greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 15
th, 2020 at 4:02pm:
Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 15
th, 2020 at 3:55pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 15
th, 2020 at 3:47pm:
Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 15
th, 2020 at 3:44pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 15
th, 2020 at 3:30pm:
Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 15
th, 2020 at 3:26pm:
Probably knew he was waisting his time trying to fight these fkkked up people who support it all.
Didn't want to live in a world where this messed up shyte happens.
People like
you - who call homosexuals "faggots" - probably have a lot of his blood on their hands.
Ah, yes.
The guy who killed himself was openly gay.
Bullied his whole life by homophobes like you who call homosexuals "faggots".
You, and ignorant bigots like you, are partially to blame for his death.
So he killed himself because he was gay?
Is this what you're saying?
Did you know him? Was he your
Bullying from bigots like you probably contributed to his death, yes.
Have you ever done any gay bashing?
Physical bashing, I mean - we know you like to verbally bash them, but have you ever physically beaten up someone because you didn't like their sexuality?
Young gay men take their own lives every day because of bullies like you.
I don't bash anyone Greg. Bashing is what bullies do.
I've given bullies a touch up though. You can pick the bullies from a mile.
Bullies try constantly to pick on people. Much like you do actually. Let's face're only here on this forum becuase you get a kick out of reaction. Instead of open're honed in on trying to "trigger" a reaction.
And when have I ever said I'd bash fags.
You can use a myriad of words that refer to straights to address me if you like. I do not mind. Blast away.
Why do you get offended by the term faggot?
Is it because a straight has said it. Sorta like how blacks can use the word ni gg er but other colors are totally taboo? Fags use the term faggot! Why can't I?