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Washington's Politicians work for the Cabal (Read 712 times)
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Washington's Politicians work for the Cabal
Dec 27th, 2019 at 2:23am
This is why we need Trump!

White Hats Report:

Paladin is a forensic accountant with a special forces background who publishes the White Hats Report, which reveals the history of the Deep State by following the money. He joins Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot, in preparation for the release of paradigm-shifting information about the Deep State/Cabal criminal organizations created to subvert governments, steal productivity, technological advancements and wealth from the people and to enslave us all.

He says, "It's coordinated. It's a coordinated effort...these people plan out things 50 and 100 years in advance."

Of the imminent releases from the White Hats Report, he says, "Hopefully, it's an education process, to where [readers] can wake up and look around and see what we're talking about and experience it for themselves... that this is all connected. All of it is orchestrated ...we're taking great care to sort through what we think is relevant and meaningful to the reader... so everyone can see what we're trying to say and what's really going on..."

As far as he and his working group are concerned, the upshot amounts to whether Trump and the DOJ, the FBI and law enforcement will act on their information. "We can give them all the ammunition that they need to prosecute and put these people in jail and get rid of the Federal Reserve. Whether they're going to do that or not...we feel like it's now or never."

PALADIN: The representatives who go to Congress, both sides of the aisle in both houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate, they don't work for us, they work for the Cabal and it's just
that simple and we have to understand that and we have to do something about that and it's got to start from the grass roots.

KERRY CASSIDY: Who, in your opinion is running the Cabal right now? Do you know of any particular individual, now that George Bush Senior is theoretically dead?

PALADIN: Well, it appears as if they have moved Obama up since Bush passed away; George Soros, of course. It's the bankers, it's the Illuminati, it's 30 families, it's the bloodlines. It's still those people.

The people like Soros, though are in a position where they have the access to the funds and they're actually paying people to do certain things; they're paying people to be disruptive. They're sponsoring all of these lunatic ideas and people and I could go on for days, as far as what they're doing towards the funding because it all revolves around the money...

And that's why we are concentrating on the money, because is the way they control all of us, because we have to have money to pay our rent and eat and everything else and so they are able to do that through their financial system that they created and they control...

KERRY CASSIDY: What's going on with Ukraine; Biden and his son?...The whole stupid impeachment thing has blown up over this Biden situation.

PALADIN: ...this is but one example of how the senators and congressmen go to Washington, DC, they have a net worth of maybe $200,000, they make $175,000 a year to work three months, if that...and 10 years later, their net worth is $50 million! Now, how does that happen?

You're in the government, so you're a caretaker of the money - all the money that goes into the government, through taxation... and they get to determine where it goes and just like Biden says at that taped meeting at the [Council on Foreign Relations], "Well, I told him that if he didn't fire the prosecutor, that I wouldn't give him the billion dollars."

Well, it's not his billion dollars, it's our billion dollars...that he used to coerce Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was looking into his son and the business dealings of Burisma.

This is just one example of the way it works everywhere. Imagine what it's been like for China? China is a new economy that we've jumped into with both feet. And how many sweet deals do you think they have gotten from China?

Trump, with these trade deals is trying to undo this and I wish he wouldn't say these were "stupid deals" because they weren't stupid deals, they were done on purpose to destroy this country.

And in the meantime, while they destroyed this country, people like Biden and Obama and Bush and the Cabal are getting rich off of it because they're funneling money - our taxpayer money - to Ukraine or to China and they're getting money back from them as payoffs for the business deals they're doing.

I don't know if anyone's ever seen a list of the money we give away to other countries but it would make you sick. And it's our money - it's not their money!...that's how they enrich themselves...

There's going to be more stuff coming out on Biden...

KERRY CASSIDY: Are you worried about Trump staying in office and them coming after you, when you say "Now or never"?

PALADIN: Yes...because they realize that he is going to change things...they know that if he gets a second term, they're all in trouble. This is why you see this desperation with this impeachment. This has been all to head off Huber's and Durham's and Barr's investigations...

Trump needs a second term...he doesn't need to worry about re-election, he needs to worry about getting rid of these criminals who have infiltrated into every part of our society, especially in the government.
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« Last Edit: Dec 27th, 2019 at 2:31am by Richdude »  

The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”
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Australian Politics

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Re: Washington's Politicians work for the Cabal
Reply #1 - Dec 27th, 2019 at 2:27am
I think that once that gets going, I think that it will spread to other countries...because, I think the rest of the world looks to the United States to be the leader for freedom...and we have been a disgrace to the rest of the world...

KERRY CASSIDY: Do you believe these stories that we're hearing, that people have been arrested and so on?

PALADIN: ...I have no confirmation, although I have heard snippets, here and there, that people have been arrested and taken to Gitmo. You have to understand, these people are, there is nothing they won't do to stay in power.

So, when you look at someone like Barr. Is he getting threats? Is he getting threats to his family? If you're the Attorney General of the United States and if you have the authority to arrest these people and you get a phone call at midnight and they say, "You better back off of this or you're not going to see your family tomorrow"...what do you do? This is the way they operate. This is actually the way it goes.

