aquascoot wrote on Jan 6
th, 2020 at 9:44am:
Gnads wrote on Jan 6
th, 2020 at 9:33am:
Jasin wrote on Jan 6
th, 2020 at 9:01am:
So the people of Eden were told to evacuate to Bega via dangerous fire-prone areas of Highway for grid-locked circumstances and crowded 'shanty' congregations. Even Bega was a place that could succumb to Fire.
As Eden has a Port and with large sea-going vessels (like 3 very large Tug-Boats.
I find it hard to think this would be the best option.
Why didn't a Cruise Liner reap an opportunity for some Promo by turning up and letting weary residents enjoy a cocktail like ScoMo?
The safest place was by and on the water.
Why herd people along land where, if you watch every movie of disasters - the worse place is stuck in grid-lock (because another panic stricken driver has caused an accident again) where the danger eventually gets them.
It's obvious that the Aust Fire Service was not able to cope with such a Disaster as this. I don't blame them directly, they only had what was given to them thanks to fund-raising and ScoMo is breathing a sigh of relief that he doesn't have to pay for all this - donations will.
Our Burke & Wills mentality and attitude towards Aboriginal Fire Lore is something also that needs to change.
Thanks to Aboriginal influence at
the time in the 1800's where +50C days were plenty and of long spells - the land didn't WILDFIRE
, like what we let it become today.
Bullshit .....
Quote:Widespread bushfires occurred in Victoria in early February 1851. The height of the destruction happened on Black Thursday, 6 February 1851.
'Fires covered a quarter of what is now Victoria (approximately 5 million hectares). Areas affected include Portland, Plenty Ranges, Westernport, the Wimmera and Dandenong districts. Approximately 12 lives, one million sheep and thousands of cattle were lost'
Quote:In early 1898 fires burnt out 260,000 hectares in South Gippsland. Twelve people died and more than 2,000 buildings were destroyed (source). 1 February 1898 was labelled Red Tuesday. need a refresher - btw ..... no one was around to record any incidents of major bush fires prior to colonisation.
And I can assure you that an Aboriginal population of approx. 500,000 spread over the entire continent didn't manage it all ... with fire/ burning to prevent wildfire.
Complete fantasy.
Possibly true gnads
but we have done a lot of foolish thingsI forget the estimate on the number of
hundreds of millions of tons of lantana currently growing on the East coast of Australia
And I can tell you that in a drought lantana change into perfectly combustible undergrowth
And then we do a lot of
grazing in amongst the forestThat encourages the growth of a lot of tall rank grass
Which the stock won't eat
Whenever I drive down the coast
I am acutely aware that virtually everything growing is introduced
Noxious dries to a crisp during a drought and incredibly inflammable
So I do think things are a lot worse now
If I just abandon my property
Within 10 years it would be completely overgrown with 6 ft high super combustible rubbish plants
That seems to be what happens in a lot of our national parks nowdays and it is certainly not an improvement
No one especially me is denying we have done foolish things .... especially in regards to introduced pest weeds like lantana. I'm well aware of it's build up & combustibility.
Don't forget Prickly Pear & other cactus like Tiger Pear that have also spread, China Apple, Prickly Acacia, Camphor Laurel, Groundsel, Parthenium, Giants Rat tail Grass, Johnson Grass etc etc, ,,,,, the introduced pest plant species are too many to mention.
But surely you don't think grazing national parks or state forests was detrimental & didn't help in reducing fuel loads just because stock don't eat certain grasses when they're taller & go rank?
Your own pasture grasses will also get rank once a certain size & age .... and either needs to be grazed well down or slashed for new sweet regrowth.
When you lock up forests & national parks & don't run a sustainable management/burning program
it gets overgrown under the canopy & creates a huge combustible fuel load ... does it not?