Bobby. wrote on Mar 3
rd, 2020 at 7:20pm:
[quote author=ZXLX796 link=1579765351/1414#1414 date=1583226669]
Thanks PZ547,
it's just that I nearly died twice of the flu in the last 20 years.
I now always get the annual vaccine and when I get the flu
it lasts for 3 to 4 days instead of 6 weeks.
If anyone will die of the Corona virus it will be me -
no vaccine and it requires unavailable ant-viral drugs to cure it.
You won't get it and you won't die until it's your allotted time. It's written in advance
I've had every kind of pneumonia, but I'm still here. Climbed Mt Warning once with food for 7 of us on my back. They warned against doing anything strenuous and I had that walking-pneumonia at the time, but the climb had been arranged weeks earlier and didn't want to let the others down
another time I contracted what was described as 'emotional pneumonia'. It was one of the worst. Had hives and my hair fell out at the same time, lost ton of weight. Went with a family group on a beachside holiday. Could barely breathe. Was so bad I had to keep walking outside, far from the house, in order to get some of it up. Two weeks of lying almost upright, no sleep. On the beach trying to play volley ball and act normal. It was over Christmas. When the doctor finally reopened, he was rolling his eyes, saying I had to go to hospital immediately and how he couldn't believe I was actually alive. He said the 'envelopes' around my lungs (I didn't know they existed) were crap filled with crap and I should be dead. Told him I couldn't go to hospital because I had to drive back home tomorrow so the kids could get back to school. I went back to work. It went away in time
had it heaps of times since then. It goes away eventually. And I still power walk every day and return carrying enough stuff to break a donkey
I always make a point of humming as I walk up the hill. As long as I can hum, I can breathe and things are still working
but years ago, a credentialed wise man guru told me, 'You'll be here at the end'. I said I didn't want to be here at the end. He replied that nor did he, but that's how it would be. I asked how he knew. He pointed out some lines on my hand. He had them too, same ones. Apparently, they're on the hands of those '
who will be here at the end'
so if I'm not posting in weeks to come, it will mean I've carked it which will mean it is the end
until that happens, you have no need to worry
Try this:
say it as often as you remember to do it
and at night as you're falling asleep
and in the morning when you're just waking up
and any time in between
After a while, the message will have carved new pathways in your brain, after which your brain will adopt it and it will re-programme you and work for you constantly and automatically, night and day, all the time
* I constantly heal and repair myself
* Bobby constantly heals and repairs himself
* People are saying that Bobby constantly heals and repairs himself
* My body constantly heals and repairs itself
say each at least three times each because different people respond to different ways of hearing it in their mind. You might be more sensitive to what other people say. Or you might feel referring to yourself as Bobby is more effective for you. Try them all out. You'll land on the one that feels best
If you're stuck for time, stick to
'my body constantly heals and repairs itself'
'I constantly heal and repair myself'
Embed it. Then you have your own personal miracle maker inside you, working for you and keeping you healthy no matter what assails you
mind over matter
You are merely matter -- bone, flesh and the rest
The Mind is out there, connected to the Source
Mind is stronger than Matter
Be your own healer
then nothing can touch you
and pray. Stay in touch with Source. Ask forgiveness because we're none of us living perfect lives or thoughts or intentions
be humble
be ready to die
don't fear death. It's a release from this dimension and from a life that probably doesn't make you all that happy anyway
and laugh. Find something to make you laugh and laugh at the absurdity of what we are and all the crap we spout and stupid things we do
Laughter is medicine
Keep your eyes on the sun and let the shadows fall behind you
this is all just a dream
don't let it suck you in
keep laughing, keep healing yourself via your Mind, keep your face turned toward the sun
Feel strong. Tell yourself you're strong. And try to stay away from doctors because they don't always know best and will confide they only got to spend two hours on this or that during their studies. They wing it. A doctor told me on the eve of his retirement that it was well known that doctors could 'fix' only three out of ten patients. Then he laughed and said to me, 'And no one knows how we even manage that'