Well Bobby, when you asked earlier in this thread, if the C virus could last longer than 5 days on certain surfaces, yes, up to 9 days.
Here in this link below, is a lot of very interesting information.
At 7.09 minutes, it shows a satellite image of Wuhan with elevated sulphur dioxide gas levels (you get by burning organic stuff eg: bodies)
Nowhere else is it showing elevated SO2, only in Wuhan.
Remember a discussion earlier of Wuhan having 30 furnaces going 24 hours a day? Amazing how satellites show it as it is with huge SO2 glowing image!
And at 18.0 warns this c virus is also capable of aerosol infection, which means it travels further than just a vicinity of 2 metres from a person that coughs from the infection.
This also shows how people in the new hospital are not isolated from each other, no toilets or running water, and sheets pulled over a lot of people.
Interesting point I note, is the military in their hazmat suits knocking down doors to people’s residences dragging out what looks like healthy persons.
These people have already self isolated, so the excuse of dragging people out forceably, saying they are suspected to be infected is BS. These young adults won’t be seen again.
What is happening is this virus is used as an excuse to drag out dissidents.
I bet they wish they could do that in Hong Kong!