Some Fact Checks:75-100 folks (are) killed a month and over 200 wounded by senseless gun violence."
Result: –
Mostly false
, should be per day.
"You can have an active warrant for your arrest for murder and legally pass a background check system in the state of Texas" to purchase a gun.
Result: Mostly True
Says people convicted of felonies or under restraining orders "can buy a firearm without going through a background check."
Result: True
Law-abiding gun owners stop crimes "2.5 million times a year," according to the federal Centers for Disease Control.
Result: Mostly False
They don't really know more likely half of that number.
"If you go back, you can see Wayne LaPierre, who runs the NRA, testifying in front of Congress in favor of background checks 15 or 20 years ago."
Result: True.
"Less mass shootings under Trump”
Result: Pants on fire.
"When Connecticut did licensing, their shootings dropped, their murders dropped 40%. Suicides dropped 15%."
Result: Mostly True.
In 2017, the first piece of legislation that Republicans passed "made it easier for the mentally ill to purchase guns."
Result: Half true
- It wasn’t the first legislation passed.