Gnads wrote on Nov 23
rd, 2019 at 7:44am:
governmentalPanel on Climate Change
And what do governments always want to do?
Control people.......
and what's the best way to do that?
Fear, Emotion with religious zeal
that's what your Climate Science is.
NASA guarrantees 100% that their Planetary Salvation of finding New Worlds will be a success in Saving Humanity from this weak and finite World that is starting to 'die'.
New Worlds Await You.
Just give your Money to Science and not Religion, for only Science - not God, can save you. With Science and its Champion NASA will show you the way from this 'doomed' world called Earth.
Time to leave the womb, the placenta is almost out of juice.
All these 'RESOURCES' are there to be used. We must maximise total use of the World, if we are to succeed.
If we stay here - we will 'wither' like an Aboriginal in a hot dried out world of isolation.
Oh wait - the Aboriginals actually lived a sustainable lifestyle that even Religion's Garden of Eden mythology, would be proud. only looked like a wasteland of deserts and poor resources to White People when they arrived... like people from another planet.
>>>>>>>>>>meanwhile, the 'Rest of the World' gather at a Restaurant at the End of the Universe at #42 Adams Street in at least 42 places around England.
There they come in FEAR of this world being destroyed.
>>>>>>>>>>Because to treat the World as such, is like treating your Wife. Do you intend 'Murder' then?<<<<<<