Bobby. wrote on Mar 28
th, 2020 at 3:42pm:
I’ve become paranoid about the virus –
when I go to the supermarket –
it’s almost as if I can feel & detect the disease everywhere.
Am I going insane?
How about asking instead, you feel suspicious of everyone as potentially having the c-virus to which your “fight or flight” instincts come to reason?
A friend has had respiratory problems for 2 months as it went from one different diagnosis to another.
1st Pleurisy
Then Pneumonia
Now it’s bronchitis.
(Not covid-19) just co-incidental timing!
Finally on right medication and starting to improve.
As he and his wife go to respiratory specialists, were told, to just suspect that everyone has covid-19 as a measure to keep distant and safe from people.
They have 5 grandchildren and have isolated themselves from all their family members. All phone conversations for now.
So the point I’m getting at, is to just suspect anyone and everyone.
Supermarkets have been areas of concern as shoppers congregate, and those aisles are not wide enough for the distancing rule.
One coming the other way towards you and passed you, is not 1.5 metres apart. And if you both want to buy similar products from a shelf?
I was watching grieving videos of family members in England, talking about their mid age to elderly mothers that died from the virus.
One broken hearted son, talking about how his mother (looked to be late 50s age) went out only to supermarket, for one hour.
And that’s how she caught it.
Remember, that this virus stays on plastic and metal surfaces for days.
Re: shopping bags. Since the plastic ones get handled by check out, and his/her hands have been handling all food products handled by other shoppers, is it any wonder now they say you need to handle and pack your own? Never had a self serve check out had more appeal!
I donned the plastic bags for nylon washable bags instead.
The message, hoards of customers are going to supermarkets, continually, like an only outlet or outings.
It will be the place most likely to catch it!
Avoid as much as possible or else take extreme measures!
So Bobby, your paranoia is justified.