboldened by that.

Since Obama through Trump then Biden the US has been decommitting from its world security guarantee.

The second Trump Administration will continue this decommitment with only a handful of countries on the exception list - Australia being one... for now - the reason being that the US wants to ensure access to as much of the world's minerals required for new energy production.

It was not "decommitment from the world" to recognise, this time in Afghanistan after 20 years of futile efforts, that there is no helping people who will not help themselves.

American generosity and naivete (like Soviet naivete half a century before and British naivete before that) had to end. The converts to Allah are beyond help.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #49 - Nov 9th, 2024 at 4:53pm
The Bush 2 Administration took up Charlie Wilson's dream of bringing the 20th century to Afghanistan.

Charlie Wilson managed to inspire the Carter and Reagan Administrations to defeat the Soviets in Afghanistan by arming the Mujahadeen, but could not convince the Reagan Administration to rebuild Afghanistan in a 'Western image'.

The Bush 2 Administration took on the idea...

Didn't work.

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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #50 - Nov 9th, 2024 at 5:48pm
MeisterEckhart wrote on Nov 8th, 2024 at 10:11am:
Francine Prose... Transitioned from Frank Pudebider?

You are STILL trying to be clever in vain.


Keep pushing.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #51 - Nov 9th, 2024 at 7:53pm
Trump derangement syndrome

The right do not get that:

Yes Trump does have the group of symptoms associated with derangement.
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #52 - Jan 6th, 2025 at 12:11pm
Dnarever wrote on Nov 9th, 2024 at 7:53pm:
Trump derangement syndrome

The right do not get that:

Yes Trump does have the group of symptoms associated with derangement.

“Journalism’s Bleak Future—Trump Is Obsessed With Destroying the Media.”

So wrote one Dara Brewton, identified as an “actress and writer,” for Newsweek a fortnight after the election. I wonder if she’s any good as an actress? If only Mr. Trump were obsessed with destroying the media! If only it were possible for him—or anyone else—to do so. Ah well, I can dream, can’t I?

But I was amused at the headline—not so much by the preposterousness of saying that anyone as much a creature of the media as Donald Trump could be out to destroy the media, nor even that someone at Newsweek (as opposed to some obscure Substack) thought this an arguable point of view for an opinion piece in a respectable online magazine. Rather, I was struck by the irony-blindness of both Ms. Brewton and Newsweek in advancing her hypothesis without making any mention of the media’s decade-long obsession with destroying Mr. Trump.

If Mr. Trump is to have a hope of “destroying” anything, it must instead be the public’s continuing willingness to believe the media when it presents its self-righteous malice as a disinterested quest for virtue and truth in public life. And there are signs—mainly in the oft-remarked decline of public trust in the media, which is now, in the wake of the election, even lower than before—that more and more people are catching on to the kind of game the media have long been playing with our politics.

In other  words, the TDS media is projecting furiously. They accuse Trump and their political opponents with exactly what they are doing. Which is why they are losing credibility.

And the TDS kids here are a microcosm copy of that bigger picture: obscessive projecting of their own derangements.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Brian Ross
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #53 - Jan 6th, 2025 at 12:43pm
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« Last Edit: Jan 6th, 2025 at 12:49pm by Brian Ross »  

Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #54 - Jan 6th, 2025 at 1:16pm
Dnarever wrote on Nov 9th, 2024 at 7:53pm:
Trump derangement syndrome

The right do not get that:

Yes Trump does have the group of symptoms associated with derangement.

An irony-blindness similar to Ms. Brewton’s was evident a few days earlier in a Guardian piece by Joan E. Greve, headed “‘No time to pull punches’: is a civil war on the horizon for the Democratic party?” She wrote:

Joe Biden stood before the American people, millions of whom were still reeling from the news of Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential race, and reassured them: “We’re going to be OK.”

In his first remarks since his vice-president and chosen successor, Kamala Harris, lost the presidential election, Biden delivered a pep talk from the White House Rose Garden on a sunny Thursday that clashed with Democrats’ black mood in the wake of their devastating electoral losses. Biden pledged a smooth transfer of power to Trump and expressed faith in the endurance of the American experiment. . . . The message severely clashed with the dire warnings that many Democrats, including Biden, have issued about the dangers of a second Trump term. They have predicted that Trump’s return to power would jeopardize the very foundation of American democracy.

