The_Barnacle wrote on Dec 1
st, 2019 at 12:15pm:
Gnads wrote on Nov 30
th, 2019 at 12:35pm:
Hexafluorsiliic Acid is a contaminated industrial waste ......
and that's what they put in public water supplies & call fluoride.
What they put in toothpaste is sodium fluoride, but at least it's pharmacy grade
Dentists get you to rinse thoroughly whenever they give you a topical fluoride treatment.
They know it's toxic.
what comes from nature is calcium fluoride .... but local authorities don't use that .........
they use toxic industrial waste.
The state that has had fluoride in their water the longest - TASMANIA-(66 years) has the highest adult tooth decay rate in the country.
freediver wrote on Dec 1
st, 2019 at 11:00am:
Quote:Why don't you tell me why you accept the toxic contaminated industrial waste from the fertilizer & Aluminium industries dumped into public water supplies as being fluoride?
Because that's what it is? It's like getting water from recycled sewage. It's still water.
For the record, my dentist specifically says NOT to rinse out my mouth for at least an hour after a topical fluoride treatment. If you do, you've wasted your time getting the treatment
You're dentist is a tool.
You rinse immediately after ... he may say after that not to rinse any further.
It's not fluoride put in our water supplies ... thank goodness not mine anyway's industrial waste fluorosilic acid that comes from wet scrubbers from the stacks from fertilizer & aluminium industries.
Even the pro-fluoridists admit that.
They are
not allowed to let it go into the air, streams or rivers or landfill but they can dump it in public water supplies & it's not a pollutant?
Funny how our sewage water ends up back in the river systems.
It's contaminated with heavy metals & arsenic.
And more & cities & communities are rejecting fluoride.
Quote:Most developed nations, including the vast majority of western Europe, do not fluoridate their drinking water. Cities that do not fluoridate their water include: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Basel, Berlin, Copenhagen, Florence, Frankfurt, Geneva, Glasgow, Helsinki, London, Montreal, Oslo, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Tokyo, Vancouver, Venice, Vienna, and Zurich.
Since health authorities in North America have refused to let go of the fluoridation paradigm, local communities are doing the work for them. Since 2010, over 240 communities have rejected the practice, including large communities like Calgary, Alberta (pop. 1.3 million), Windsor, Ontario (pop. 279,000), Portland, Oregon (pop. 900,000), Wichita, Kansas (pop. 385,000), and Bucks County, Pennsylvania (385,000).
There are many many more around the globe.