cods wrote on Dec 18
th, 2019 at 12:03pm:
tickleandrose wrote on Dec 18
th, 2019 at 11:52am:
cods wrote on Dec 18
th, 2019 at 7:57am:
mothra wrote on Dec 18
th, 2019 at 7:54am:
Quick Gordy! Cods needs you to say mean things about me!
no dear I was waiting for you to mention the dead baby..
but thats not the issue in this topic is it pet...
But do you not see cods, Gordon had no regret for the baby at all. In the very first post he suggested is that the mother is drug affected, and therefore the baby was defective with no evidence at all.
This is ALOT worse in my opinion, when Mothra is trying demonstrate his fallacy.
I personally think your opinion is grossly biased in this case. I agree to and extent.... I dont think gordy should have brought that up unless he had evidence...I agree but did it warrant the attack from mothra?.... why couldnt she just ask him for the evidence of drugs.....he admits he put two and two together Mt Druit what else..

... all I asked was shouldnt he the father be charged with murder? and not far no one including you has given me their opinion on that.....
do you think I should have copped the abuse and lies mothra spit out?
you think they were justified tickle?????..
how about accusing gordon of saying the baby is better off dead....
nowhere does he say that or even suggest it... its all in her mind...
your point is taken I will remember that in future
Oh Cods, chill, girl. I think we both have being here long enough to know, that once Mothra and Gordon gets started, there is no stopping. Best to stay out of it.

Anyway, in this case. It is manslaughter, because, the prosecutors would have trouble establishing intent to kill beyond reasonable doubt. The plantiff could easily plea for manslaughter, as sort of accidental death with no intent. UNLESS, of course, the father have documented how he wanted to kill his baby, and estabilish motive (e.g. to hurt mother / to claim insurance), then murder charge wont stand. Only in very rare circumstances, the jury would convict someone on 'instantaneous' intent to murder.