freediver wrote on Dec 6
th, 2019 at 7:59pm:
Frank wrote on Dec 6
th, 2019 at 11:55am:
freediver wrote on Dec 6
th, 2019 at 11:38am:
Frank wrote on Dec 5
th, 2019 at 10:00pm:
freediver wrote on Dec 5
th, 2019 at 9:55pm:
So the media is correct that there is a lot of research into the effect of C02 on climate, but you think they made up the bit about scientists concluding that it effects climate?
Are we getting close to drawing a line in your delusions?
What percentage of climate change is cause by natural variability, FD? If you could tell us that you would also be able to tell us to what extent human CO2 is responsible for the climate.
But you can't so you put it ALL on human CO2 and call the question itself a delusion. This is lazy, unscientific and dishonest.
I think you would greatly benefit from looking at what an eminent scientist has said to the relevant US Senate hearing - as well as the other submission at this link. It would straighten your thinking even if not change your mind: You are lying Frank. And you didn't answer the question.
Where's the yawn??
I highlighted your lie. Can you quote me? Or does the truth not matter to skeptics when they get as hysterical as you are?
Instead of running away again, can you clarify if you think the media is correct that there is a lot of research into the effect of C02 on climate, but you think they made up the bit about scientists concluding
that it effects climate?
You are sounding like shifty Turdy McTurd.
CO2 is not the magic knob that controls the climate Man-made CO2 is a very small part of the total CO2 economy in the atmosphere. To what extent does it 'effect the climate' compared to non-human CO2 and all other non human effects? You never say because you do not know. Nobody does.
There is a lot of research into the effects of human CO2. All of it inconclusive because of the above obvious facts, making most of such research inconclusive from the start - they are looking to PROVE a POLITICAL point rather than disprove a scientific hypothesis - the latter being the proper scientific method. Hence the political and agit-prop corruption of all 'climate science reporting'.
The media is produced mostly by communication graduates with zero understanding of what they are talking about, be it climate, politics, society, education - anything. They are simply too stupid and uneducated and inexperienced. They cannot think, they are uncritical, they are of a heard. The corporate media do not get anything right, not elections, no referendums, not the climate.