Quote:Well ScoMo won't have to worry -
he'll have a complete list of vital anti-virals saved just for him -
of course he wouldn't mention it.
The opposition wouldn't mention it either in question time because
they get the same deal.
During the last flu outbreak - 5 different chemists couldn't get me Tamiflu even though I had a script.
I found out then the Govt. had their own stockpiles.
What we need now are those very expensive and rare AIDS anti-virals for this new enemy.
They aren't mentioning that patients in hospitals now are being treated with those drugs -
it would cause panic
I remember how you were ridiculed early in the piece when you mentioned that Aids/HIV drugs were being used by Indians to combat corona
but you were right
The Indians copped it too. And they were right also and now other countries are using the same drugs effectively apparently
Yes Bob, being a politician brings with it a lot of perks and special treatment at times of crisis is one
makes sense though. Government has to have somewhere safe in which to oversee things, along with military heads, etc. I don't begrudge them that particular perk
There's a lot we don't know. We paid for it though
Years ago online, Aussies revealed oddities they'd come across during a normal day. One guy said he and his adult son were driving to Canberra. They pulled over to relieve themselves, separated by a dozen metres of scrub/bush. The son called the father over. While relieving himself, the son had noticed what appeared to be a trap door set into the side of a bank. Together, the father and son got down to it. The trap door was circular and propped half open. They peered inside, intrigued. One went back to the vehicle for a torch. Further investigation revealed a ladder which was attached to a wall, leading down from the trap-door
They went down the ladder. At the bottom was a railway line. It wasn't standard gauge. Everything seemed very clean and new. They walked along the line when both realised they felt uneasy. The father, writing online, said it then suddenly dawned on him that they might be being observed. Or the trap door could slam shut, trapping them in. Or any number of things. They retraced their steps, climbed the ladder and away from there
Father and son discussed it as they continued their drive and came to the conclusion that very probably, workmen/maintenance had been around, explaining why the trap door had been open when the pair discovered it. They doubted they'd have seen the trap door if it had been closed. It had been a freak of light which had led to the son seeing it. The door was partially obscured by the usual bushes/scrub. Closed, it most likely wouldn't have been seen. And how many members of the public would have reason to go down that bank at that particular spot in any case. How many other places like this were they, they wondered
The father, writing online a few years afterwards said he hadn't been able to stop thinking about that pristine railway line in the immaculate and new looking tunnel. He'd gone looking for it more than once but couldn't find it as most roadside bush looks much the same. He and his son had pored over maps, trying to work out where the line could have been coming from/heading to. By their reckoning, it was heading towards Canberra. Their searches for news reports of the railway line's construction and reason for existing had turned up nothing
It was an interesting thread, with others recounting oddities they'd come across, such as a plain red-brick box like structure out in a paddock and surrounded by wire fencing and locked gates out of one of those hamlets outside Canberra. It's said some guys cased it and broke in and in no time, police nabbed them, indicating sophisticated surveillance. But whilst in the building, they said one thing was for sure, it didn't conform with the notice on the fence which claimed it to be some sort of ordinary sub-station
We live on the surface. We believe 'our' government is a bunch of wanchors in suits who hang around Parliament yakking and eating well. The reality is far different and many different countries have their people here, some officially, some not. We have Pine Gap but that's not the only overseas base .. it's just the one which takes people's attention from the others
We're part of a world network of power, flying in and out of private airports as business people, tourists, etc. We go about our business and in our naivete believe 'our' Prime Minister occupies himself with petty squabbles, bush fires, items in the news, etc. He does … that's his public face, the one voters focus on, but for all we know, there may exist a shadow government which dictates the direction we and our country take in all sorts of matters. And they use secret railways and occupy subterranean offices and living quarters between flying in and out .. none of which we're privy to
ignorance is bliss
All over this country, subterranean explorers investigate structures, tunnels, caves, submarine bases sunk into the face of cliffs, etc. Some of those explorers vanish or suffer 'accidents', are injured and grow old. They hand down maps to the trusted few. Many govt. maps .. of what lies beneath Sydney for example … were stored away in WW2 and became lost forever. It's astonishing what goes on. Far different as how we'd imagine things to be. But yeah, governments have secrets and perks