Carolus Rex
Junior Member
Australian Politics
Posts: 58
Gnads wrote on Feb 7 th, 2020 at 7:27am: Carolus Rex wrote on Feb 6 th, 2020 at 12:43pm: Redmond Neck wrote on Feb 6 th, 2020 at 11:53am: Carolus Rex wrote on Feb 6 th, 2020 at 10:28am: How typical another leftist who goes on cruises, a complete luxury, when on the hand claim they care about the oceans and the environment. Have yet to find any of them not be a complete hypocrite when it comes to the environment. I'm a right winger and you know the last time I contributed to air or ocean emissions? Back in 1999 when I travelled to Thailand. People on the right care about the environment more than leftists do, we just do it quietly, rather than talk a bunch of poo on social media on one hand, yet in practice, do the opposite Well your a friggin hero ! Perhaps you can show some of my massive number of posts on the environment, if you can find one! I guess you on your high horse are really on the dole and couldnt afford a decent holiday if you wanted to. IDIOT!!!! I've worked hard all my life never taken a cent in welfare so that point is a big fail. No, I just don't see the point in wasting my money for a luxury I don't need or care for. Just purchased a $6600 laptop so money certainly isn't my problem, I could very easily afford to go overseas, I just choose not to. Anyone who votes for labor/greens has no right to call anyone an idiot btw You know what they say ... a fool & his money? Anyway not counting software, I didn't know they could stick that much value in gear into a laptop. Can you ride it downtown? Does it do dishes or vacuum? Is it your special friend in bed? I know its expensive, its only thing of great expense that ive spent on myself in several years. Been putting money aside for most of that time to be able to afford to spend that sort of money on it. Could've probably anyway from my bank account, but paying for a mortgage, utilities, power bills as well as groceries etc were always more important to me, like for most people on here. I know its a complete luxury, but like I mentioned earlier to Redmond, tech is something ive always had a passion for (this laptop will last me years as well), and compared to how much apple want for there criminally overpriced MacBook pro 16" which is similarly priced but have far inferior hardware parts inside of it, made it a fair bit easier to justify. The i9-9900k cpu is worth around $800, the ram about $700, the m.2 raid 1TB SSD about $300 and the gpu, the rtx 2080 8gb in it, is worth around $1200 if you were to buy the parts separately. I know I wont convince you but hopefully you might now kinda understand my point of view and why I spent so much on it. Already have a decent car so don't really need to spend anything on that. I do a fair bit of 4k video editing and protools for mixing music as a hobby when I have some spare time. Some people like to spend their money on holidays, others on rare HQ Toranas, and others on a $7000 flat screen tv so they can watch Karl Stefanovic talk crap in OLED colour in 8k. I only have a cheapish tv which is a good 3 years old already, and could never justify spending more than $1500 or so on a TV anyway so horses for courses I guess