Gnads wrote on Feb 14
th, 2020 at 7:28am:
KangAnon wrote on Feb 13
th, 2020 at 7:57am:
Gnads wrote on Feb 13
th, 2020 at 7:30am:
KangAnon wrote on Feb 13
th, 2020 at 6:54am:
How does restricting all "Asians" from entering the country target the virus?
It doesn't.
It targets Asians.
It doesn't even target those who aren't citizens. It targets people by race no matter their right to be in the country.
You can be an Australian born Chinese for example (since it appears to the original poster, "Asian" only means "Chinese"), and they went to NZ for a holiday, the first time out of the country. They aren't allowed back home either.
The statement and sentiment needs refining because currently, it's too broad and simply racist.
But as Greggy pointed out, that's the point. That the allure of right-wing ideologies. You sheld all the complexity of the real world and replace it with one-liners that might make people feel better but won't solve or even target the stated problem, usually making a donor of the given party rich in the process.
Stop the boats.
Build the wall.
Make America Great Again.
Keep America Great Again.
All empty slogans without any detail used to dupe the stupid into reading into them what they want.
"Make America Great Again", many Trump supporters read into that "Keep Muslims out and America White".
It's clever, in the laziest of ways, but effective. I'd underestimated how many truely stupid people there are in the world, in the US.
And here.
You never isolate the source in a potential epidemic/pandemic situation do you?
So the policy should be to spread it?
Send it further afield & it should get all tuckered out & disappear ey?
You're mad as a meat ant.
No, the policy should be to target the source and limit the spread.
Targeting all Asians isn't targeting the virus.
That's the point, that's the problem with your claim.
It's not targeting where the person has come from, it's not taking into account their Australian Citizenship or Resident status, it's targeting their ethnicity which would have to be derived in large part to what they look like.
Unless you still think Asian only equals Chinese?
It's over 60% of the entire worlds population.
And if a white person has come from China, or one of the Cruise Ships that has been quarantined, they're not going to be stopped.
If you want to target the virus, target the sources of transmission and don't let those people, citizens, residents or tourists who may have come into contact with the virus enter the country by normal means and undergo a quarantine period before they can reenter with follow-ups after they have. Arm these people with the information they need to help them be responsible and reduce their contact with people even after they've left quarantine.
Restricting all "Asians" from entering the country won't do any of that. The virus is just being used as an excuse for racist backward dickheads to vocalise their deeply held prejudices and then accuse anyone who calls them out of wanting to spread the virus.
Be smart...
But let's say, since we know you're not, what you mean is, you want to limit Chinese from entering Australia. You're getting closer to something that's smart but that's still way off.
Limiting travel from China, no matter who it is, not just the "Asians", now we're getting somewhere. Until they can demonstrate that that they have the situation under control, travel from mainland China and anyone who has been there since the outbreak, or at least within the last 2 weeks, that's actually a good plan, BUT, it needs provisions so Australian residents and citizens can come home via private flights and enter quarantine.
Do you see how this is all very different from:
Bias_2012 wrote on Feb 11
th, 2020 at 8:25am:
Pauline was right, we should have stopped Australia being swamped by Asians?
Bias_2012 wrote on Feb 11
th, 2020 at 10:05am:
We should now restrict Asians coming to Australia - and that's not racist nor xenophobic, it's a practical solution for a clean and healthy Australia
Hats off to Pauline for being right
One is a practical solution that addresses the complexities of reality, the other is mouth breathing right-wing nuttery fuelling and feeding off the prejudices of others that is simply racist.