In other words (not hers), either Mr. Biden is lying now or he was lying then. I wonder which Ms. Greve believed to be the case? The answer, apparently, is that she never asked herself the question. Instead, she went through a whole litany of possible reasons for the Democrats’ loss without ever mentioning that maybe, just maybe, the real reason was that the American people had clearly seen what she herself had only momentarily glimpsed: that all the campaign rhetoric about Mr. Trump’s “threat to democracy” was just a scare tactic and that the Trump-voting majority had spotted this rhetorical fakery long before Mr. Biden implicitly acknowledged it in his Rose Garden statement and with his subsequent cordial meeting with Mr. Trump in the White House.

At least Ms. Greve was willing to entertain the idea that the Democrats’ loss might have been owing to something that the party had done wrong—perhaps with their unceremonious dumping of Mr. Biden and the installation in his place of someone who apparently had no ideas of her own to run on and who had never won an election outside of the one-party state of California. Lots of elected Democrats thought the same, or at least deemed it politic to claim that they thought the same and that they were looking close to home for explanations of why they lost.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #55 - Jan 6th, 2025 at 1:39pm
trump understands how people "work"

in 2015 , trump saw that the left were really "picking on " white males.

trump, very cleverly thought

"if i present myself as having all the behaviours the left hate , they will come after me"

trump runs for prez.

the left "up the ante"

trump plays the left.

they increase the rhetoric

every time they attack trump, the millions of young white dudes who would NEVER normally vote, feel that they are being further attacked

trump continues to agitate and stir

the left spiral further out of control

they are going crazy with the trans stuff and the anti family stuff and the anti patriotic stuff as a reaction to trump

now black men and hispanic men feel that the family is under attack and that their religion is under attack

now the wives of white men and the mothers of white men feel their husbands and sons are under attack from the left

trump increases the trolling

the left increase their extreme agenda as a reaction to trump

now the wives and daughters and sons see their daddy who is a working man being crapped on because he isnt university educated and because he is straight and because he goes to church

trump becomes the lightning rod for well over half the country

the more he is attacked the more he gains support

he gets his ear shot and still the left attack him as hitler

his fans continue to skyrocket

the media are desperate to save jo

"Jo is as sharp as he's ever been. Jo is the msartest guy in the room" says the mainstream

Jo goes on a debate and trump lets him hang himself

now the mainstream are disgraced and revealed as liars

trump dernagment syndrome is easy to define

trump trolled the left and they gave him exactly what he wanted

instead of ignoring him, they paid such close attention to him, they made him the most powerful man on the planet

and now the are going to double down on their derangment  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
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Carl D
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #56 - Jan 6th, 2025 at 1:52pm
^^^^^ There's absolutely no way I am going to read that mega word salad.

Roll Eyes
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #57 - Jan 6th, 2025 at 2:18pm
Carl D wrote on Jan 6th, 2025 at 1:52pm:
^^^^^ There's absolutely no way I am going to read that mega word salad.

Roll Eyes

has 7 covid vaccines deranged your eyesight  Grin Grin Grin
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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #58 - Jan 6th, 2025 at 2:30pm
aquascoot wrote on Jan 6th, 2025 at 1:39pm:
instead of ignoring him, they paid such close attention to him, they made him the most powerful man on the planet

Ah, no.

That would be the Sith Ifrican.

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Re: Trump derangement syndrome
Reply #59 - Jan 6th, 2025 at 2:36pm
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 6th, 2025 at 2:30pm:
aquascoot wrote on Jan 6th, 2025 at 1:39pm:
instead of ignoring him, they paid such close attention to him, they made him the most powerful man on the planet

Ah, no.

That would be the Sith Ifrican.

ah no

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

CEOs rush to bend the knee to Donald Trump
From Silicon Valley to Wall Street, even corporate opponents have been bending over backwards to meet the U.S. president-elect

CEOs of TikTok, Meta, Apple and Google have already gone to Mar-a-Lago and Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos, who's donated to Democrats in the past and whose wife served as an ambassador during the Obama administration, is expected to meet with Trump on Tuesday.

During a press conference Monday, Trump said, “The first term everybody was fighting me. In this term, everybody wants to be my friend. I don't know. My personality changed or something."

Tech leaders are eager to have a seat at the table, especially when the incoming administration sets policy on artificial intelligence. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and AI startup Perplexity are each expected to donate $1 million to Trump's inaugural fund. Amazon and Meta also contributed the same amount.

Founder of Amazon and Blue Sky Jeff Bezos said as much earlier this month when asked about his thoughts on the incoming administration.

“(Trump) seems to have a lot of energy around reducing regulation. And my point of view, if I can help him do that, I’m gonna help him," Bezos said.

On Monday, Trump confirmed Bezos will visit Mar-a-Lago sometime this week.

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