The_Barnacle wrote on Dec 7
th, 2019 at 12:32pm:
Valkie wrote on Dec 7
th, 2019 at 12:23pm:
One simple way to annoy the hell out of a climate alarmist.
Guaranteed to get you insulted and screamed at.
Simply because they know that they have no answer and all their theories and pretty graphs mean nothing.
The question?
The earth has been through many heating and cooling cycles since it has been.
Extreme events where the world has been virtually frozen and others where the world has been virtually cooked.
What caused these events?
Easy enough question for the climate alarmists to answer if the have all these pretty graps and computer models.
But they cannot, because they just don't know.
Now, if they cannot tell us why the earth heated and cooled so many times before.
What makes this time any different from all those events in the past.
We are due for an event, it's coming, and no amount of climate alarmism will stop it.
But a great deal of scamming scientists, and those that benifit from the doom and gloom forecast is happening all the time.
Tell me why our planet has heated and cooled in the past.
Then prove this event is not simply one of them
And I will advocate for anything you so desire.
Changes in the earths orbit, changes in the suns radiance, changes in the atmosphere, changes in the ocean currents, changes in the land mass (ie continental drift). All these things change the climate.
Over the past 150 years the only thing that has changed is the amount of CO
2 in the atmosphere
Do you think valkie will keep his promise?
Could, would, maybe, perhaps.
This is not proof, this is guesses.
I want some hard facts.
Prove why the earth has changed from hot to cold and back.
And you have me.
But there is nothing.
All the DATA that is thrown around is based on a few hundred years of data.
The earth is billions of years old.
It woukd be like examining, in detail, one second of a ponds life and guessing it's future.
No data on how the pond formed or if it will evaporate.
Just that one second in time.
Proof, or at least verifiable theory, not guesses.