They can make it rain and thus break the engineered drought, Barny
but seeing they went to so much trouble to geoengineer the drought -- why would they undo their own work?
Why would they desist from depriving Australia of drought -- when Australia is being used (this time) to push home man made climate change. Very lucrative climate change, which will further enrich the already obscenely wealthy?
Those whom we name 'the globalists' not only want the entire world under the yoke of bullsh*t climate change acceptance -- they want utter control of the masses. And they also want a reduction of the masses
ever watched those 'The Block' type tv shows and the many spin-offs? What do they do? That's right -- they break and re-make. They smash the place up, left right and centre -- then they create 'their vision'
it always involves breaking (smashing, destroying) and re-making. They obliterate what was -- and put something else in its place
Australia has a far smaller population than California (its fires were also used to push the climate change scam) and Brazil. Australia is in the frame
(1) the world holds and idyllic vision of Australia (2) Australia is 'interesting' along with its unique wildlife and lifestyle (3) Australia is remote. It's a closed unit, surrounded by ocean and with no nosy Western media around to stick its nose into what's happening (4) Australia has a small population which is regarded by the globalists as largely uninformed. It's no California, that's for sure and has even fewer neighbouring states than Brazil, where fires were said, by that country's leader, to have been deliberately lit. So Australia has been chosen to dazzle and entrance the entire world as it blazes red in world headlines. And no pesky leader to accuse the globalists of engineering the devastating fires
Right now, Morrison is under attack from the monopoly media for failing to buckle to the climate change scam. Abbott refused to buckle also. Abbott was removed and now they're in the process of demonizing and removing Morrison. They will continue interfering in our politics UNTIL they find an Australian leader who WILL fully embrace bulls*t climate change and lick the globalist backsides
Animal deaths, human deaths, destruction of the land, of towns, of everything on the surface of Australia --- the globalists don't care. They are determined to profit and gain immense control, using bullsh*t climate change as their weapon and vehicle
The stuff with which they 'dusted' (sprayed) Australia in preparation for the planned fires is very close to the same stuff that sparklers are made from. They used the same stuff in California and Brazil. It makes for very dramatic photographs and video to beam to the world to scare them compliant
sparklers, which produce minor pyrotechnic displays. Same as was used to set Australia ablaze
and remember --- close to 90% (and even more) of the fires which have devastated Australia were deliberately lit, or the result of failure to maintain poles and wires and other infrastructure
the president of Brazil and people in California claimed their ferociously blazing fires had been deliberately lit, also. And that they blazed with an unnatural spread and fury, previously unknown. They also spoke of the unnatural winds which fanned the blazes and came out of nowhere and were like 'typhoons', 'cyclones' and 'peculiar' and 'suspicious' … just like in Australia
Same unnatural winds which get rid of rain when it's been imminent, during the past months
HAARP technology. It's been around several decades and has been used to destroy nations' crops
the US Navy boasted as far back as 1975 that it 'owned the weather'. Weather wars. They've waged weather wars before and won. They're waging weather war on Australia right now. They've given up trying to convince increasingly doubtful billions world wide. Now they're using shock and awe to break people into giving in and accepting bullsh*t climate change
there are numerous wars being waged against the world's population, simultaneously. The vaccination wars are ongoing and of course they work to an agenda. There is so much information available -- often published at the expense of the lives of those who've tried to save the world -- that there can be no doubt the bushfires and climate change are but one prong of the multi-pronged attack on the world's population
giving in to climate change will be just the first of the surrenders
hundreds of millions of deaths in the past reveal that those waging war on the world give no damns about others suffering and destruction
and I'm one of many who's seeing crisis actors being utilized now in the whore media in regard to Australia's fires
it doesn't require you or me to refuse to accept bullsh*t climate change. It only needs for Morrison (or whomever is put in as his replacement if he refuses to capitulate) to buckle to the climate change SCAM. They're pulling the floor from under Morrison right now. He buckles or he'll be removed. But the globalists are determined to win. They've had enough of waiting. They're determined to ram the climate change scam through so they can move on to the next phase of their agenda
dusted with sparkler material. They actually pay scientists to come up with these ideas. Irony being, its the public which both pays and suffers the deliberate destruction