So, our hope is that we can get a grass roots level awareness of people who know what's going on hits critical mass at some point and everybody knows what's going on and they start holding all of these people accountable and things will change.

But we have to have critical mass. We have to have a certain amount of people who are aware and not only aware but are willing to do something about it to effect change...

[They] depend on us for every-thing. Think about that. They depend on us and our compliance or their whole system would collapse in a matter of days...

KERRY CASSIDY: Do you see any bright spots, in terms of people who are coming to work with you?

PALADIN: Yes...there's a lot of White Hats embedded everywhere. We're almost like sleeper agents and so once the tide turns, they are in a position to do the right thing to make sure things don't go off track, if that makes sense...

I have been told that the trigger point for all of this - and we've talked about the 2015 meeting at Trump Tower with Flynn and Dunford and those guys - but I've since learned that the trigger point was the attempt on JFK Jr, back in [1999]. That was the trigger point, where they said, "OK Guys, we have got to do something about this."

...The tide started to turn 20 years ago and it's taken us this long to see any changes.

KERRY CASSIDY: Are you one of those people who think that JFK Jr is still alive and standing by?

PALADIN: Well, I have been informed by several people that he is still alive. Now, do I think he is? I don't know...I've heard two different versions of the plane crash, which sort of concerns me and gives me pause to think he's still alive only because I've heard two different versions of how that went down.

Because me being like I am, that's the first question I ask, is about, "What about the plane? Did it go down? Did it not go down? What about his wife and her sister? Because when you talk about him, you have to talk about his wife and her sister because his wife and her sister were in that plane crash.

But I have been told that he still alive - and I don't now whether that's true or not and let me be clear, I'm not saying that that is true but I have heard that - and I have also heard that, say Trump gets another term. What are we going to do in 2024? Well, that's the answer to that question (!)

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The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”
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Christ Light

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Re: Washington's Politicians work for the Cabal
Reply #2 - Dec 27th, 2019 at 5:23am
Great and factual content Richdude ..

the dark Cabal is being confronted by MANY White Hats ..

Paladins Channel ~


Episode I is UP!
We’re pleased to announce that Episode 1 is up and can be viewed on our new YouTube channel, White Hats Media Group, links provided below. In gathering intel and documents to include in the White Hats Report 48 series, it has been determined that 5 -7 parts may be needed in addition to supplemental information “dumps” we will be releasing to be spaced between the parts of the #48 video series.

The story that NEEDS to be told is at least 75 years of history if not twice that. We will present the events and reveal the names of the bad actors involved. We will give you an overview by providing the “dots” you’ll need to connect in order to get a better understanding of the origins, history and methods of the shadow government, aka the DEEP STATE. The events of the last three years should leave no doubt now that…there is a shadow government….or DEEP STATE….and the term we’ve used in our reports is CABAL. They are all the same in our mind, criminal organizations created to subvert governments, steal productivity, technological advancements and wealth from the people inhabiting this planet to enslave us all.

Share this video with all your social media contacts, send it to your elected representatives and be sure to subscribe to the White Hats Media Group YouTube channel and click the alerts button to get notified of all future videos in this series. We need to get the word out and your assistance is critical to the success of this exposure. We need to push for investigations of the Falcone and Tropos Capital thefts and the Federal Reserve fraud involving fake gold and $15 trillion that the American taxpayers are STILL funding. Trump is our best and last chance to rid the country and of the dark siders. The rest of the world looks to us to lead and we MUST meet that challenge.

NOTE: YouTube has continued its aggressive censorship campaign and if they take down our channels because we are revealing truths they wish the public to be unaware of. They are attacking channels using the subjective “hate speech” weapon, neglecting to explain the reason for censoring a video. We will notify you here if we have to move our shadow government exposure videos to Patreon and/or SubscribeStar.

White Hats Media Group YT channel:
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ॐ May Much LOVE and CHRISTS LIGHT be upon and within us all.... namasté ▲ - : )  ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯
it_is_the_light it_is_the_light Christ+Light Christ+Light  
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Australian Politics

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Re: Washington's Politicians work for the Cabal
Reply #3 - Dec 27th, 2019 at 6:48am
Might be true
Might not be true

In this world of fake news
The legitimacy of these claims counts for very little

Within five years
The technology will exist two-sample any speaker
For artificial intelligence to analyse his speech
For artificial intelligence to manufacture a video
Of him saying absolutely anything
And it will be in discernible for the viewer

So in 5 years time
It will be possible to construct a video of your political opponent declaring that he is about to increase taxes by 10% or any other falsehood you wish to propagate

Trump has been paying attention
He realised this was coming
He realised that the area of fake news and the death of the mainstream media would mean that all that counts
Is a politicians powers of persuasion
And a politicians ability through non-verbal cues to portray that he is strong confident powerful and influential

In these abilities to persuade and portray unshakable confidence
Trump is simply the superior athlete

For as long as he wishes trump will win every game he plays

The week anxious backpedaling apologetic meek harmless pandering supplicating left I have not been paying attention and are playing completely the wrong game
Hence there is no hope for them as long as trump is hosing down the world which ihis super awesome vibe
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« Last Edit: Dec 27th, 2019 at 7:39am by aquascoot »  
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