KangAnon wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2020 at 8:43am:
Bobby. wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2020 at 7:34am:
Mr Sad,
I was prescribed Tamiflu but even 5
different chemists could not get it.
It was during a previous flu outbreak.
Apologise for calling me a liar.
I could play the game so many of those I don't agree with on here and be like "where did I say you were a liar" and then claim since I didn't use that word exactly you can't prove it blah blah but I won't do that.
Just given so many of the posts you've made to "prove" a point that has no basis in reality or in some cases don't prove your point, just mention a word in common or even disprove what you're saying, I had trouble believing your claim.
That is to say that you should still share you opinion and theories (technically hypotheses) but walk back a little from the line of claiming, without evidence, that these things "must" be.
That and the idea you needed Tamiflu means you were quite sick and nobody wants that.
So I'll cool my jets a little and while I may have some disbelief in the claim, I will apologise for the assertion that you're lying just because I have trouble believing it.
That wasn't fair and I'm sorry.
The other parts of that post, however, do you have any information that I've missed on how widespread the use is of the anti-HIV medication and a mix of Tamiflu being accepted treatments (or even separately) for COVID-19?
I've seen papers on it being used to see if it helps, but no trails or anything proving its effectiveness etc.
I accept your apology.
I have read on internet in many places
that Coronavirus patients have been given
powerful anti-viral AIDS drugs.
This could be because the doctors were doing
everything they could think of to help the patient
or maybe it's because the Coronavirus has
similar if not identical proteins to HIV.
Whether it helped or not is unknown as
obviously such action is not a double blind
scientific test.