aquascoot wrote on Jan 4
th, 2020 at 2:31pm:
The horse bolted years ago.
This was entirely expected.
National parks like the snowy s had 10's of 1000s of cattle and wild horses til about a decade ago when the greens kicked them out.
Cattle and horses, particularly in a drought will eat everything,
You basically would have no undergrowth.
That makes fire fighting a breeze.
So every farmer I know ( who burn off annually) knew this would happen
When ?
Well at the height of summer , at the end of a drought when northerly winds picked up.
Talk about naive.
You know there is one property near me of 200 acres with a proud sign saying " private land for revegetation. It is completely covered in 6 foot high grass and weeds and saplings and some greenie has built a log type cabin up the back of it
I must take a picture of it and post it here to reveal the true dickhead pig ignorance of the urban greenie cretins.
Those same cretins who think they can divert the blame onto Scott , who has been PM for less then 1 summer
I empathise with your despair
but on the matter of those winds …..
I've been around for quite some time as have most of those with whom I associate. And we cannot remember hurricane level winds at this time of year. No, we're not senile. Winds which somehow come out of nowhere, like those in California, Brazil and se asia which also came out of nowhere, like nothing in living memory, to fan the flames of these weird fires
it's almost as if they were being generated by something, isn't it (like HAARP and other Geotech)
Australia was set up to burn ferociously this time. The temperature data has been outrageously manipulated and falsified
and you know the best part …. ?
Aussies, so often accused of apathy and I'm Alright Jack are far more informed than I could have hoped
a recent story (one of hundreds being fanned and capitalised upon for profit) in the media, re: the fires and temps and winds, etc.,
drew hundreds of responses from allegedly 'too lazy to care' Aussies
and almost to a man, they called out the fake temps, etc. and revealed a surprising awareness of geoengineering, fake climate change propaganda, etc. I was impressed and delighted by their responses
Aussies are proving a harder nut to crack than the globalists expected ! And they're hitting the keys with energy !
The media 'just happened' to be right there when the firie and woman refused to shake Scomo's hand? People all over the joint and they didn't hone in on those who did happily shake Scomo's hand
it's all set up
and a huge number of Aussies see through it