John Smith wrote on Mar 19
th, 2020 at 9:10am:
aquascoot wrote on Mar 19
th, 2020 at 7:23am:
This was always to be expected
it's a shame that the western world is now led by a bunch of pansies
Bedwetters and fear mongers
the longer this goes on the more it appears the death rate for people under the age of 60 is 0.1%
That's the same as the flu
The response should have been
Old people stay in your homes and watch days of our lives
Everyone else
Back to work you bunch of pussies
Instead we have strong young athletes like the AFL and the NRL saying they will shut down the game if one player gets a runny nose
It's a national disgrace
Hard to believe these are the same Anzacs that went over the top and World war 1 at Gallipoli and the Somme
China is back to work
Australia looks like it is going into a deep deep deep recession for 12 months
I beg our Chinese Neighbours to buy every bit of land and business which will be sold off at bargain basement prices thanks to our pussy politicians
The sooner we get some real men running the country
I e our Noble Chinese overlords the better
you really are clueless .... read the article in the link spot put up above, look at the maths involved, and then maybe you'll begin to understand exactly why it's a problem.
not clueless at all.
south korea detected 5000 cases in under 30 yo and not a single death.
and that was the SYMPTOMATIC young people.
you could probably say that maybe another 5000 OR MORE had it so mildly that they never got tested.
so maybe 15000 young people and not a single death.
that makes it way milder then measles, chickenpox, the seasonal flu, whooping cough.
the idea that we close down schools and sports when this is SUCH A MILD DISEASE in young people is INSANE.
there will be MANY MANY more deaths due to the mental health effects of our bed wetting leaders causing young people to become even more terrified and suicidal.
absolutley gutless misguided and child abusive stuff from our leaders .
pretending they care whilst inducing a national panic to protect old farts